Chapter 16: Nia's and Hinata's Fiery Tension

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Chapter 16: Nia's and Hinata's Fiery Tension

"Nia, you won't let go, beautiful," Naruto said as Nia held onto him just as they were about to leave the house.

"Baby, I just wanna hold you right now. Isn't that... okay?" Nia gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, gorgeous," the blond blushed before pressing her closer to him.

For a couple minutes, they stayed in the other's embrace. Afterward, Naruto kissed Nia's forehead.

"Okay beautiful, we really should get going now. Our friends are waiting."

The sound of heels clacking alerted the couple. They looked to their left and saw as Tsunade stood in the hallway with Shizune, carrying the twins.

"Naruto's right, you know," Tsunade spoke. "You two are very lucky that Shizune and I have time to babysit while you hang out with your friends. You really should be on your way."

"Agreed. You two enjoy your day together," Shizune smiled.

"Thank you Granny Tsunade and Shizune. We'll be sure to have fun," Naruto reassured them.

"Yes," Nia bowed. "And again, thanks for watching our girls for us."

"No problem. Now hurry along now," Tsunade said.

"See you!" Naruto waved as he opened the door for Nia and walked out after her, closing the door behind him.

They walked, hand in hand to where everyone was meeting up at the barbecue restaurant. When they made it there, their friends were all waiting for them.

"There you two are!" Sakura beamed.

"Yeah. What took so long, you guys?" Ino questioned.

"Sorry, we got caught up trying to find someone to babysit our girls," Naruto rubbed the back of his head.

Nia payed little attention to what Naruto said as her eyes immediately focused on Hinata, who was to the left of Sakura. Immediate she made a face.

What is she doing here? I told everyone that I don't wanna hang around her anymore. And I especially don't want her near my hero.

Nia looked her up and down. Hinata appeared as beautiful as ever in her new gear. She showed a lot more skin and her curves were notable. Nia also wore new gear which consisted of a pink elbow-length sleeved jacket with black shorts, fishnet panty hose and long, black sandals. Her hair was now styled into a single, spaced out bun at the top of her head and she still wore her usual glasses.

Both of them appeared older than before. They were now young adults. No longer children. The same was said... for everyone else. They all appeared more mature and wore new gear.

"Glad you two made it here just in time," Shikamaru approached the couple.

"Yes! We're so happy we're all now reunited!" Lee exclaimed, grinning.

"Maybe we should get to eating now?" Choji said. "This barbecue isn't gonna eat itself, you know."

"All right then!" Naruto raised his fist in the air. "Time to chow down, ya know!"

The group would go to sit down. The boys were at one table while the girls were at the other.

"Nia, maybe you should sit away from Hinata, okay?" Tenten had Nia sit at the right end while Hinata sat on the opposite side.

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