Chapter 12: Naruto's Mission

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A/N - Hey guys! I've been trying to give you the chapters when I can. Also, if you didn't see my previous post, I mentioned that I might ost my new original story, Beautifully Enough, where a female burn victim finds solace in singing and posts a video of her talent online, managing to receive a comment from her most favorite youtuber, Nicholas Carter, and decides on how she should thank him... personally.

The cast and preview of chapter on is posted on my other account, TaniaJanae923 and if people express enough interest, I'll probably publish it on there. If not, I'll keep working on it secretly and query it after the manuscript is complete.

Anyway please remember to leave some comments, vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 12: Naruto's Mission

"Look... how pretty you are, sweetheart," Naruto said as he and Nia stared into their bathroom mirror.

"Oh Naruto..." Nia blushed.

"You don't even realize how beautiful you are."

"I think... I'm pretty!" the girl blurted.

Naruto's eyes widened.

"Ehhhh?! Did I hear you right?!" he gasped.

Nia blinked.



"Do you realize how amazing that is?! For once, you didn't call yourself ugly, ya know!"

"It's because... I've been serious about practicing calling myself pretty and beautiful every day, Uzumaki."

"Oh Nia... I'm so proud of you."

Naruto gave a kiss to her forehead and sat her atop the sink counter.

"You really are a beautiful woman. Pretty..." he told her.

"Oh baby, I'm doing my best to believe and find my confidence. I'm tired of listening to everyone calling me ugly and believing them."

"You were never ugly. The women were jealous of you cause you're naturally pretty and the men were mad and insecure cause they know they can't have you."

"They hate me cause I'm pretty and they can't admit to it," Nia smiled.

Naruto returned the expression.

"Yes, sweetheart. That's exactly it. They can't stand the fact that you're beautiful and they're sure gonna hate you even more when they see your newfound growing confidence. All they ever wanted to do was beat your self esteem down cause they're insecure and hate their own selves. They want you to go down with them, but the thing is, even when they knock you down... you get back up. You're so pretty that it intimidates them."

"I'm beautiful," Nia declared.

Naruto kissed her.

"Yes... yes you are."

"Naruto, I don't ever wanna feel bad about the way I look. I think the reason everyone picked on me was cause they were jealous and in denial of how pretty I am."

"That's my woman! You tell 'em!"

"I'm beautiful and you all are just jealous..."


"I'm beautiful and you all are just jealous!"



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