Chapter 18: Sexy Time 😉

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A/N - Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter. The sketch of NaruNia that I showed last chapter, has been colored

 The sketch of NaruNia that I showed last chapter, has been colored

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What do you think of it???

I'm trying to find something creative to do for NaruNia but I can't seem to find anything. I do kinda wanna ask people if they wanna make an edit of NaruNia but idk if anyone really knows how to do one, let alone a decent one lol but if you do, I'd love to see your edit. I can provide you the fanart and you can do the rest. I think it'd be interesting to share.

Anyway, please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 18: Sexy Time 😉

"Baby, I love you," Nia mumbled as Naruto held her close to his chest. They were in their bedroom with the babies.

"Yes, I know, beautiful. You've been telling me all day," the blond smiled.

"But I just can't help but keep saying it."

"Oh sweet Nia..."

"Oh honeybun..."

Naruto squeezed her.

"You're too cute. You can't help but to love your hero."

"Because he's just too amazing," Nia said.

Naruto rubbed her head.

"But... I do feel sad about something," Nia pulled away and looked Naruto in the eye.

"You can talk to me about anything, gorgeous," the blond replied.

Nia sighed.

"Well... I was thinking of... when you had feelings for Sakura a long while ago."

"Hm? What about it?"

"I just... remember... how much your crush on her used to hurt me."

"Oh Nia..." Naruto kissed Nia's head. "That's all in the past. No need to bring it up, ya know."

"I know but it's just that... I really loved you, Naruto. Back then... in those days."

"?" Naruto blushed.

Nia reddened and looked away from him.

"I mean... you were always a special person to me... even before we got together. When I would tell you that I love you... I always meant it in a romantic way... not a friendship sorta way, baby."

"N-Nia..." Naruto's blush deepened as he stared at the girl.

Nia's face grew warm.

"I loved my hero so much... even though he didn't love me back."

"Don't say that... he loved you... he just didn't understand in what way at the time, ya know?"

Steam slowly poured out of Nia's burning face.

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