Chapter 36: The Babies Kidnapped

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A/N - Hey guys! Welcome back! If you've noticed Cursed Beauty is no longer on here, it's cause I deleted it. I say why in my message board so if you're curious, check there. I believe I'm in the middle of writing a different book.

Also, NEWS! At the end of this chapter there is a NARUNIA ANIMATED EDIT! Yes! NaruNia fanart has been ANIMATED! If you'd like to watch, go to my ending Author's note.

Anyway please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 36: The Babies Kidnapped

The morning sun rose gently over the forest, casting a warm golden hue that painted the treetops and forest floor alike

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The morning sun rose gently over the forest, casting a warm golden hue that painted the treetops and forest floor alike. Naruto and Nia emerged from their tent, their movements slow and deliberate, a stark contrast to the urgency that awaited them. Naruta and Nisaki, their twins, cooed softly in their makeshift crib nearby, seemingly oblivious to the tension that hung in the air.

Shikamaru was already up, his back against a tree as he studied a map spread out on the ground before him. He glanced up as Naruto and Nia approached, his expression serious but composed.

"Morning," Shikamaru greeted them quietly, folding the map with deliberate care. "We've got a plan."

Naruto nodded, his mind already shifting to the task at hand. "What's the situation?"

Shikamaru gestured to the map, indicating a marked location not far from their current position. "The rogue ninja are holed up in an abandoned village about two miles north of here. According to the latest intel, there are at least a dozen of them, possibly more. They're armed and preparing for an attack."

Nia's brow furrowed with concern as she studied the map. "Any idea what their objective is?"

Shikamaru shook his head grimly. "Not yet. But considering their numbers and their recent activities, it's safe to assume they pose a significant threat to nearby villages and potentially to Konoha itself."

Naruto clenched his fists, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. "Then we can't afford to waste any more time. We need to move out, gather more intel if possible, and neutralize the threat before they can strike."

Shikamaru nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We'll proceed cautiously and maintain radio silence until we're in position."

Nia glanced at Naruto, her expression determined. "We're with you, Naruto. Let's do this."

It happened in an instant—Naruto had just adjusted his pack, Nia was securing a strap on her gear, and Shikamaru was double-checking their supplies. The tranquility shattered with a sudden rush of movement, barely registered by their trained senses.

Naruto's heart clenched with primal fear as he turned to see a shadowy figure darting towards their campsite. Before anyone could react, the rogue ninja snatched Naruta and Nisaki from their crib and disappeared into the trees with unnatural speed.

"NARUTA! NISAKI!" Nia's anguished cry pierced the air, her hand reaching out instinctively towards her daughters.

"DADDY'S ANGELS!" Naruto's mind whirled with a torrent of emotions—fear, anger, helplessness—all surging through him as he processed the shock of their daughter being taken right before their eyes. Without a moment's hesitation, he lunged after the rogue ninja, his heart pounding with urgency.

Shikamaru reacted swiftly, his years of tactical training kicking in as he followed Naruto, his mind already calculating their next moves. "Naruto, Nia, follow me!" he commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Naruto's legs pumped with adrenaline as he pursued the rogue ninja through the dense underbrush, branches snapping in his wake. Nia was close behind, her desperation lending her speed and agility as she kept pace with Naruto.

The rogue ninja's laughter echoed mockingly through the forest, his taunts fueling Naruto's rage. "I've got the hero of the world's babies! Now we can pressure him into anything!"

"You won't get away with this!" Naruto shouted, his voice strained with fury and determination.

The rogue ninja glanced over his shoulder, a smirk twisting his features. "Oh, but I already have, hero," he sneered, his pace quickening as he leaped effortlessly from tree to tree.

Naruto gritted his teeth, his muscles burning with exertion as he pushed himself harder. He couldn't afford to lose sight of the twins, not when their lives was on the line.

As they closed in on a clearing, the rogue ninja abruptly changed tactics. With a malicious grin, he tossed Naruta high into the air, intending to use her as a shield against Naruto's pursuit. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Naruta's tiny form arced through the air, her cries piercing through Naruto's soul.


"NOOOOO!" Nia's agonized scream tore through the forest, her heartrending cry echoing Naruto's own despair.

"NARUTAAA!" In a desperate surge of chakra-fueled speed, Naruto pushed his limits, his arms outstretched towards Naruta. With an anguished roar, he lunged forward, his fingertips brushing against her small body just as gravity took hold. Naruta plummeted towards the ground, her cries echoing in Naruto's ears.

Instinct took over as Naruto twisted his body in midair, catching Naruta in his arms with a desperate strength born of love and fear. He rolled with the impact, shielding her fragile form with his own as they landed safely amidst the forest floor.

Nia's breath hitched as she reached them, her hands trembling as she gathered Naruta into her embrace, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, Naruta, my baby," she whispered hoarsely, pressing kisses against her daughter's tear-streaked cheeks.

Relief flooded Naruto's heart as he held Nia and Naruta close, their family reunited in the aftermath of terror. But their ordeal wasn't over yet—Nisaki was still in the hands of the rogue ninja, and they couldn't rest until she was safely back with them.

"Naruto!" Nia wept. "Nisaki! He's still got our little girl with him!"

"Damn it! I know. He's not gonna get away with this! I'm gonna kill him for taking our baby girl, ya know!" Naruto said urgently, his voice thick with emotion as he looked to Shikamaru for guidance.

Shikamaru nodded grimly, his jaw set with determination. "Let's track him down. We won't stop until we bring Nisaki back."

And so, they continued to chase after the shinobi. Naruto and Nia's hearts plunged with an undeniable ache as they thought of what that ninja could possibly do to their baby girl. Where was he taking her? Why did he have to involve their angels like that? Surely, they didn't think they were just gonna get away with that, did they? No. They were gonna pay... and dearly so.


A/N - That's the end of that! I hope you guys enjoyed. I'm sorry for taking down Cursed Beauty but I had to. There's is something I wanna show you. It involves ACTUAL NaruNia ANIMATED FOOTAGE.

Here it is:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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