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Kayden parked his car in front of my house, he stretched one of his hands to the back seat and helped me take my bag while I unbuckled my seatbelt.
He turned his gaze to me while I was trying to pack my hair up in a ponytail.
"Let me help you with your hair," He offered to lean closer to me and I nodded, he collected the black band in my right hand while I shifted slightly on the seat, turning my back to him.
I chewed on my lower lips when I felt his hands on my hair, I threw my head back slightly for him, while he gathered all my hair up in one of his hands and then used the band in his right hand to keep them up for me.
"Thanks," I muttered when he was done and moved back to my position on the comfy leather seat.
"You are welcome," He responded, and I turned my face to stare at him.
He handed my bag to me while he maintained eye contact with me.
'Honestly, I don't want to leave him yet,'
Kayden leaned closer to me, then he placed his hand on the side of my face while I bit on my lower lips, staring at him.
"Give me a goodnight kiss," He mumbled, his eyes moving from my eyes down to my lips.
I smiled and leaned closer to him and placed a soft kiss on his lips, then pull back away from him slightly.
"Goodnight, Kayden," I beamed at him.
"Thanks for today," I appreciated.
"I'm going to miss you, Jade," He sulked, his face getting gloomy, and I chuckled.
"It's just a day and besides we still see tomorrow," I giggled at him.
"Did you miss me that much already?" I smirked, wagging a brow at him while he trailed his fingers down my cheeks to my chin then moved them to my lips, brushing the pad of his thumb on my lower lips.
"Yes, I'm already missing you," He muttered and leaned in for another kiss.
"Good night, Sugarplum," He smiled and drew away from me.
I nodded at him then opened the door and got out of his car, he winds down the window so, he could stare at me while I turned around his car and moved close to the driver's side.
He winds down the window by his side, and I smiled at him and waved at him, and he also waved back.
"Get in, I'm not leaving until I see you are inside," He smirked, and I rolled my eyes at him.
"I'm not a kid," I huffed, clutching one of my bag straps with my left hand.
"Well, you are my baby, so you better get your ass in," He deliberated, and I scoffed at him.
He arched one of his brows at me while he rests his arm on the window pane.
I turned around and climbed the three steps staircase before getting to the balcony then pulled out a key from one of the pockets of my trouser and unlocked the door then entered inside, I turned around and face him with a smug look on my face.
He kissed the air in my direction, then he winds up his window. I watched him drive back to the lane, and I smiled and closed the door.
'God! Today was a blast with him,' I thought, blushing profusely to myself while I bite my lower lips.
He was already making me crave something more than just making out with him.
The lights were on, and I wondered if my parents were around.
"Jade, is that you?" I heard my mother's voice ringing from the kitchen and I sighed.
"Yes!" I responded in a loud tone.
'They are back but so early, meaning Tyler was around to help them carry on in the restaurant,' I thought breathing out, and began shambling my way towards the kitchen.
I entered the kitchen and saw my dad seating at the head of the table while my mum was setting the table for dinner.
"Hello, Dad," I greeted him, and he raised his face from the phone he was typing on.
"Jade, sweetheart," My mum cooed, placing a jug of water on the dining table in the kitchen.
"Sweetie, you came in late, where have you been?" My dad asked, his gaze penetrating me.
"Uhm!" I began, my mum's eyes were on me, and she got the hint from me already, and she smiled.
"I was--"
"She must have been with her boyfriend," Mum spilled the beans out of the bag and I snapped my gaze towards her.
"Jade has a boyfriend?" My dad asked, surprisingly staring at my mum, his eyes widening in amusement before he returned his gaze to me.
"Oops, my bad, I forgot to tell you since," My mum gasped while my dad pouted at her.
"Mum, I don't remember telling you I had a boyfriend," I deadpanned, giving her a serious look, and she pressed her lips together.
"What of Kayden?" Mum taunted, flapping her lashes at me, and I widened my eyes at her.
"Who is Kayden?" Dad inquired, astonished and feeling left out in the dark.
"Her boyfriend," She repeated.
"Mum!" I groaned.
"I feel hurt,"
"You guys didn't tell me anything," He frowned at mum before my mum moved close to him and threw her arms around his shoulder, and leaned closer to him.
I was already taking my steps close to the table and drew out a chair and sat while watching my mum and dad getting into their lovey-dovey acts, they never get tired of each other.
"So, Jade, tell us about your boyfriend," My dad smiled at me.
"Kayden, right?" He asked while I bite my lips.
This is getting awkward, telling my parents about my boyfriend.
"Did he ask you out?" Mum asked curiously.
"I thought you said he was her boyfriend," Dad snapped at her, while I stifled a burst of laughter.
"Well, he looked like one with her," Mum shrugged and drew out a chair next to dad and sat down.
"So, did he ask you out?" Mum questioned, interestingly.
I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out, I stared at my mum to my dad whose gazes were fixed on me, expectantly.
'Aissh! They won't back down until they get a response,' I thought, so, it's better I tell them before they frustrate my life to get an answer.
"He did," I answered, looking away from their prying eyes.
"Yesss!" Mum squealed, clapping her hands happily, and I rolled my eyes at how dramatic she was being.
"That's great," My dad chuckled, and I blushed.
"I'm so happy, my baby has perfect eyes when selecting," My mum boasted, and I snapped my gaze to her.
'What is she about to say now?' I thought, staring at her skeptically.
"What do you mean?" My dad asked curiously.
"Her boyfriend is so handsome like he was created specially, he got the looks, and he's so funny and sweet," Mum laughed, and I couldn't help but shake my head.
"He can't be more handsome than me," Dad frowned jokingly, and a funny smile played on my lips while my mum laughed.
"Darling, to be honest, you are a five compared to him, he's a ten!" My mum laughed while my dad snickered at her.
"I'm not believing until I see him," My dad grumbled.
"Jade, tell him to come to the restaurant when you two hang out again," My mum said, and I smiled at her.
"So, this boyfriend of yours, how did he manage to get through you?" My dad teased surprisingly, raising a brow at me.
"I was getting scared you might never date someone," He laughed.
"I'm also surprised myself," Mum said, and began dishing out the food.
'Gosh! This is so sickening,' I blushed furiously.
"Can we eat?" I asked them instead, trying to change the topic.
"You are not escaping us tonight, so, you better answer," My mum snapped at me and I frowned.
"I don't know, it wasn't for him at first, because I was acting arrogant," I told them, and they blinked their eyes at me.
"I see, you caught his attention by playing hard to get," Mum said, and I sighed.
"You have my genes, I remember your dad begging his butt off before I accepted him," Mum said proudly while Dad scoffed.
"Don't mind her, Jade, she agreed on the third time," Dad countered and mum snapped her gaze to him.
"That was a lie!" Mum glared at Dad and I rolled my eyes, now they get into bickering with each other.
They never get tired when it comes to that.
I served my food myself, while they were busy arguing about their past college life, hopefully, I pray I escape their conversation tonight.

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