Chapter 10: Nia's Pregnancy Weight Gain

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A/N - Hey guys! Back with another update. Sorry that my chapters are way shorter than they used to be back then but it's just easier for me to manage these days.

Please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 10: Nia's Pregnancy Weight Gain

"Goodness, I didn't get any sleep last night, ya know," Naruto yawned as he laid in bed, his eyes red.

"Me neither," Nia was breastfeeding Nisaki. "The babies were up all night crying."

"Daddy's angels were so upset."

"I don't know why they were crying. We tried everything with them."

"Well, at least they're calm now. They're enjoying their milk right now."

"I just can't believe that they're two weeks old now."

Naruto smiled.

"They're still so tiny, sweetheart."

"Nisaki only likes me holding her when I feed her," Nia pouted.

"I'm sure she loves her mommy. She's just a little fussy without her daddy, ya know," Naruto replied.


After finishing feeding the twins, the couple burped them then placed them back in their cribs.

"Everyone's gotten the chance to see our little girls now, right?" Nia questioned.

"Yes," Naruto nodded. "Everyone except erm... Hinata."

Nia rolled her eyes.

"She's not allowed to be by our little girls."

Naruto sighed.


"No. I don't wanna hear it, baby. I don't care if you've been friends since childhood. She's trying to have you for herself. I don't like her."

"She's not doing anything like that, ya know."

"Naruto, you can stay blinded by the truth all you want, but I don't want Hinata around this family," Nia was stern.

"Okay, whatever... How about we take the babies outside?"

Nia hopped out of bed, wearing a nightgown. Naruto stared.

"Uzumaki? Is something... the matter?" Nia asked.

"Sweetheart, don't take this the wrong way. You look absolutely beautiful, but I have noticed that ever since you've been pregnant, you have... gained a bit of weight."

"!" Nia's heart shattered upon hearing his words.

Immediately, tears filled her eyes.

"What do you mean by that, Uzumaki?" she croaked.

"No... no... wait," Naruto wrapped his arms around her.

"Are you trying to call me fat?" Nia started crying. "After I just went through immense pain giving birth to our little girls?"

"Sweetheart, that's not it at all..." Naruto pressed her close to him. "I'm not calling you fat or anything."

"Waaaah!" Naruta would cry after hearing Nia's own sobbing and because her sister was crying, Nisaki let out a bigger cry.


"Oh no..." Naruto went to pick up each twin in his arms, still keeping Nia close to him. "Not all three of my beautiful girls crying..."

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