Penguin Burrito

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WARING: b l o o d mention.

~Buck's POV~

Chimney's friend across the hallway in the apartment he lived in with my sister, her name was Karen and she let Eddie, Christopher and I have it since she was going on a trip for work.

Being I couldn't use the stairs at my apartment across town. The only spare bedroom in my sister's apartment was now a baby room. Eddie let Christopher have the bed in the guest room as he slept on the cot. Which made me sleep in the main bedroom.

I couldn't sleep so got up and went to the balcony looking out at the palm trees sway in the wind and the waves crashing but only saw city from where I sat. I closed my eyes drifting to sleep and didn't feel a blanket get placed on me. Until I felt a hand lightly touch my shoulder.
"Sorry did I wake you?"
I looked at the hand before following the arm and the face was Eddie's I smiled.
I lied as he let go of my shoulder before sitting on the on the porch swing that was on legs not attached to the ceiling and was on balcony too.
"Okay sorry if I did. You looked cold."
I smiled as I moved blanket to cuddle into me as it felt cozy.
"You look like a sleeping burrito."
I laughed at Eddie's joke but then remembered Christopher was asleep.
"He won't wake up he sleeps through anything."
Even when you make your morning smoothies? My mind said but I put my head into the blanket confused at the thought. How would I know that? I've never seen him in the morning until the hotel stays to get here.
"You okay?"
I lifted my head at Eddie's question.
"Yeah just thankful you got me back here. Thanks Chef."
I looked over and saw Eddie frown but was looking at the city in front of us.
"So why you up?"
I asked as his face turned to me with small shrug.
"Time zone off? I don't know couldn't really sleep."
I noticed he was in a black tank top and grey sweat pants.
"Yeah but I'll go in later."
With that I picked up the blanket and walked over to him he chuckled.
"Now you are penguin burrito."
I chuckled and sat by him and moved the blanket so it was on both of us.
"But am I cute penguin burrito?"
I teased and what he said next made me gasp.
"The cutest."
I looked at him quickly but little to quickly I winced feeling my head hurt.
"Hey you okay?"
I put my hand in my heads waiting for the throbbing to stop. I felt him move closer and lift my face to look in my eyes.
"Hey breathe .. it's okay.. "
I felt myself relax looking in his eyes and my brain slowly stopped hurting.
"It feels like someone keeps pinching my brain and then kicking it."
I mumbled as our eyes were locked and I felt one of his hands slowly slide off my face before lightly touching my lips. I parted them as he did it but we both couldn't find words. If he pressed down to kiss me I'd kiss back but he slowly let go making himself stand up.
"Uh yeah I'm going back to bed."
He was already gone before I could get a word out as I ran my hand thru my hair and then down to my lips. I felt hungry but it wasn't for the pizza Chimney had made for dinner tonight. I curled myself in ball and covered myself in blanket before falling asleep dreaming of Eddie.

~Eddie's POV~

I got up from the cot quietly to not wake Christopher before going to bathroom. Then went to kitchen and drank some water. I saw the door was cracked and went to close it but saw Buck asleep on an outdoor chair. Smiling I got the blanket off the sofa before walking out and placing it on him.

"Sorry did I wake you?"
I said when I went to back up and saw Buck stir before lifting his head to look at me.
I sat on the balcony with small smile at him as I spoke.
"Okay sorry if I did. You looked cold."
He looked so cute and cuddly I wanted to reach out and kiss him again.
"You look like a sleeping burrito."
I said instead because he did also look like a burrito.
"He won't wake up he sleeps through anything."
I saw him look at the sliding door when I remembered he didn't know Christopher could sleep through everything.
I saw him face palm into the blanket and got worried his brain was hurting again if he was trying to hard to remember something.
"You okay?"
Buck lifted his head and looked at me.
"Yeah just thankful you got me back here. Thanks Chef."
Quickly I looked out at the city in front of us and heard waves crashing but couldn't see them and heard cars but saw those.
"So why you up?"
Buck asked as I turned to him with small shrug and little shiver feeling the wind breeze between us.
"Time zone off? I don't know couldn't really sleep."
I glanced down at myself before looking back over at Buck and said.
"Yeah but I'll go in later."
Two seconds later Buck stood up and wobbled over to me with blanket still wrapped around his body.
"Now you are penguin burrito."
Buck chuckled and sat by me and moved the blanket so it was on both of us.
"But am I cute penguin burrito?"
Buck asked and without thinking I said.
"The cutest."
I cursed in my head at realizing what I said.
"Hey you okay?"
I looked over and he was holding onto his head and bent in the chair making the porch swing sway forward.
Worried he could be having panic attack too I moved closer our legs almost touching as I lifted his face to look in my eyes.
"Hey breathe .. it's okay.. "
Buck looked back in my eyes as I didn't blink and kept staring back. It felt like before when we would stare.
"It feels like someone keeps pinching my brain and then kicking it."
Buck mumbled and I lifted eyebrow before one of my hands slowly slide off down his face before lightly touching his lips. Buck parted his lips as I felt my heart pick up. Just one kiss and it'll make him remember. Then my mind flashed to him falling off and hitting his head. The blood coming out above his birthmark. I stood up quickly realizing I caused the pain on him. I'm the reason he doesn't remember anything.
"Uh yeah I'm going back to bed."
I said quickly before walking in the house and closing the sliding door. Laying back in the cot I looked up at the ceiling fan spin. My own mind was spinning like the fan above me.

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