Chapter 30: Nia's Trust In Naruto

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Haaah, I was getting ready to post this chapter but then the rude person I was telling y'all about a day or two ago started trying to come at me in the comment section yapping her mouth saying all this nonsense that "omg it's so obvious Nia's a self insert" and "You're so pathetic for having beef with Hinata" like Guuuuuuuurl... UH-UH 🤣

First of all, I NEVER hid the fact that Nia is a self insert... congratulations for figuring that out, though. Want a cookie? 🍪

In all seriousness tho, idk what it is but people act like they haven't read the fact that I stated time after time after TIME that Nia is based off me from when I was a TEENAGER LOL. And not only that, but her character flaws are EXAGGERATED! Just like most of the characters in this fanfic are! From Kiba being a douche, Naruto being very sexual at times, Hinata being extremely jealous... like c'mon now everyone... you gotta be slow to not have noticed by now I exaggerate the hell out of characters on this fanfic LOL

People be taking Nia TOO SERIOUSLY. Like thinking just bc she's inspired by me means that EVERYTHING ABOUT HER IS ME! Like NOOOOOO. She is NOT! I wrote this story at SIXTEEN! I am TWENTY FIVE! I've changed over the last 9 freaking years. Of course I'm not exactly like Nia anymore 🤣 anyone who reads this story and knows me personally will tell you that. Are there similarities, yes, but to say her and my flaws are the EXACT same is just ridiculous. For you to read this story and assume I'm EXACTLY like Nia is retarded, I'm sorry. When people write self inserts, they either write them TOO perfect or they write them to be a very flawed version of themselves.

Nia's looks are similar to mine, yes but her personality? Chile... pls.

As for the Hinata comment? Girl, I am a grown freakin woman. Why the hell would I waste my breath seething with hatred for a anime girl? Like be freaking fr rn LOL she was acting like I'm ready to cut Hinata head off. The Hinata Nia issue in the fanfic is CLEARLY FOR DRAMA, ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Like girl- bye. Stop taking things so seriously with my fanfics. Eat a freaking snickers.

Yes, I don't favor Hinata bc I feel she is very unrealistic with how actual women act, but I am NOT just laying in bed 24/7 thinking, "oh I hate that hoe so much! I'm gonna cut her head off and-" like chile- LOL you really thought you ate with that comment 🤣🤣🤣

Ain't no one beating herself up over a freaking anime girl lol and even if I were to, mind your own got damn business 🤣 that ain't for you to worry about.

Anywho, from now on, everyone who leaves hateful comments are completely blocked. There's a difference between giving criticism and being a bih. That girl was definitely a bih and now that I think about it... I guarantee you she must've clearly been a fourteen year old little girl. I'm no longer wasting my breath on her or children like her. Go get your bottle and suck on your binky lol


ANYWHO, before she so rudely commented, I was gonna give an update to you all who don't know that I've adjusted the summary of book to be more about NaruNia's family life. A few people wanted to know when the moon mission was taking place and unfortunately I failed to let you all know properly that this book is mainly about the babies growth and NaruNia troubled relationship involving Hinata and other stuff. The moon mission will happen, but only at end of story since writing it should take no more than about 10-15 chapters. It's gonna be very short.

I'm sorry to all those who have felt misled as that was not what I was intending to do to y'all. I've always planned for moon mission to happen as a book finale and for the book to be about NaruNia family life. If you decide you no longer want to read, that's fine, but I hope you all will stay anyway.

And I apologize for getting into it with a reader. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a reader who is very disrespectful for absolutely no reason. People only commenting to trash the book is just ridiculous and their ridiculous hatred for me is complete nonsense. Like they don't even know me, but like I said, those people will be blocked and deleted from now on. I want y'all to know you can give feedback and criticism but there's a kind way to do that without being rude and disrespectful to the author and story they've made.

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