Friends No Benefits

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~Buck's POV~

I heard laughing from the table Eddie introduced me to as his family. It was cute hearing his son Christopher happy. I looked over and did fake gasp like I got caught and he laughed again. Smiling at seeing him happy made me happy.

After they left the restaurant it got quiet again. Wasn't busy to be a Wednesday. I paced behind the bar waiting for anyone but no one came.

At closing I finished cleaning the bar faster then Eddie this time. The month of working here he kept his word and takes me to my hotel. When he was walking out of kitchen I snuck a photo of him and sent it to my sister Maddie and Chimney the group chat we had.

Buck118: There that's Eddie. The chef and owner and now dad. Okay he's been a dad but I met his kid today.
Maddie: Ooh he's cute! And a kid that's double cute!

She isn't really creative with usernames in the group chat with Chimney.

Buck118: But he isn't gay right? Like ugh I don't know how to tell. He screams straight with a kid right?
Maddie: Buck. Gays can have kids have you not seen Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka with their two kids??
Buck118: Yes .. but that's different. Like Sexy Chef is different. And he's my boss so like I can't tap that even if I was drunk.. or I would but I can't.
Maddie: LOL.. maybe try being his friends and seeing what happens?
Buck118: ..
Maddie: Just friends ! No benefits!!
Chimney'sGumTexting: Sorry just got off shift .. but yeah I second this. Being friends is great way to know someone without having to get naked with them.
Maddie: Exactly. -smile emoji-
Buck118: Easy for you two to say. My best friend got with my best sister.
Maddie and Chimney at same time: -shrug emoji-

Sighing I put my phone away and look up seeing Eddie walk towards me. Yeah friends no benefits.. easy.

~Eddie's POV~

After Hen left a hour ago I finally finished everything for closing. Walking out of my office I saw Buck leaning onto the bar on his phone. Probably texting some girl who kept flirting with him during his shift. I did hear that from the staff that he got flirted with by lots of girls. It hurt but I pushed it away he was someone who worked for me. I don't get with people who work for me. We will just be friends with no benefits.

"Ready to go?"
I asked as I walked over to him he had his phone in his pocket once I made it to him.
"Yeah but can we not do Spanish lesson tonight? My brain kind hurts from all the inventory I did today. Thanks again though for printing it in English."
As we walked out of the restaurant I locked it up once we were outside.
"Hey no problem."
Once it was locked we walked to my grey truck. Wasn't the newest model but it drove and had the space for my sons belongs he needed.

On the drive it was quiet other then small talk. I didn't want to see him go again and just leave like before. Sure we only knew each other a month but it felt nice talking to another guy again. Sure I had other co workers but something was different about Buck.

Pulling up to his hotel I parked my truck and smiled.
Buck turned to me and said something I didn't think he'd ask.

~Buck's POV~

From small talk in the car and text messages earlier it felt like I could get swallowed up in a mud sink hole and be fine not getting out. Yet I needed out and once he parked at my hotel I spoke before my mind could catch up to myself.
"Do you want to come in? Have a beer or two?"
When I heard the truck turn off I worried I said the wrong thing but then Eddie spoke.
"Sure but only two."
My heart was picking up as I felt nervous all of sudden. I've only had two guys back in my room but that was the states and flings. This will be friends .. with no benefits.. friends drinking beer.

In my one bed hotel room I walked to my mini fridge and got us each one beer each. Eddie was looking around the small hotel room before sitting on edge of my bed. After opening the bottles I sat next to him. Holding one out for him he took it. Our hands brushed as he took his bottle and I swore my stomach was doing back flips.

Eddie smiled that I responded correctly in Spanish. It was a turn on when he spoke Spanish, what can I say he could say anything in Spanish and I'd be mush.

I drank my beer to keep my mouth from saying anything stupid. After swallowing I moved it away and played with the label.
"So this where you been staying? It's so ... "
"Small? Eh it's all I could afford. And it's temporary."
"Ah yes temporary.. where you going next?"
I stopped playing with the label and watched him drink the beer. Those lips again my eyes closed thinking if I was the bottle and those lips were on mine.

~Eddie's POV~

Buck was playing with his beer label after drinking some. Was he nervous or did he always play with the label? Shaking my thoughts I looked around the room from the bed and noticed it was smaller then I thought.
"So this where you been staying? It's so ... "
I asked trailing off not sure what word to use since back home my place was small too and I didn't want to sound rude.
"Small? Eh it's all I could afford. And it's temporary."
"Ah yes temporary.. where you going next?"
I drank more of the beer after asking my question to see what his answer would be. I swallowed before moving the bottle down seeing Buck looking down. Confused I followed his eyes but didn't see anything on my shirt.
"Hmm what? Nothing."
I looked back up just as he looked back up and our eyes locked. Felt like a game whoever blinked first would lose. My hand gripped my bottle tighter as I fought the urge to touch Buck's face.

I didn't know who moved first or what spilled until I felt wetness.
"Son of a b ch sorry."
I jumped up feeling the bottle slip from my hands and fall to the floor. It rolled away from our feet as I bent down to grab it. Buck must of set his on the night stand because he bent down making our heads butt when we both looked up again.

Now his leg was pressed against mine as his hand was also stretched reaching for the bottle. He moved his hand back as I moved mine. My eyes fell to his lips and if he moved just an inch our lips would brush.
"Kiss me.."
I didn't realize I said that out loud until I felt Buck's lips on mine. With gasp I instantly kissed him back.

~Buck's POV~

Eddie dropped his beer bottle and it rolled away from our feet. I instantly put my bottle on the stand by the alarm clock. After mine was on the stand I bent down to reach for his. Our hands brushed since we were both reaching for it. Without noticing I scooted closer to him to get better reach for it.

I looked up making our heads butt and my heart was back to beating faster. If I moved again our lips would brush. I felt my brain freeze but I heard Eddie whisper the two words I never thought I hear from him.

"Kiss me.."
Without another thought I moved again and connected our lips like a puzzle. I felt him kiss me back as his hand went to my cheek. I felt him gasp in the kiss as it gave me opportunity to deepened the kiss. Being we were still sideways Eddie slightly moved our bodies like a dance. His one leg moved up to bend and it lightly brushed my lower half. That made me gasp as I heard a chuckle in the kiss. Two can play at that game Diaz.

I moved my hand to his shirt and pulled at it to move him closer. A moan escaped me before I could mask it. Eddie pulled away as I still had my hand gripping his shirt.
"I.. sorry.."
Eddie said I smiled and let go of his shirt.
"Don't be I'm sorry.."
Eddie's cheeks looked red and mine felt red as he moved his one hand to my cheek in a light touch.
"We shouldn't.."
Eddie said as he looked in my eyes again.
I couldn't find words as he leaned down now kissing me. I smiled kissing back Sexy Chef and this was definitely another chef kiss.. literally.

(❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Would you rather be a chef like Eddie or a bartender like Buck??)

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