1,830.6 Miles

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~Buck's POV~

I took Christopher to school as I watched him walk up to his teachers I did small wave. After he was out of sight inside the school I drove to the police station.

Turning off my jeep I got out and closing the door I brought the papers I printed.
"Hello. How can we help you?"
The lady asked behind the desk as I felt nervous even if I wasn't in trouble.
"Umm I'm here to see Grant.. Athena.."
"Oh? You have an appointment?"
"Yeah Buck."
She did something on computer and nodded.
"Ah perfect. I'll tell her you are here."

I sat in Athena's office as she sat across me reading the papers I printed. It was everything Eddie emailed Carla to give to me.
"So see? What do I do?"
I asked as she put the papers down.
"We'll first you are going to take a deep breathe.. and —"
"Don't say yoga. I am not going quiet about this. He did nothing wrong—"
"Buck listen. I know you love him.. and clearly he loves you too. But in the eyes of the law he did. He came over without a green card. That can be punishment for jail either here but ninety percent of the time we send them back to their home countries."
I sat up in my chair taking the paper pile and going thru until I went to the one that showed he applied for a house.
"But look he applied for residence. He even was going to have a job here. It's just like if I went to London. I need a job to stay in the country just because I wasn't born there."
I said getting angry as she sighed nodding.
"I know it's the law I can't change it."
"But you force it."
I stood up taking the papers off her desk and out of angry dropped them.
"Buck listen I told you I will help but that's good you are angry but you should get your anger to the right people."
"You are the people!"
She bent down taking the papers I missed as I stood up with the one paper saying I was now Christophe's guardian.
"I.. I haven't even told Christopher yet.."
Athena walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder as I felt the tears again.
"You can tell him when you are ready. But listen we will figure this out. I'll get back to you when I figure out how to fix this. Since this is good information that shows he did try. Instead of hiding away. It shows he actual fought so that is very good. You understand?"
I used my free hand and wiped my face as she handed me a tissue.
I blew my nose as she sat back down getting on her computer.
"So what I do when I wait?"
I threw away the tissue as I watched her.
"Can you still contact him?"
"I tired texting, calling and even email nothing."
"Mmhm on my end I can't even see if they already have him back in Mexico or if he's being held."
She nodded.
"Some border portals keep people longer for more information. But don't worry. All you do is take care of Christopher and call me if you get anything from Eddie?"
"Okay thanks."

~Eddie's POV~

I was back at my old room well it turned into Christopher's but now it mine again. I curled into a ball in the bed not wanting to get up.

I heard a knock but didn't budge as I heard the door open I stayed in the ball shape.
"Eddie you need to come eat."
"Not hungry."
I felt the bed sink as my mom sat at the edge of it as I didn't face her.
"Look I know you're upset —"
I laughed sarcastically at that but didn't roll over to face her. As I closed my eyes hoping to block out her noise.
"But you need to eat."
I felt the bed move and then heard the door closing. I counted backwards from three before sitting up seeing she was gone. I saw on the dresser was a plate of beans with rice and one taco. I picked it up from the bed and began eating it.

One month ago at Mexxology after we closed.
"No no Buck you first add the spread."
"But cheese should go first so it melts on the meat."
I laughed shaking my head at him still putting cheese on first.
"But then you'll meat will be dry without the sauce—"
I got cut off when I felt cheese get thrown aw my face.
"What the f k?"
Buck laughed as I saw him lick the cheese off his fingers.
"What are you twelve?"
Buck pretended to count as he hummed and I walked over using the lettuce and threw it at him.
"You started this!"
I laughed as he walked over as I chuckled and held my hand up in surrounded. Yet then felt the very sauce squirted on my shirt.
Buck put it down before running to other side of the counter. I stood on other counter as I went to run on the other side. Then we stared again at being on opposite sides of it.

Few circles later we both stopped and started laughing. That made for a messy ride to the hotel as we showered together for the first time. It was three weeks after our first time in bed together.

I couldn't finish the food as I put it back on the dresser at remembering that memory. I laid back in the bed but felt something under the pillow. As I sat up again I felt for it and picked it up. Turning it over I felt my tears again seeing a picture of my son on the day of birth with me holding him.
"I'll see you again soon Christopher."
I hugged the picture as I put it on the dresser before getting off the bed. I found Christopher's school bag we didn't take and saw his school computer inside. I looked at door and saw no sign of my mom coming in. I plugged the computer in as it turned on I ran my hands through my hair. As I light up I smiled before logging in as the admin. Pulling up Google I searched how far away was Mexico City was to Los Angeles. As it loaded I bite my bottom and when the number popped up 1,830.6 Miles I cursed. With the curse I slammed the computer shut as I put it on the floor and pulled my legs up to my chest. Wrapping my arms around my legs I rested my head into it as I sighed.
"I'll see you again soon Buck..."

(Yes according to GOOGLE that is how many miles between LA and Mexico City.)

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