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~Buck's POV~

It has been a month being back in the states and Eddie was on his computer a lot. I used my phone to record what he was saying because he sounded mad in Spanish.

I went to my new translator. Hen is old co worker after Eddie left for the gym I called her after sending her the recording.
"So basically he's saying he will need to find a job if he's staying. Or he'll get kicked out of the country."
"What about Christopher?"
"We'll him and Christopher's mom did visit here when she gave birth to him in Texas. So he technically does have the American side.."
"I can't let him leave."
Hen sighed as I couldn't see her face I knew she sounded upset.
"I know. But with the system they won't let him stay with no job."
My eyes widen as I got an idea and I began telling her it.

~Eddie's POV~

Carla picked up Christopher for me since Buck insisted we go on a date. I haven't told Christopher yet but I promised myself soon.

I went to put on plain grey shorts with a button up but Buck handed me an outfit. It was a fancy suit with no tie.
"So now you getting me back? Now I'm your ken doll?"
"Maybe. And I want us to match it be cute."
I laughed but agreed before getting dressed.

When they made it to the destination he saw a beach. The same one they took to Christopher yesterday.

We rolled up our suit pants and took socks with shoes off. In our free hands we held them and the other hand we held hands.
"This is so beautiful Buck."
"But so are you."
I laughed again before Buck stopped walking make me stop. I went to comment what but felt Buck take step closer and kissing me. I instantly kissed back feeling the freedom of a kiss I could do. Without the worry something could happen. Squeals in kiss pulling away feeling the cold ocean touch my feet.

As they sat on the towel Buck leaned his head onto my shoulder. See we didn't need expensive dates. Ones like these were my favorites if I'm being honest. Buck wrapped his arm around me pulling us closer together.

The only sound was the waves crashing and our heartbeats. I closed my eyes to lock this memory in to remember for next time I get sad.

~Buck's POV~

As we walked back to my jeep I got ding on my phone with thumbs up emoji from Chimney as I smiled.

We crawled in as I looked over at Eddie smiling.
"We have one more stop."
Eddie's left eyebrow lifted when I pulled out the blindfold from my suit jacket pocket.
"I know you like kinky stuff but babe I'm sorry but I'm not going to do that blindfolded in your car."
I laugh before shaking my head.
"No silly I don't want you to see where we are going until we are there."
"I only been in here a month I still can't go to store without my gps."
I pout even if he had a point. I remember he called me saying he couldn't find the grocery store. He somehow managed to go to the town after LA.
"The movies make this so easy."
Eddie laughs as he leans over in his seat kissing my cheek.
"Okay you can blindfold me but don't kidnap me. Or Christopher won't be happy."
"Yay! And never."

After I had it on him I waved my hand in front of him.
"See that?"
"See what?"
I chuckled before sitting back and started to drive to my destination.

~Eddie's POV~

Once the jeep was parked I heard Buck get out and then I heard my door open.
"Take my hand it's right in front of you."
"Huh funny I can't see it." I said as I reached down and felt Buck take my hand.

Feeling Buck lead me I trusted him since my main version was completely dark. Didn't take long before I felt us stop.
"Please say you aren't gonna kill me."
I jumped little feeling Buck behind him. As I felt the darkness become very bright and then my vision adjusted.

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