Chapter 22: Naruto Goes Behind Nia's Back To Speak With Hinata

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A/N - Hey guys! NEWS NEWS NEWS! There is a NEW NARUNIA AU FANFIC STORY OUT! It's a bittersweet, tragic romance story.

It's name? Dear Beloved: Letters Across Multiverse

Here is the cover and summary:

In a tragic alternate timeline where Nia Umino is left by herself following the death of her boyfriend, Naruto Uzumaki, in his final showdown against Sasuke Uchiha, Nia is in shambles and miserable over her loss

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In a tragic alternate timeline where Nia Umino is left by herself following the death of her boyfriend, Naruto Uzumaki, in his final showdown against Sasuke Uchiha, Nia is in shambles and miserable over her loss. One day, her guardian mark responds to her heartache and a celestial being comes forth, telling her that though her universe's Naruto's life was cut short, there would be a chance for her to regain him back. The only challenge? The new Naruto will be from another parallel universe in which he and Nia never met, yet alone, that Nia exists in.

The celestial being informs Nia that though it's possible to reunite with Naruto of the other universe, she must win his heart... without ever physically interacting with him. Nia, in a last ditch effort, comes up with an idea to write him letters, from the time of his birth, all the way to when he was fated to die in her universe. The time-traveling letters to Naruto end up scattered across various moments in his past. Naruto must piece together the fragments of their love story and face a dilemma: embrace the love Nia shares with him, knowing that it defies the laws of time... or let her go to ensure the stability of his timeline.

Read as their bond culminates in a heart-wrenching decision that will shape both their destinies.


Yep! That's the whole summary. It sounds heartbreaking to me but what's even more heartbreaking isn't the fact that the FIRST chapter is already out, but that it's named: THE DEATH OF NARUTO 💔

If you're interested in reading, it's on my profile on here. Please be sure to leave some comments and vote on there. Please lmk what you think of it!

As for this chapter... oop 👀 what's Hinata doing here?

Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 22: Naruto Goes Behind Nia's Back To Speak With Hinata

"Yeah, like, I don't understand why Nia is so insecure about herself. I mean I get and understand that she was bullied for her looks for the majority of her life, but I wish she'd see that she, herself, is absolutely beautiful. I think she's pretty and even though she's not fit like the rest of you girls, it doesn't mean I love her any less or see her differently," Naruto complained to Hinata as they sat on a bench outside his and Nia's home. "I just wish Nia would see herself the way I see her, ya know?"

"I hear you, Naruto..." Hinata had her hands in her lap. "But tell me something... I heard from the others you plan to marry her, right?"


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