71|Guitar lessons

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Riley's POV
Me and Wanda are cuddled up on Wanda's bed watching some random film. Wanda is half asleep so isn't really paying much attention to the TV. While I am still processing the idea that I am actually getting adopted. It feels so weird to say out loud, that I actually have a proper family again. A family that is already apart of my Avengers family. A family that accepts me, truly accepts, not just tolerates, accepts. I think I am going to school next week as well. Tony sorted it out with the school. He got Clint to phone in as no one would recognise his voice, but had apparently written Clint as script to read from. I think Clint did lots of improvising.

I am unsure how I feel about school. I am slightly looking forward to going back and being able to see Ned and MJ more but I don't like the commitment that school brings and the added pressure, along with the stupidly long homework assignments. but I know its something I want to complete. I want to finish school. I will probably not take my education any further but I do want to finish it. I doubt I would be capable of taking my eduction with how much has happened in my life but I probably could if I really wanted to.

I know that later today i do have to make an appearance at Capital Hill along with the announcement of my joining the avengers, which kept getting postponed. That is just stressing me out. I really don't want to have to stand in front of people while they talk about me and take pictures, I use hate the idea of that. Tony, Bucky, Steve and Nat are going with me. Wanda wanted to but couldn't go, and I knew she didn't really want to go and be around so many people, so if she was allowed to go I would have tried to persuade her not to.

I can't get myself to rest, my mind wont let me. Its is running thousands of miles an hour just trying to process what I am going to do. I have a while before I go to capital Hill as it was for around 5. It is currently 2 so its fine but I am so nervous. Luckily I don't have to get ready and just have to put my suit on. All I wear under my suit is a sports bra and some underwear or shorts, I designed the suit to not make that visible by {technology talk that makes sense and allows the clothes to not be seen in an outline of the suit}

Looking over towards Wanda I notice that she is moving around. She must be waking up, I don't know if she was asleep actually. Well, arising after her peaceful moments then. She she turned slightly almost sipping me off the bed as I was already near the edge of the bed. I mange to stop myself from falling off but was still on the edge. Quickly, and suddenly Wanda sat up. I blinked surprised. She then turned to look at me "can you teach me some guitar. I know you have to go out later but thats not for a while, right?" Wanda asked. I smiled brightly.

"Yeah, we can do that, I just need to wake up a bit, I know I didn't really sleep but I need to let my mind get used to me actually doing something" I say with a laugh. Wanda nods, agreeing with me.

When I feel like my mind is awake again I get sit up, not too quickly as I am aware that Wanda is leaning on me so I don't want her to fall over. I look over to Wanda and see her grinning at me. I give her a look that says 'what are you grinning at?' Flashing her a small smile too. Wanda acknowledges this by giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead.

I walk over to my guitar and pick it up. Sitting down in a more suitable position Wanda puts her hands out ready to receive it. I decided to pick up the acoustic as it's a bit quieter and grab my phone. "I'll can help you play it, if it helps I can show you first" I offer. Wanda just nods.

I gently and slowly play the song first, but only the first few notes, around 20 seconds of the song so Wanda can start of learning that, it will take her a while to be able to play it fluently, and remember the whole song but thats the same with every instruments.

I sit in front of her so I can point out any small mistakes and also help her improve her technique. (A/N just watch the first 20 seconds of the video above to hear what Wanda is playing, i know its not acoustic but pretend it is) and help her out.

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