Chapter 13: Nisaki's Cries For Naruto

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A/N - Ahhhhhjkjkkhhhhhkjjj! Guys, we did it! 500 THOUSAND READS on Light in You! Half a MILLION reads! That's crazy!!! I do have some new fanart to share with y'all in celebration of this milestone.

A/N - Ahhhhhjkjkkhhhhhkjjj! Guys, we did it! 500 THOUSAND READS on Light in You! Half a MILLION reads! That's crazy!!! I do have some new fanart to share with y'all in celebration of this milestone

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This was made by LenaCringe on Deviantart/Instagram

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This was made by LenaCringe on Deviantart/Instagram.

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Chapter 13: Nisaki's Cries For Naruto

"WAAAAAH! WAAAAAH!" Nisaki screamed at the top of her lungs as Nia was on the phone with Naruto, who was on a mission.

"Baby, I'm telling you... she's absolutely FURIOUS that you're not here," Nia told the blond.

"But it's only been two hours. How is she already screaming?" Naruto questioned.

"She started crying within the first few minutes of you leaving and I still can't calm her down after two hours. She's so angry! Fists curled, red in the face, and kicking everywhere!"

"How's Naruta?"

"She started getting upset because of how loud Nisaki was so I put her in a more quiet room."

"Daddy's baby is so upset..."

"Naruto, I literally don't know what to do."

"Here... put me on the phone with Nisaki."


"Put the phone next to her ear."

"Okay, baby," Nia replied and did as told.

"Nisaki... this is daddy," Naruto spoke to the baby. "Your mommy's been telling me about your temper tantrum since your daddy left."

"Waaah!" Nisaki still sobbed, though more quietly. She could hear who was talking to her.

"Beautiful, daddy wants you to quit the tears. He's on a very important mission and I know it may have seem like he lied to you yesterday, saying he wasn't gonna leave you for two weeks, but just know daddy only left so he can get the money he needs to take care of you, ya know."

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