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Kayden's POV.
I watched how Jade played with her friends on the rollercoaster ride, her screaming, and her laughter were everything to me.
If, only she knew I especially loved her and didn't mean all that I said in that video. I hated Athena for what she did, that crazy bitch, it took me a lot of effort not to have slapped her.
She crossed the line big time today. I stood not far from the rollercoaster where people were having a great time, I wore a face cap, so that Jade wouldn't see me if we were to pass by each other.
I didn't want her to get angry and sad, now that she's getting over her emotions.
My phone beeped, and I knew it was my dad calling, he could be annoying and a pain in the ass every so often.
I decided not to pick up the call, I switched off my phone and shoved it back into my pocket.
I smiled when she reached the lower part screaming, while her two friends were laughing their butts off, I'm happy they could cheer her spirit up.
Standing at my hidden spot for a few more hours and discreetly followed them to stores where they bought some sausage rolls and ice cream. I decided to go back home.
I will make sure to convince Jade that all that she saw in that video wasn't true and that I didn't mean any of what I said to her at all.
Crossing the street to where my car was parked, I unlocked the car with my key and entered inside before driving away.
The magnitude black gate opened, and I drive into the compound, heading towards the beautiful gigantic mansion my dad built on a thirty plot of land.
I drove to the garage and parked my car.
Entering the house, I was greeted by, Jordan, one of my dad's bodyguards.
"Kay, your father has been asking of you, earlier," He informed me while I frowned.
"And why is that?" I asked concerned.
"That's for you to find out," He spoke, and I nodded my head.
"He is in the study room," Jordan said and left.
I stared at the big curved staircase, wondering why my father wanted to see me, if he was going to elaborate on how useless and irresponsible I am then I am in going to walk out on him.
I'm the only son of my father who happens to be the CEO of one of the famous and wealthy multi-billionaire companies established in Canada.
Furthermore, I've always known I'll be the to inherit my father's company, and he always made me see reasons why I wasn't deemed fit to his taste to take over the company, which is sickening to him.
Likewise, I never wanted his company, I just wanted a happy life where I could share happy moments with someone that I care about and love.
I sighed and began walking up the stairs and reached the third floor where the study room was.
I opened the door and walked inside, staring at my older version of me, sitting on his seat, eyes glued on the computer's screen and his glasses placed on the bridge of his nose.
He was still putting on his office wear, seems he just got back from the office.
"Hello, Dad," I coughed out, frowning my face at him.
"Where have you been?" His deep voice resounded through the room, without him taking his eyes off the computer screen.
"Somewhere," I answered nonchalantly, and he slammed his fist on the table, giving me a stern look.
"I asked you a question, and you should reply to me appropriately," He fired while I stared blankly at him.
He's one of the toughest and most annoying dads anyone could wish for, and he has been this way ever since mum died from an accident, which I think it's my fault, and he thinks the same too.
And, I'm certain that's one of the reasons he had been so indifferent to me, sometimes he treats me like a total stranger.
If I hadn't been that spoiled brat asking her I wanted a huge toy car I could ride in, on my fifth birthday, she would never have fallen into that drastic state and my dad never married anyone else... sometimes, I wished he could move on and at least be happy for once in his life again.
I know he loves mum so much with his heart, I loved her too, but I've come to learn that when things happen we shouldn't let it weigh us down for a long time... We should always learn to move on.
"Do I need to repeat myself, Kayden?" He fired and I snapped my gaze to him.
"I went somewhere, and you don't need to know my whereabouts, I'm not a kid," I shot at him, angrily.
Honestly, he's been getting on my neck too much nowadays.
"I warned you not to be staying long at night outside," He fumed.
"It's just some minutes after eight, that's not late at night," I frowned.
"You don't know anything because you're simply a dum--"
"Dumb little irresponsible boy," I completed, shutting him up.
"I know, call me whatever you want, I'm done having this conversation with you," I fired at him and turned around.
"Kayden Walters, don't you dare step out of that door," He ordered while I fisted my hands and kept on walking.
Each time he called me by my full name, that means he was agitated and furious.
I got to the door and opened it, making sure to give it a very loud slam that echoed through the passage.
I walked furiously to my room on the second floor, entering my room, I slammed the door and shut it.
Furthermore, I walked over to the pictures and flower vase kept in my room on the table and smashed everything to the floor.
Broken glasses everywhere...
I was angry, outrageous, sad, and pained, although I tried so hard to act strong and everyone sees me that way, but they don't know the hell I pass through most of the time.

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