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The entire day, I had been thinking about what Kayden said to me earlier.
'I like you, Jade,' His voice kept ringing in my ears like running waters.
I rolled to the other side of the bed and a light smile curled its way up my lips.
He was the first guy to tell me that he likes me.
'Oh Gosh!' I'm still finding this hard to believe.
Kayden said he likes me... I could scream to the whole school about this news, but on second thought, I wouldn't.
'What if he's trying to play me?' I thought, finding myself frowning.
He has a girlfriend, that crazy bitch... How could he say he likes me?
'He's a player, I shouldn't fall for him,' I thought to myself when my phone suddenly rings.
I rolled back to the other edge of the bed and pick my phone to check the caller ID... It was Kayden.
I wanted to pick immediately but left it until the call was off, what if he thinks I had been waiting for him to call me all day.
I picked up my phone, stared at the missed call, and pressed my lips together.
Shortly, after the first call, my phone buzzed again, and it was Kayden calling.
'Hmmm!' I grinned and laughed slightly to myself.
Then, I clicked on the icon for accepting the call.
"Hello," I said softly, placing the phone next to my ear.
"Hey, Jade," Kayden spoke deeply, and I swung my legs up in the air and pressed my lips firmly together.
"Hey!" I retorted.
"How are you doing?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Fine, what about you?" I questioned back, to me, this conversation looks awkward to me.
"Good, are you busy tonight?" He asked and I shifted on the bed.
"Nope, why do you ask?" I asked curiously, adjusting my glasses on the bridge of my nose.
"Uhm! Do you mind if I take you out tonight?" He requested, and I closed my mouth and opened my mouth at the same time.
'Is he asking me out?' I squealed in my mind.
"Yeah, sure," I accepted.
Maybe I should hang out with him and know the kind of person he is.
"Great! I'll pick you up by seven," He said.
"Okay, I'll get ready by then," I told him and bite my lower lips anxiously.
"Yeah, see you later babe,"
"Bye," I breathed out and hung up.
I turned on my bed and lay on my back, pressing my phone on my stomach.
I wanted to scream out... Furthermore, I wished I had a friend I could call and share the news with, but no one was available.
Quickly, I sat straight on my bed and glanced at the wall clock on the wall.
It was six in the evening... So,I have just an hour to get ready.
Packing my hair up in a ponytail, I wore black leather baggy trousers and an armless white crop trip, which showed my belly button.
I grabbed my phone and hopped down the stairs when I heard some noises in the kitchen.
'Who's at home?' I thought curiously, walking slowly into the kitchen, and seeing mum drinking a glass of water.
"Mum!" I called out with wide eyes.
'What was she doing at home by this time?'
My mum looked up, she was looking a bit tired, and she smiled at me.
"You are at home early,"
"What happened?" I asked her as I entered the kitchen to go meet her.
" Just a bit tired, your dad forced me to come home and rest," She answered, while her eyes screened all over me.
"Oh! Sorry about that," I told her.
"Are you going out?" She asked me curiously, raising the glass cup close to her mouth and sipping water, while she arched a questioning brow at me.
"Uhm!" I scratched the back of my neck, feeling nervous.
If I told her I was going out with a guy, she will scream to the world happily.
"I'm listening," She smirked at me while I pouted at her.
"Yeah, I'm going out," I told her.
"With whom?" She asked, wringing her brows at me.
"With a guy," I answered and avoided her gaze.
I heard her dropping the glass cup on the table.
"Are you for real?" She beamed out, moving closer to me.
"Finally!" She squealed out, and I closed my eyes with a sigh.
What did I just say?
She could even give a testimony about it in church...
"Who's the guy that broke through you?" She asked curiously.
"No one broke through me and besides he's just a friend," I shot at mum, and she smirked at me.
Occasionally, I just can't believe her...
"And so?" She taunted teasingly, making me roll my eyes at her.
"He's only a friend, that's all," I calmed her overjoyed state.
'And kiss mate,' My mind added.
'He kissed me first, he caused it, I didn't want or asked for it in the first place,' I retorted.
'Well, you didn't complain and thought of that when kissing him back, you enjoyed kissing him,' My mind haunted.
I might not even go out again... What's all this?
"Well, it starts with friendship," My mum smiled at me while I stared blankly at her.
"You should put on something sexy and not those baggy clothes of yours," My mum advised, and I inhaled sharply.
"He's not my boyfriend," I tried to remind her, Kayden was just a friend.
"It doesn't mean," My mum smirked proudly.
"Mum!" I fired at her and she chuckled.
"That's enough!" I shrieked out unbelievably.
"Please," I pleaded, breathing out.
"What's the name of your friend?" Mum asked.
"Kayden," The doorbell rang immediately, I said Kayden's name.
"He's the one!" My mum beamed out and rushed out of the kitchen.
I thought she said she was tired, where is she getting all this energy from?
I shook my head and walked to the living room.
"I'm fine, what about you?" I heard Kayden greeting my mum.
"Very fine my dear," My mum answered happily, she was staring dreamily at Kayden's face.
I coughed out to get their attention as they both stared at me.
"Jade, you didn't tell me your boyfriend was this handsome," She said, and my eyes widened.
"Mum!" I screamed out in shock.
"I said friend, friend, not boyfriend," I couldn't believe she just embarrassed me in front of Kayden whose lips twitched and wanted to laugh.
"Oops!" My mum gasped innocently.
I walked over to Kayden, and he smiled at me.
"Let's go," I said annoyingly.
"You two should have fun," My mum said, seeing us off to the balcony.
Kayden and I walked to his car and he burst out laughing...
"What's funny?" I asked him.
"I love your mum," He revealed.
"She got vibes, I'm marrying her instead," Kayden smirked at me and I hit his arm.
"Ouch. Someone is jealous," He expressed, touching the arm I just hit.
"I'm not." I voiced out.

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