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(I only know the stories from news and movies .. I don't know anyone personally who has been through this! So sorry if I get anything wrong!)

~Third POV~

Buck was celebrating his 31st birthday with everyone he loved. When Eddie walked away he watched him but didn't ask who it was on the phone. After Eddie left the building Buck let Christopher go next to bowl. When Christopher got a strike Buck picked him up and cheered with everyone.
"Okay I got the picture."
Maddie said smiling as Buck put Christopher down.
"We'll have to tell your dad, maybe have to put you on a team."

Buck sat down and got a text from Eddie and chuckled to tease him. When he didn't get response back he shrugged it off.

Eddie was signing papers that the officer gave to him. The officer Greenway called it a strike, a paperwork to show that he was denied in this country. Officer Greenway took Eddie's ID to make sure that was valid.
"How long you been here?"
"Three months."
Greenway shook his head as he gave back the ID before standing up from the desk.
"Stand and turn around."
Eddie did as he was told and the officer walked over and put handcuffs on Eddie. Eddie winched at the pain of the handcuffs and got pulled into a new direction.

He sat in a cell with other people like him and few who didn't look like him. The single mother with a baby was soothing him to sleep.
"If you hum a song it helps."
"You have a child?"
Eddie nodded and couldn't reach for his wallet since like all the other men here he was handcuffed.
"Yes. He's ten."
She smiled before humming a song for the baby. The baby soon fell asleep on his mother as she mouthed thank you to Eddie.

Buck went home with Christopher since Eddie didn't come back to pick him up. Buck read the bedtime story and did the voices again. Once Christopher was asleep Buck went upstairs and didn't see Eddie. Sitting on the bed he texted him two more messages asking where was he. No response as he laid back in bed and fell asleep.

Eddie started to doze off as another person in the cell kicked his feet.
"Don't sleep they will call you weak."
The guy who looked to be age of a grandparent said to Eddie. Eddie sat back up as he yawned nodding. It clicked he didn't have his passport and not his phone.

When the sunrise arrived the guard from last night and few others came to the cell. Took the people out and led them to a bus. It was a dirty bus compared to the one Christopher goes on.

Eddie looked out the window as the city became blurry and it turned to desert. He saw the women with the baby crying as Eddie frowned.

Buck woke up and saw Christopher eating cereal as he texted Eddie again worried now. Nothing as he ate his cereal and then texted group chat. No one heard from Eddie since last night.

Eddie felt the bus stop without warning making him almost fall face first into the seat in front of him.
"Up all of you!"
The guard yelled as they all stood up Eddie saw nothing familiar outside before standing up.

As they walked outside in the desert they got walked into the building. It was like a small airport with guards standing around. People were signing papers. When it was Eddie's turn the handcuffs finally came off as he rubbed his wrist seeing they had pink marks.

Buck went to Carla and asked if she seen Eddie. She hugged Buck before looking at Christopher smiling.
"Check your email... and I can't watch Christopher today I'm sorry."
She shut her door as Buck looked confused.
"We'll buddy you can go watch TV. I'm gonna go back to my bed?"
"Where is dad?"
"He'll show up. Maybe he's finishing the restaurant?"
They walked back to his apartment and Buck put on the TV for him. Going upstairs he opened his computer and started to read the message forward from Eddie to Carla.

Eddie was given a paper with red x on it that said not allowed in North America for five years. It even said he went over illegal. Eddie laughed to himself as the trip was originally a vacation. Yet he did everything he was suppose to get a green card. Yet they now were saying he was in the wrong but he took it smiling. Walking out of the building he saw a pay phone and went to it.

Buck cried quietly as he read the letter from Eddie.

Dear Evan,
if anything happens to me I trust you to take care of Christopher. I love you both so much. Don't blame yourself please okay? This is all me. I fought to stay but it didn't work but please take of Christopher for me. This is my official will it states you have ownership of Christopher. I know you'll asking yourself why me? Well look at you ! You helped him and love him just as much as I do. No one compares to you. I love you.

Buck wiped his tears and hopes Christopher couldn't hear him. As he scrolled to next email seeing the will stated he was now the guarding of Christopher Diaz. The next email was a letter to Christopher titled to read to him when he misses me.

Eddie wanted to call Buck and hear his voice but knew it would hurt more. He picked up the phone and dialed anyway.

Buck heard his phone ring and without reading caller ID he answered.
He knew his voice sounded like he been crying but wanted to hear Eddie's voice. The voice only wasn't a voice but a sound of breathing.
"Eddie please tell me you're okay? I love you okay so f king much."
Nothing as the phone dinged saying the person hung up.

Eddie couldn't speak as he felt his own tears fall as he hung up. He wiped them when he hears his name.
He looked over at his name and saw his mother. He ran to her and hugged her crying. She started to cry and hugged him back.
He pulled away from hug and looked at her.
"How you know I was here?"
"I.. called them. I needed you back."
Eddie said feeling his heart shatter into smaller pieces.
"I needed you back Eddie. I'm sick and dying. I can't have you a country away from me."
Eddie finally laughed and wiggled the paper in front of with the strike x.
"Well sh t . You made me not be able to see my son for five years!" He said angry and pushed past her to walk to the bus stop.
"Eddie please I'm sorry. They said he would come with you."
"Helena funny you knew he wouldn't."
Turns and stops to face her as he felt the tear stains on his face.
"You knew Shannon and I snuck into Texas and had him there. You knew he was allowed to stay if I ever went back. You knew .."
She walked over to her son frowning.
"Please come home with me I'm sorry."
"I . .. I can't see Christopher or .. Buck for five years or more if I get denied again."
Helena hugged her son as he hugged back feeling himself cry again.

Buck put his computer away and balled himself into a ball and cried into the pillow Eddie used. He muffled it so Christopher wouldn't hear him.
"Buck? I'm hungry."
Buck sat up and rubbed the tears from his face as he sat up.
"Okay buddy coming."
He looked in mirror to fix his hair and face. No sign of sadness as he walked down he did a big smile at Christopher.
"What you thinking?"
Buck chuckled as he got his phone out and stopped at the Lock Screen of him and Eddie kissing. He smiled at it little to long before he looked up.
"How about Mexican?"
"Ooh yes!"
Buck chuckled and Door Dash the local Mexican restaurant. When the doorbell went off he hoped when he opened it would be his Eddie. Instead it was red haired girl named Taylor.

(*hug you all* thank you for all the likes, comments , and views !! Omg I didn't think I would get one view. I hope you all have amazing holidays if you celebrate. If not I hope your day is better then it was before. You got this !! One step at a time !! )

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