Chapter 5: Naruto's and Nia's Tears 😭

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A/N - Hey guys! Well, originally this chapter was gonna be a lighthearted one but then as I was writing it, it became more of an emotional one.

This chapter also explains something about Nia that readers have been wondering about for YEARS.

Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 5: Naruto's and Nia's Tears 😭

"Naruta... Nisaki..." Nia spoke to her twins as they were in their baby swings. "Daddy's outside training. Mommy's in here to watch over you babies."

She pinched their cheeks.

"Mommy's angels are so cute."

She then sighed.

"Darlings... I sure am glad that it seems to me you favor Naruto more. I mean you two are a darker shade than him thanks to me which isn't bad, but I'm so glad your facial features resembles his more. I can already tell you babies are pretty."

Nia looked to the full length mirror to her right, leaning against the wall.

"You see... mommy was hoping you wouldn't end up looking like her. Growing up, your mommy has suffered a lot due to her looks. Constantly getting picked on, made fun of, ridiculed, shunned, insulted, laughed at, mocked, talked about... all everyone around her saw... was just her appearance. No one cared to even get to know a single thing about her or what she liked or how or who she was as a person. It was always... does she look hot or ugly today? It was always... is she pretty?"

Nia stared in the mirror.

"For a long time, I've struggled with my self esteem. I always thought I was this hideous, ugly, fat, worthless, disgusting piece of garbage... because... that's what everyone told me I was... treated me like I was. So many times I had wished I was dead or that I never existed or that the world was better off without me. I was very depressed and felt SO unimportant. Everything I would try or say, I would fail or people would just laugh at me. I was the kid who got laughed at simply just walking passed people on the streets... insulted... belittled... degraded."

Nia paused.

"I just... wanted to be accepted. I just wanted someone to care about me. I just wanted someone to love me for ME. Not what I looked like, whether that be ugly or hot, but for me! My heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Everything that I was, everything that I stand for. I wanted to be loved and accepted for who I was completely."

The babies made noises as Nia talked to them.

"Mommy would love you regardless of what you look like, but... she doesn't want you babies to suffer the same way she has. To have your appearance be the tie that determines your worth. No one should be judged or made fun of solely based on their appearance. There's way more to someone than just how they look. That doesn't mean that people have to be forced to date people they're not attracted to, but that they should understand there's more to someone than just how pretty or unattractive their outward features are and that regardless of your looks, everyone should be treated with respect and kindness."

Nia lowered her eyes, in thought of her own suffering.

"Wasaaaaah!" A sudden cry pierced her ears.

She saw as tears flowed down Naruta's cheeks.

"Oh baby girl!" she picked her up and patted her back.

Because her sister was crying, Nisaki started crying too.

"Mommy's babies..." Nia picked her up as well.

She rocked the twins in her arms.

"Mommy wants to cry too out of frustration, but she has to stay strong for you two."

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