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"Don't you ever learn your lesson?" The principal fired at me without even hearing my part of the story, which caused my blood to boil with rage.
"I didn't start the fight, sir," I tried to say calmly while my fist was clenched by each of my sides and my teeth gritted against themselves.
"Who started the fight didn't matter, have you forgotten this is what made your previous school transfer you here," The principal barked, and honestly, he was getting on my nerves and I wanted to punch him so angrily on that annoying face of his.
He was just as arrogant as Athena, who seemed happy at the outcome of what happened.
She kept on smiling as the principal directed his aggression on me like I wasn't the victim here.
I clenched and released my fist as I stood while that bitch sat comfortably on the chair in front of the principal, putting on a fake facial appearance like she was the one who got hurt the most and not started the trouble in the first place.
"From what I've heard so far, I can see you haven't realized your lesson, Jade," The principal said as he tapped his fingers furiously on his desk.
For Pete's sake, what has he heard so far except the lies Athena tabled for him while I wasn't given a chance to speak.
"Excuse me, sir, you can't just judge me without getting to hear what happened from me too, you didn't even let me explain or speak the side of my st--"
"Cut it!" The principal interrupted rudely as I glared at him.
"The deal was for you not to cause a fight in my school, no matter what happens, and not hear your side of your story or whatever," The principal stated sternly.
"Or have you forgotten?" He asked while I just stared at him with fury without responding to him.
Fine! It's not like everyone always wants to listen or hear the side of my story anytime anything occurs, and I end up getting blamed for people's trouble... I've always been the criminal apart from the victim ever since my previous school, and it was the same here.
"Jade! I have no choice but to give you a two-week suspension," The principal disclosed as the blood drained off my phone.
"Excuse me?" I questioned him unbelievably, making me scoff.
"You almost injured her that her nose bled so much," The principal said, pointing towards Athena.
My gaze fell on Athena who had turned her head to stare at me as she put on a victorious smirk on her stupid face and I wanted to give her one more blow and break her nose before accepting my suspension.
This is so unfair!
The crazy principal stamped on a white paper and gestured for me to come closer and accept my doom.
I got closer to the principal and almost snatched the letter from his hands without even bothering to read the contents of the letter.
"I'm done here! You two can leave," The principal dismissed, and I wasted no time turning back on my heels and storming out of his office.
I wanted to scream and vex so badly as I walked back to my class.
That crazy old man just gave Athena more room to continue with her mischievous ways, and she will be happy she has gotten a backup already.
My body seeped with furious and venomous blood as I got back into class. Everyone became mute as they saw me, while I just walked over to my seat and grabbed my bag.
I turned around and without looking at the person in front of me, I crashed into him or her.
Without even saying a 'sorry' I moved to the other path, I wanted to leave this school as soon as possible.
The person blocked my path standing in my way, forcing me to shoot my gaze up just to see Kayden was the nuisance in my way.
My blood began boiling more than it should as soon as my gaze settled on him.
"Where are you going to?" He asked without a clue as he stared at my left hand clutched around my bag strap.
"Get out of my way!" I seethed while giving him a death glare.
"You heard her," Someone said behind us as Kayden turned his head to see who it was and there was the she-devil with arms crossed over her chest staring at us.
"Our dear nerdy just got suspended for two weeks," Athena announced as everyone gasped and began muttering among themselves.
I glared gruesomely at Athena, and it won't take me a second to strangle her to death if my hands get hold of her.
"Suspended? How?" Kayden asked confusedly as he turned back and stared at me questioningly.
Was he expecting me to start explaining when he was the main cause of the fight at first?
It was just useless and pointless, I brushed him aside and started making my way towards the entrance of the class while Athena stepped aside with a taunting and victorious smirk.
"Guess, I'll have a break for a while... Happy suspension, enjoy it while it lasts," She said, making me stop in my tracks as I glared at her.
I took a step towards her, but calmed myself and stopped. I won't give in to this trash, I walked over to the door and began walking down the hallway in a haste.
"Jade!!" I heard my name and I knew that voice belonged to Kayden, but I didn't stop... He was the one person I would rather not speak with at the moment.
Suddenly, I got swirled around and stood face to face with Kayden, who was grabbing my wrist firmly.
I struggled against him and succeeded in yanking my hand away from him furiously.
"Jade, please calm down," He said.
"What did you do that got you into having a suspension?" He asked with concern while my fist clenched hardly.
"You know what, I think I've calmed down enough... Now get out of my sight," I barked at him.
I brought my hands to my bag straps and clenched tightly on them, and turned around immediately and began storming away angrily.
"Jade, wait."
Kayden got in my front, his blue eyes stirred with confusion as he tried to stop me.
"Kayden, let go of me," I shouted furiously as I attempted to free myself from him, he grabbed both of my arms trying to stop me from leaving.
"I'm not." He shot back, making me stand still.
"I'm not letting go of you until you tell me what happened," He said, staring at me while I scoffed.
Is this guy sick or what?
"You want to know why I got suspended?" I asked him, but he responded with his intense gaze while he finally let go of me.
"I got suspended because of you," I glared at him, taking my steps closer to him while he got more confused.
"Me?" He asked.
"I got suspended because your crazy girlfriend thinks something is going on between us," I fired at him.
"You know what, ask your devil of a girlfriend to explain to you in detail and fucking leave me alone," I vexed out loudly and pushed him as hard as I could out of my way and began running.
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me until I was out of the school building.

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