Breakfast, Hearts and Baby

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~Buck's POV~

I woke up cold as I sat up slowly I saw I was on the hammock. I tried connecting the dots of why and it connected.

Eddie. His hands. He definitely looked at my lips. I definitely would've kissed back if he kissed me.

Shaking my head I brought the blanket in with me and put it on the sofa. Hearing knock I yawned as I walked to the door. Looking in peep hole I saw Chimney. I opened the door as he smiled.
"Hey everyone up?"
I scratched back of my neck and did small shrug.
"No clue I just got up myself."
"Okay cool we'll I made food for all of us. Umm Eddie and Christopher can join too."
I went to say I'll go see and heard someone behind me I looked and saw Eddie. Jesus that one needs a bell.
"Uh yeah we can join let me get Christopher."
He said looking at me before walking down the hall to the bedrooms. Looking away I looked back at Chimney.
He smiled again.
"Nothing. But see you guys. Don't be long or it'll get cold."

So that's how the three of us went across the hall to have breakfast with my sister and her husband.
"So Christopher you excited to see California?"
Maddie asked as I played with my food not that hungry.
"Yeah I think so. I want to see the beach and go Disneyland."
I looked up at that smiling as Eddie chuckled.
"Christopher remember I told you we won't go everywhere. We'll have to go back home to grandma."
I looked over at Christopher frowning as I felt bad. Disney isn't just for kids and every kid big or small should experience it. It was like Maddie read my mind.
"And hey if you want to take him you can use our family pass. This year we won't be able to go for a while."
I smiled seeing her rub her belly.
"Any names yet? Buck be perfect name. Or Evan."
Maddie frowned as I looked confused and she smiled quickly. Not before I saw tear fall from her eye.
Chimney took her hand and squeezed it lightly.
"No come on what? Something wrong with the baby?"
Maddie shook her head.
"N-no it's just the night you hit your head.. we were on the phone and we had that same conversation."
I looked back to my plate and played with my eggs again.
"Anyway yeah California has lots to offer."
Chimney added talking to Eddie. I looked over at my sister and seeing she was upset.

~Eddie's POV~

After breakfast with Buck's sister and her husband Chimney I helped with the dishes. Buck and Christopher were drawing in the living room. Since screens were still sensitive to Buck and Chimney went to work, he was an EMT and firefighter.

"Do you think Buck will get better?"
Maddie asked me for only us to hear as she handed me a wet dish. I took it and started to dry it before answering.
"Honestly he should yeah. His doctor said if he sticks with routine, take his medication and rest he should recover quickly."
She sighed before cleaning a silverware. I glanced from our spot to look in living room seeing the boys laughing. It made me smile at seeing them happy together.
"I hope so. And Eddie I know I said last night but again.. thank you for bringing him home."
I looked over at her smiling.
"Of course. Family is important to him he would always say. And he said he couldn't wait to meet the kid who made him be an uncle."
"Yeah he's great with kids." She trialed off looking over at Buck and Christopher swap colored pencils.
"Yeah and I see he is that way with Christopher too."
I smiled as we finished the dishes she went to so the counters. She wouldn't let me help and said she has it.

Walking into living room I saw the boys putting the crayons away. I picked up both of the pieces of paper.
"These are both great."
One was a realist heart and the other was a fake heart with smile face on it.
"Dad guess who drew what."
I laughed before sitting on the sofa which made me be sandwiched between them. Buck closed the crayon box and looked at me.
"Come on dad guess."
"Yeah Eddie guess."
Buck added sounded like Christopher with begging.

I hummed looking at both of them before both boys.
"Umm Christopher you drew the smile heart and Buck you drew the other heart?"
I asked my question as Christopher giggled shaking his head no.
I asked and felt the fire burning feeling as Buck was reaching his hand to lightly touch mine as he pointed at his work.
"I guess I missed the assignment."
My hand went to touch his shoulder but he smiled before I moved it. He stood up hearing a glass in the kitchen break.
He ran in there and I heard.
"Call Chimney my water broke."
Buck walked back out to me realizing I still had his phone. I left it in the other apartment.
"Uh I can call him what's his number?"
Buck told me as I put it in and called. Maddie walked in and Christopher looked scared.
Buck looked at him.
"Hey it's okay she's going to have the baby. And Ed can you drive? My medicine won't let me drive."
"Yeah of course. And Chimney said he'll meet us there."
"Uh Carla in apartment one two can watch Christopher. She is a caregiver. Ow."
Maddie said as we left the apartment and I watched Buck and Maddie go to elevator.

I knocked at the door and few seconds a later a women answered. I explained quickly and she smiled at Christopher.
"Tell Maddie I said good luck and breathe."
I nodded as we exchanged numbers and I went to the elevator. As it opened I ran out and went to my car seeing them wait.
"Sorry forgot to give you the keys."
"It's fine let's just go. I am not having my baby on the sidewalk."
Buck got in the back with Maddie as I got in drivers seat and started to drive the directions
my gps said to go.

~Buck's POV~

Waiting in hospital waiting room is never fun. Not comfortable chairs, coffee is plain, the tv keeps playing a red haired news lady, the bright lights in one spot keep flicking, the crying you see when bad news happens and yet I wouldn't be anywhere right now. Any moment now I'll get to meet the kid who made me an uncle.

My leg was jumping up and down as I sat in the most not comfortable chair ever. Eddie next to me as he had his arms crossed. Chimney arrived ten minutes before we did. So once he left to Maddie's room we were back to waiting.
"Want any coffee?"
Eddie asked as I looked away from the television not actually watching the new lady report about a bank heist. I looked at Eddie with disgust face without thinking.
"Huh? No that stuff is garbage."
Eddie chuckled and his hand brushed my jumping leg as it slowly stopped. I looked at his hand as I went to speak about it. When I did same thing my mind didn't think as it touched him. It felt natural like I've touched his thigh before.

He was my boss who just road tripped with me for three days and with his son on top of that? Who does that?

Before I could speak I saw Chimney walk up with the biggest smile I've seen three times. The first one was when he met my sister, second time when they said I do and now walking over to us.
"She's here. You guys can come meet her."
"Oh I can wait —"
"Aw come on Eddie."
I stood up holding my hand out and don't ask why because I don't know why. I smiled when he rolled his eyes and took my hand. With light pull I almost lost my balance but he helped me sturdy myself.

When we walked in the room I smiled seeing Maddie in the bed holding the bumble of joy in a blanket.
"Hello uncle Buck."
"Oh my f k it's real."
I said twice walking to the bed and saw the baby.
"Wait a girl? Did you name her Buckette?"
I said looking at the baby and my sister.
"Funny but no. Do you want to hold her?"
I sat on the chair by the bed as Chimney walked up placing her in my arms.
"Hey you.. I'm uncle Buck.."
"We named her after Chimney's late mom.. Jee-Yun Han.."
I smiled looking down at her making silly faces and I swear I saw her smile.

I looked up at everyone in the room and my last glance was at Eddie who stayed little out of the way as I smiled at him.

My memory flashed of us back in Mexico talking about coming here. I just wished I could remember before that. Pushing that thought away I looked back down at my niece.

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