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~Eddie's POV~

As I drank my beer and watching Buck look at the clipboard for inventory I knew I made the right choice. Sure he was American and probably would bounce to leave but he was helping. After he agreed for me to help him with his Spanish I got a text.
'Christopher won't go to sleep. He says he wants you home.'
'Okay I'll be right there.'

Driving home I felt worried of why he hasn't been going to bed at his bed time. I know being away wasn't ideal but I had to pay the bills. My mom didn't have much money coming in since my dad died. Pulling up to the house I turned off my truck and put keys in my pocket I got out to go inside the house.

A hour later Christopher went to sleep after he insisted on three more books. Closing his door after turning off the light I went to living room and went to the couch. Christopher took my old room and my mom had hers. Yawning I didn't have time to change as I fell asleep.

~Next Day~

Walking in I saw my chef under me, Hen Wilson. She was one person I could trust to run the place if it ever came down to me having to give this business to someone else.
"You late."
I smiled at her tease and put my apron on.
"Sorry Christopher wouldn't go to bed last night and then today he wouldn't get dressed for school."
"Aw is he doing any better?"
"Yeah the surgery went well but he doesn't want to go to school. Won't say why."
"Don't worry Denny was the same way. But now he loves it seeing all his friends and girlfriend."
I chuckled as I went to start cutting a vegetable until I heard door open.
"Hey sorry to umm bother but we are low on vodka .. rum and something else sh t .. ah Tequila.. and I can do the alcohol run but .. I don't have a car."
I looked up hearing Buck ramble and it was cute. Yes I have a kid and yes I'm bisexual.
"I can take you."
I took my apron off and hung it back on the hook.
"Oh okay cool."
"Hen you got this?"
"Pfft blindfolded with my eyes closed."
I laughed and pointed. "But don't do that but we'll be back."

As we drove to the store it was silent. The radio played music was the only noise made. In the store Buck pushed the shopping cart.
"Hey you want your first Spanish lesson?"
"Oh you were serious?"
"We'll yeah it'll be fun and great way to help you talk to customers." 
"Aww come on not fair I can't translate all that. All I got was ..  nothing."
"But I didn't say nothing."
Buck laughed and I smiled hearing his laugh, that was also cute.

I directed us to the produce isle.
"Okay so put in five items from here in the cart and then I'll let you tell me what you think they are.. then I'll grade you."
"Aw come on I sucked in school."
"Go on I'll even close my eyes."
Smiling as I pulled my hands up to my eyes waiting.

~Buck's POV~

This man was crazy but sounded like a challenge. I never back down to a challenge.
After grabbing five items from the produce section I put them in the cart. After they were all inside I walked over to Eddie and tapped him on the shoulder. I was two inches taller then him as I smiled at him.
He moved his hands from his face and my breathe caught seeing how his brown eyes shined in the grocery store light.

Eddie smiled and looked down at the cart seeing what was inside. Humming he looked at them before looking over at me.
"Okay begin."
I felt my cheeks lightly get warm as I lifted my one hand to scratch back of my neck.
"So that's a banana, ... apple ..." I trailed off not sure what the others were. Or even if I said them right.
"Close apple as more of a roll of a tongue like apple." Eddie said as my eyes fell to his lips watching how he said the word. I licked my lips before looking back down to the cart.
"This is carrot, pear, and lemon."
"Wow lemon is pronounced the same as English?"
I asked confused as I looked at Eddie for confirmation that I heard correctly.
"Yep we have a few words like that. I mean I think every language does. We all start with a base of Latin."
Nodding as I tried understanding and wished I had a notebook to write notes. Yet I didn't know I'd be learning Spanish in middle of Mexico with Sexy Chef.

As we left the store and loaded up the truck with the alcohol I learned few more words. I'll have to tell Maddie she'll be so proud. She already asked for a picture of Eddie and I didn't know if he had social media. So how do you ask Sexy Chef for a photo? I'll need to do my searching better when I get back to the hotel.

"So uh thanks for helping me today. .. with Spanish and the alcohol run."
"No problem. Besides you as bartender need the alcohol like a bee needs honey."

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