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The commerce teacher walked out of the class before they could ring the bell for the break.
Kayden kept teasing me as he threw folded papers my way, and I stylishly pick it up and read what he wrote.
'Smile, you look too serious,'
Am I supposed to be grinning ear to ear when the class is going on and the teacher would point me out and start asking while I've been smiling like a fool?
'You are beautiful,'
'Look at me,'
'I love the way your ass shoots out at the back,'
All the papers he threw at me were either making me blush or make me widen my eyes in shock.
All the while, Athena cast hateful glares towards, especially me, but ignoring her was simply the best way.
Finally, the bell rang, and almost everyone scooted out of the class, except Athena and her annoying friends.
Athena then began to walk over to Kayden while I was packing my books.
"Hey, babe," She greeted Kayden who was staring at me from his seat while flipping her light-brown hair to the back and I turned my gaze to her as she put on the alluring smile ever on her face.
Then Kayden turn his gaze to her, "Hey," he greeted her causally.
Athena saw this as a green flag and moved closer to him, still having that enticing smile on her lips.
"Kayden, let's hang out for the break," She said in sweet melodious, and I fumed at where I was standing.
I was gritting my teeth, trying to act like I wasn't hearing their conversation.
"I can't," Kayden declined, and I found myself smirking, while I still arranged books.
I don't know if I wanted to arrange them for ages, I just know I keep placing the books over each other, taking the below to the top, then taking the top below.
"Please, Kayden," She begged, and I got irritated.
"Pretty, please," She begged, and I sighed trying to calm myself.
"I know you're angry with me, but I want to make it up to you," She uttered in a pleading tone, but Kayden didn't say anything.
I was still backing them, slowly rearranging the books continuously.
"He said, no!" I snapped at her, I've reached my limits and that's it.
I turned around to face them, Kayden gave me an amused look while Athena glared at me, and I gave her three times the cold daring looks she cast my way.
"Stay out of this bitch," Athena growled.
Without saying anything, I grabbed my books and moved closer to Kayden, I wrapped my hands around his big wrist and pulled him up.
He stood up from his seat while Athena stared speechlessly from me then to Kayden.
"Excuse us, he is with me," I spoke possessively.
"And he is having lunch with me," I emphasized on the word, 'Me' throwing daggers her way, letting her know I owned Kayden, and he's mine and mine alone.
I'm sorry that Kayden fell for me and I fell for him too, but I don't feel any ounce of sorry or pity for that bitch, standing there like she owned the whole world.
I began dragging Kayden along with me until we were both out of the class.
We were walking down the hallway, and I was still cursing under my breath as I held on to Kayden's wrist.
"I feel someone is extremely jealous and possessive," Kayden started, and I let go of my wrist and snapped my head towards him.
He was giving me that proud and satisfied look of his.
"I wasn't," I cleared my throat and looked away from him.
I noticed Kayden moving closer to me, and I turned my gaze slowly to him. His blue eyes were mesmerizing and held a spark in them as he flickered his gaze at me, and he smirked teasingly, then leaned forward while he bent slightly to my height and folded his hands backward.
He tilted his head to the side and I felt his warm breath fan the side of my face, and my heart raced speedily.
Then he moved closer, and I felt his lips on my earlobe, and I shuddered.
"You were, and I love how possessive you are over me," Then he took my earlobe into his mouth and a shock jolted through me, making me flinch backward away from him.
I swallowed hard, and my face flushed immediately, staring at him stunningly, he gave a teasing chuckle and winked my way before he straightened himself.
I looked away from him, embarrassed, pressing the books in my arms on my chest tightly while I awkwardly bite my lips.
"Come on, let's get something to eat," He said and snaked one of his arms pulled me closer to him and I gasped.
After I had kept my books in the locker, Kayden and I went to the cafeteria.
Kayden, Ariana, Ivy, and I were sitting at the same table, laughing at the jokes Ariana cracked.
"Jade, we're coming over to sleep at your place soon," Ivy informed, and I stared at them.
"Yeah, sure, that's fine by me," I smiled at them, and they nodded happily.
"I'm going to have a dinner feast of chicken and chips," Ariana boasted, and I chuckle.
"Can I join too?" Kayden suddenly asked.
"No!" Ariana, Ivy, and I snapped at him at the same time.
And he chuckled, "Why?" He asked, and I know he was teasing the girls.
"Because, it's just a girl's time, and meant for girls alone, lover boy," Ariana smirked at him and sulked.
"Yeah, we want to have time to ourselves alone, no boys included," Ivy stated before taking a bite of her doughnuts.
"Don't worry, you can schedule another day separately to just be with your girl," Ariana said.
"Ariana," I snapped towards her with a glare and Ivy laughed, followed by Kayden.
"I think that will be great, just me and her alone," Kayden added, and I turned my gaze sharply at him.
"Goodness, I can just imagine what you two will do alone," Ivy sighed dreamily.
"Girl, I get too," Ariana added and pats Ivy gently on her back.
"You guys are annoying,"
Suddenly, Kai, Landon, and Brandon came up to us with their food trays in their hands.
Ariana and Ivy made eye contact among themselves and quickly adjusted their clothes and sit straight on their seats, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at them.
"Hey, man, what's up?" Landon greeted Kayden, who was staring at them with a light smile plastered on his face.
"Can we sit with you guys?" Kai asked, placing his food tray on the table.
"Of course!" Ariana and Ivy said in unison before they glanced at each other and giggled.
Kai sat beside Ariana, Brandon was sitting beside Ivy and Landon sat beside Kayden.
"I'm Kai and you are," He introduced, turning his gaze to Ariana, who went drooling on him.
"Ariana and this is my fri--"
"Ivy," Ivy cut off Ariana.
"How many times I've warned you to stop doing my introduction for me?" She glared at Ariana, who rolled her eyes at her.
I was laughing... These girls are just fun to be with, I love them.
"I'm Ivy," Ivy introduced herself to Kai.
Landon introduced himself and Brandon did the same too.
Soon, everyone blends in, and we started talking, I took a fry placing it in my mouth without chewing it yet, so it was still out of my mouth.
While we listened to what Ariana was saying, she's just a good talker and entertainer.
While everything was going on, I was caught unaware of Kayden's act, he angled his head and took the chips from my mouth, and kissed me along quickly before he sat back on his seat, the rest cheered loudly, and I wanted to die of embarrassment.
How didn't I see that coming from him?
My eyes widened, and I turned my face slowly to Kayden who was already chewing the chips in his mouth while he stared at me, his eyes lingering with excitement as he smiled at me.
I screamed at him with my eyes.
Why? Just why would you do that in front of everyone??
"I've always wanted to do that," He smirked as if he heard the questions in my mind, then he winked at me.
"God! She's so red!" Kai laughed, and the rest joined too.
"And I'm so jealous of you two," Ariana cried out and everyone began laughing the more while I buried my face in my palms.
I was flabbergasted.
The word, 'stunned' was an understatement here.

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