The Three Words

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~Buck's POV~

With only less then a month to get this firehouse into a restaurant was a lot a work but worth it. We still didn't tell anyone we were together so we had a lot of secret glances at each other.

We had secret touches too as we passed each other. My favorite was our hands brushing when we passed one another.

Or even my favorite was secret kisses. Being we were repairing the firehouse to make it a restaurant. Usually I needed help in now walk in pantry. I acted like I couldn't reach the top shelf before. The irony was I was two inches taller but no one said anything when we went inside. Eddie would pin me to that shelf and we would kiss, even one time I got on my knees for him since he was stressing.

Yet hiding with this secret was getting tricker with almost run ins from my sister or even Hen who was going to be Eddie's second chef again.

Today however we were house hunting for Eddie since a part of getting his green card he had to have a job and house. I suggested mine but he said the social worker already said a living room isn't fit for a growing child.

Walking out the backyard with Eddie I looked at it smiling.
"So what you think?"
I asked as the realtor was inside with another couple.
"I like the fenced in yard. Makes it more open too. Could totally grill over there."
I look over to where he points and smile picturing it. Him cooking as Christopher and I make fun of his grilling skills.
"Okay what about the house?"
I asked as I walked over brushing our hands again. I saw him tense up again as I smiled to mask the pain seeing it. I was ready to scream it to the rooftop while Eddie still felt like he wanted to silence it in the closet.
"I like it. Three bedrooms and two baths it is nice."
"Not as nice as my bed."
I teased and saw Eddie smile before we heard the sliding door open. The other couple and the realtor walked out.
"So what we thinking Mr. Diaz?"
"It's lovely."
"It's great for family has a school just walking distance."
"That's good."
The other couple made a face to the mention of a school I chuckled. Since back then I'd feel same way not wanting to go to school. Yet now knowing Christopher and my niece I realized how important school was.

~Eddie's POV~

Once back in the jeep after looking at four houses today I was tired. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I yawned.
"Aww is baby Diaz sleepy."
I opened my eyes looking over at Buck smiling.
"Yes I haven't been able to sleep much."
"Oh? My fault Ed—"
I took Buck's hand in my own picking them up and kissing them lightly.
"No. Mine."
I put his hand down and kept them in my own.
"I been stress with finding this house in time and on top of that getting the restaurant ready to open in less then a month. And for what? The system can still turn me down. And I'll have to go back home."
I frowned as I squeezed his hand lightly as I sighed. Buck leaned over to tilt my face to look at him and made our foreheads rest on each other.
"Hey don't think negative. Besides if it comes to that I'll come with you and Christopher."
I moved my free hand up to hold his face.
"Oh yeah? But this.. us can't be a thing Evan.. it's not allowed.."
Buck frowned hearing me same his real name knowing it was serious.
"Then we ooh try London. I've heard I have a wonderful British accent."
As he said the last part he said it in British accent I laughed and shook my head no.
"Look babe I love you but that wasn't good."
Buck gasped as my eyes widen as I said it. The three words.
"You what?"
I let go of Buck as I smiled little realizing I really did feel those feelings.
"I.. I love you."
I said again slowly as if wasn't ready to hear them but then felt him take my hands.
"I love you too Eddie."
"You do?"
I laughed feeling nervous as I felt Buck look at me as I looked back.
"Oh yeah hundred percent."
I laughed as he chuckled and leaned over kissing me. I kissed back as we deepened the kiss I groaned feeling the car stick between us. I pulled away smiling.
"We better go pick up Christopher from Carla's .. I want to tell him today."
Buck said sitting back and putting his seatbelt on.
"Us... you and me."
"Buck and Eddie? Hmm got a good ring to it."
I chuckled putting my seatbelt on.
"You mean Eddie and Buck but yes."
"Ooh what if we were famous like Brangelina. I'm definitely Angelina Jolie and you can be Brad Pitt."
I laughed shaking my head no as he started to drive.
"No way. They break up at the end. And fight for a wine vineyard and their kids."
"Okay fine we can be .."
"Just Buck and Eddie I like them."
I saw Buck roll his eyes but smile as he focused on driving. I leaned over to his radio and put on a Spanish music station.

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