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Our lips molded perfectly with each other as Kayden caressed his lips with mine. He kissed the corner of my mouth, then the other.
Such gentle and patient kisses, his hands trailed on my waist down to my hips. I lifted my hands to his face and suddenly bury my fingers into his silken hazel hair, while I arched my back-up into him, craving the weight of his body on mine.
Every urge of resistance in me vanished like thin air...
Kayden's tongue collided with mine, and he did a little teasing playing with my tongue before he pulled back slightly against the suture of my mouth.
I was amused to a certain level by how I was getting opened in a way I don't want with him.
I felt his hardness poke through his joggers, and Kayden groaned as he ground himself against me.
His hands gripped my hips firmly and begin to grind me more against him as I found myself moving faster on him.
I gasped out into our interlocked lips and began to have a tingling sensation between my legs.
Kayden's hands slowly went up to my butt and squeezed it gently, snapping something in me.
I drew back immediately, breaking the trance we both fell into.
I breathed hard, placing my hands back on his shoulder as we both stared into each other gazes.
Kayden smiled, bringing one of his hand to touch my face gently, while he let go of my waist with the other and placed it on the floor.
"You're beautiful," He said while I flapped my eyelashes at him, the make-out session between us still livid in my head.
I didn't know what to say as I anxiously bite my lower lips.
'Why did I even let things go this far between us?' I queried myself as I stood up from him.
"What's wrong?" Kayden asked, standing up from the floor to while I walked over to one of the benches where I placed my black hoodie and grabbed it.
"Nothing, I want to go home," I told him as I turned around to face him.
His eyes skimmed me over before he sighed and raked his hands through his hair which looks messy due to the way, I couldn't help myself and run my fingers through them.
"Okay, I'll take you home," He offered.
"No, I can by myself, thanks," I declined and wore my hoodie over the sports bra I was putting on and begin making my way towards the door.
Kayden grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks, and a weary sigh left my mouth.
"Let me thank you home," He insisted.
"No!" I countered, turning my head to gaze sharply into his eyes.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because--" I raked through my brain to look for an excuse to give him since he was determined on taking me home.
"Still waiting for an answer," He said, making sneering at him.
"Well, I brought my bicycle along, there's no need for you to take me home," I responded.
"So, that's the reason," He retorted arrogantly while I stared blankly into his face.
"Let's go," He said, dragging me with him unexpectedly.
"Wait! What are you doing?" I asked him curiously as he opened the door and held my arm firmly as I tried to snatch my arm away from him.
"Taking you home," He answered.
"Excuse me?"
"What part of you doesn't understand, I brought my bicycle and I can go home by myself?" I asked him annoyingly.
"I don't take no for an answer," He sounded so contemptuous.
"Well, you need to take no from me," I snapped, but he didn't say anything as we got out of the gym building.
Kayden pulled up in front of my parent's home, and I wasted no time opening the door and coming out of his car... I slammed the door with annoyance and started walking to the balcony of our house.
I heard Kayden close the door, not like the way I slammed the door out of rage.
Furthermore, I turned around and watch him carry out my bicycle from his booth and placed it gently on the floor.
He closed his booth and clapped his hands together, dusting whatever thing was on his hands.
He came over to me, while I folded my hands.
"Don't I deserve a thank you?" He asked while I scoffed at him.
"No, you don't,"
"Anyway, thank you, you can leave now," I said, I wanted him to leave my area as soon as possible.
"Woah! Are you chasing me away?" He asked, and I breathed out in agitation.
"Won't you at least invite me into your home?" He asked, staring at the door.
I felt frustrated and placed my palms over my forehead.
"You are such a pain in the ass," I told him, and walked over to the door and unlocked it.
"Come in," I told him as he grinned at him, I moved away from the doorway letting him enter my home and I closed the door gently behind me.
I walked slowly behind his back with folded arms while he smiled and stared at the living room.
"I love your place, it's nice and comfy," He remarked and helped himself to one of the cushion chairs as he sat on it.
"Aren't you going immediately?" I asked him.
"Can't I spend some time with you?" He asked me as he stared into my eyes.
I was taken aback by his questions, I tried to answer him but didn't know what to say, so, I kept mute and dragged my gaze away from him.
"Suit yourself, then," I responded dryly.
"Anything new in school?" I asked as I walked over to the lion art drawing placed in the living.
"Well, nothing much happened..."
" You can borrow some notes you missed from me," He offered, but I didn't say anything and just nodded.
I heard some footsteps behind me and I turned around to see Kayden walking closer to me.
I stared at him suspiciously and began to regret why I let him into our home.
Just me and him alone was a horrible idea.
"Jade," He called softly as he got closer to me, gazing intensely into my eyes while I swallowed hard.
"There's something I've been wanting to tell you," He said and for no reason, my heart started beating fast.
I nodded anxiously, curiously wanting to hear what he wants to say to me.
He got closer, stopping a few inches away from me.
We interlaced our gazes and I held my breath for a while.
"I like you, Jade!"
And that was enough to knock the life out of me.

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