New Job

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~Eddie's POV~

I heard a moan? Groan? From the table when I walked away. Shaking the thought off since that couldn't be the noise I heard. Or was it?

After closing was done early again I walked out seeing the American again. This time he was sitting at one of outdoor tables. Shaking my head I walked to my car.
"Hey Eddie? Right? Hey."
Stopping I turned as the American ran up to me.
"You don't just run up to someone this late."
I said in English, clearly he didn't know Spanish being he was speaking English to me.
He laughed and stopped when he made it over to me. He ran his hands over his face and damm even in the dark he looked good. Eddie no. My mind said.
"Sorry I won't do it again I just .. sorry."
I crossed my arms waiting to see what he would say. I could be home by now, with my son, in bed as I read him a bed time story...
"Sammy the waiter he said you guys were hiring.. and I'm here for a like another month or two or sh t longer."
He says laughing little before rocking on his feet getting nervous it seemed.
"So uh I was wondering if I could umm be your bartender? I mean I did it back in Peru."
He holds out a napkin, a napkin from my restaurant. I took step forward taking the napkin he held out. On it was scribbled seemed to be a..
"My resume.. sorry I didn't bring my computer and my phone doesn't print so I asked Sammy for pen.. I wrote up best I could remember from my past jobs."
The street light made the napkin readable I smiled little at his dedication.
"I'll think about it .. Evan and get back to you."
"Buck .. my friends call me Buck."
I folded napkin and put it in my jean pocket. As I held out my hand for him. As we shook I smiled feeling the warmth of another person hand. It felt nice I haven't had that since Christopher's mom.
"We'll thanks Buck I'll get back to you.."
I'd offer him a ride since no other car was in the parking lot but he dropped my hand, and walked away.

~Three Days Later~

~Buck's POV~

I got the job. Sure I've done bartending before but in a new country where I didn't know the language well .. that was new. Plus my new boss was hot. No can't date him he's off limits I don't date co workers.
Especially don't date bosses.
On top of that don't date straight guys. Anymore. Did that come senior year of high school. We were only together in locker rooms after football practice.

At closing I cleaned off the bar with my clean rag and the other drying rag on my shoulder.
"You did good today."
I looked up seeing the man himself Eddie.
"Thanks. It's great seeing all the happy faces."
Eddie sat down his white button up with black splashes and black pants were very attractive on him. Yet the apron he wore when he cooked and would come out to greet guest was just as hot. If he had an apron that said kiss the chef I be first in line.
"Buck? Hello did you hear me?"
Sh t daydreaming about Chef Sexy again.
"Sorry what?"
Eddie chuckled and raised a glass that was empty.
"I said can I have some IPA beer. You are off the clock but I'd still like at least one glass."
"Oh yeah sorry."
I put the rag down and took the glass from him. Our hands brushed and I prayed my cheeks didn't heat up.
"So Buck what brings you here? I forgot to ask you that.."
I liked the way he said my name I wonder what his lips would taste like next.
Pushing that thought away I filled the glass with the only IPA we had.
"Needed a change. This felt like the best new thing outside of California."
Walking back I put the glass in front of him. Before walking to the clipboard to start marking off the inventory we had left.
"We'll I bet it's different. I only been once to California but it was to Disneyland when I was eight. Don't remember it much."
I looked up smiling.
"Hey that's a fun place my sister and I went for her divorce party."
As I spoke he took a sip of the beer as my eyes went to his lips as he drank it. How does he even make drinking hot?
"Oh that sounds fun?"
"Oh yes it was. Terrible man who hurt her more then one way. But don't worry she's happy now with a new man and baby."
"That's perfect."
I set the clipboard down before going back to the rags and putting the wet one on the sink faucet and the dry one on the counter folded.
"What does perfect mean?"
Eddie chuckled and smiled as he set his cup down.
"So you came here and don't know Spanish?"
"Hey I asked you a question first."
"Okay okay yes I'm only teasing. Well it's easy it means perfect... perfect."
"There you go exactly."
I smiled that I said it right. I took his now empty small glass putting it in dish washer. I started the dish washer and then joined him on the other side of the bar.
"And to answer your question yes I do .. we'll some I took it for high school but didn't pass."
Eddie turned in his bar stool to face me and smiled.
"How about this since you don't have a car I can drop you off to where you are staying and teach you as we drive there."
"Oh no no you don't have—"
"I want to .. I mean it's the least I can do. You brought so many customers back already. With that it'll bring in more and it'll help me .. and my family stay open."
Ah of course he's married. She's lucky to have a straight guy.
I mean I'm bisexual but Maddie's co worker Zack said I could even be pansexual.
He had his hand held out for us to shake on agreement again. Laughing without thinking realizing apparently this was our thing.
"Okay fine deal."
He said with that we shook hands in agreement. Letting our hands drop he stood up.
"I'll have to do tomorrow though sorry. But promise tomorrow. Can you close up I have to get home?"
"Okay yeah totally." As I stood back up he put the keys on the counter.
"This locks the door. Thanks see you tomorrow."
After he walked I couldn't help but smile at the thought of hanging out with Eddie outside of here. Even if he was married we could still be friends. Right..? Right?

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