Winter Wonderland

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~Eddie's POV~

Christmas Eve arrived as I sat on the sofa watching Christopher and his friend Conor decorate gingerbread houses. I smiled as they were having fun. Conor's parents didn't celebrate Christmas but Conor was happy to learn Christmas traditions. I heard the door and got to up to get it.

Carla gave me a hug as I smiled before speaking.
"Are you sure your family doesn't mind? I don't —"
"Hey don't start I'm fine. They are fine. My two daughters are grown and out of the house with their own families. Husband? Pfft he's fast asleep after a football game played. You." She points at me smiling.
"Go to your man."
I smiled feeling nervous that I was seeing Buck today.
"Thanks again."
I put on my jacket and went to living room to tell my son I'll be back soon.
"Don't stay up to late for Mrs. Carla okay? Remember if you go to bed before midnight Santa will come."
"I know dad."
I chuckled seeing his eye roll with something Buck would do. I walked back out just as Carla was filling up hot chocolates for the kids.
"Thanks again. And you sure?"
I asked again as she set down the spoon from mixing.
"Yes. Now have fun."
I walked out of the house and down to the parking. Since Buck's been away, Maddie let me drive his jeep. Being in the drivers side felt odd since Buck always would drive us. The jeep still had one damage the repair couldn't fix. Could see on the drivers side a dent where the bat hit it.

I let the radio play Christmas music as I drove to Buck. After parking I rubbed my hands on my pants feeling nervous. I grabbed the present and headed inside Sunny Minds Clinic.

After they looked in the bag to make sure it wasn't a threat, I got searched. This felt like
I was seeing him in prison with how much work they put into it. Maddie warned me about it and said it was because they didn't want to risk someone bringing in anything that can ruin their progress.

I went to the family room where other families were there for their loved ones. It wasn't as full as I thought it was for Christmas. I set the gift by my feet as I waited.

I played with the hem of my sleeve on my button up as I waited. I heard the chair across from me scrape meaning someone was about to sit. Yet before I could say that is for someone, something in my heart picked up. I looked up and there across from me was Buck.

I said slowly out of shock, with happiness and pain remembering how we left things. Buck smiled and as he sat down I saw him put an iPad on the table by him.

Buck nodded as he had his hands on the table out of habit I reached out and touched his. He smiled as he squeezed each others hand. Felt like years I was holding his hand but only few seconds until a nurse passed us.
"No touching."
We pulled apart as I felt the ache to hold him again. I saw his hands go over the iPad as I then heard it speak.
"Eddie you made it. I'm so happy to see you."
I looked at Buck as the robot device talked and my hand wanted to reach out and cup Buck's face. Those lips I wanted to touch with my own and his eyes were just as bright as they were a month ago.
"Sorry I'm late I .. almost chickened out .. a few times I did. I'm sorry."
I said as I looked down at the table and Buck chair made noise before he got up and looked at me. I looked up and lifted my eyebrow at him confused. He picked up his iPad and typed something.
"Since they trust I won't run away we can go outside. It's less noisy out there."
I nodded even if it was only two other families I understood it was loud. In a world with voices and the only one I wanted was Buck's.

We walked out the door that led us to a bench as I put the gift back by my feet.
"Wait no nurses here?"
I asked as Buck shook his head no and pulled his shirt closer. The light wind hit us as I took my Christmas sweater off and held it out for him. He pushed it back to me and I laughed.
"Don't be like Christopher again I can see you are cold."
Buck rolled his eyes and put it on as I smiled with seeing how cute he looked. Being he was two inches taller then me it still fit.
"The nurses watch from cameras but they won't tell us where."
The robot said as I turned to Buck in the bench. I wanted his voice as I nodded.
"How are you?"
I wanted the real answer and not a sarcastic answer as Buck did small shrug before typing.
"Good. I been clean for a month and I know when I get out I don't want an ounce of drink again."
I smiled at listening Buck talk to me or more like his robot friend.
"And you? And Christopher?"
I shrugged this time as I went over everything that's happened and ended it with.
"So yeah according to my phone about four months ago a year to the day is when we met for the first time."
I heard Buck gasp as I looked up from my phone to show him the picture.
"The taco you ordered I don't know why but something told me to take a picture of it."
Buck looked at it and then back up at me I saw he had tears falling as he wiped them. I put my phone by me on the bench.

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