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~Buck's POV~

I was laying in my bed with my heartbroken for the first time long time. I didn't hear the knock or footsteps walking up the stairs to my loft bedroom to my apartment. "Buck?" I sat up hearing my sister's voice Maddie.
She frowned as she went and sat on the edge of her younger brother's bed.
"It's been almost three weeks and I haven't seen or heard from you."
I sighed and instantly regretting giving her my third extra key to my apartment. Yes I loved her but days like this I wanted to be left alone. My second key no longer needed by the previous owner.
"I'm fine really. Cool as a cucumber."
She laughed and smiled seeing Buck was masking his feelings with humor .. again.
"Come on you need out of this bed, vitamin D, and food.."
"And Abby."
I say groaning and laid back down using pillow to cover my face.
"No you don't. She left you Buck. But that just means your person is out there. I just know it."
I sat up again glaring at my older sister.
"Easy for you to say. You have Chimney and a baby on the way." She touches my cheek as a mother would her own. "Hey don't say that we have are ups and downs just like everyone else but I promise staying in bed isn't going to help."
I sigh knowing she's right and nod so she understands I know what she's saying is right. She lets go of my cheek with small smile.
"Maybe you should take a vacation? Stretch out and try somewhere new."
Her phone rings as she stands up seeing it reads Chimney her husband.
"Promise me you'll think about it?"
"Okay okay."
"Thanks. Love you loser."
"Yeah yeah back at you."

Later that night the food channel was on as I was eating frozen pizza. The chef was showing how to cut an onion.
"Pfft easy."
I mumble into my pizza as it in fact it did look difficult.
A commercial came on cutting off the blonde girl chef. As I sat back to change channel I saw a relaxing beach. Then someone popped up waving and points directly at camera.
"Do you feel tired?" The commercial man said.
I said raising his pizza in the air.
"Do you love the sound of ocean waves?"
"Duh I'm in California."
"Do you enjoy tacos not only on Tuesday?"
"F k yeah I do."
I said to the commercial man like he could hear me. As if on cue the guy looked both ways before looking at tv.
"Then come on down to Mexico City, Mexico. We have all that and more!" Two girls come over in bathing suits giggling at the commercial guy.
The commercial went dark before another appeared. Pulling my phone out after setting my half eaten pizza down I typed in those very words.

"Promise me you'll call or text. Be safe and have fun." Maddie hugged me again with little squeeze.
I smile and hug her back. "I will and jeez I'll only be gone a month. Plus sooner if that oven is gonna pop."
Maddie laughed and let go of the hug looking at her belly. "I still have at least three more months Buck."
Chimney watched them hug happy for his friend and his wife. Eating his gum he nodded. "Yeah Buck just make sure you bring home a gum from there. I heard they have scorpions in them."
"Ew you will not be getting kiss by me if you eat that." Maddie said hitting Chimney's arm playfully. I laughed, a real laugh he hasn't heard from myself in a while. "Deal as long as you make sure to call me if the baby is coming sooner. Uncle Buck wants to meet baby Han."
"We will.  Now go before you're late for your flight."
I picked up my one carry on and waved bye to them before making my way to TSA. Once on the plane as I sat on window seat I looked at LA get smaller from the sky.
Once the plane was completely in the sky and I saw the city below me I said under my breathe.

(Also I don't know Spanish 😬 so if I bold the font imagine that's when they are speaking Spanish haha .. sorry !)

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