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~Eddie's POV~

I rolled over hearing my alarm go off for 8 am. Turning it off I sat up stretching and tried fighting off a yawn. Walking to bathroom I brushed his teeth, after the two minutes I used the toilet walking back to my room I got dressed. After dressed he went to the bed. Smiling I saw the small version of myself asleep. Walking over to the bed he bent down to be on his level. "Christopher. Time for school."  Christopher rolled over and let out a groan, at only ten years old he would rather snooze. Myself at 33 wanted to snooze too but just like yesterday we had to keep to schedule. "Come on we can't be late." Christopher sighed before rolling over to face me, his dad. "O ." Yawn "Kay." Yawn. I help him out of bed and already at a seven day cubby of days of the week clothes to wear. After Christopher was dressed and walked himself to bathroom with his crutches, since he has cerebral palsy, he followed me into the kitchen. "Morning my loves."  I smiled hearing my mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning grandma." Christopher said sitting in his same spot and began eating the pancakes she already made. I poured myself a coffee and checked my watch and saw 8:40 am. Drinking my coffee I watched my son eat. My mother made me eat too even if wasn't I hungry but I knew better than to refuse. After breakfast we said goodbye and got us into the car. "We are going to the aquarium today." Christopher tried saying aquarium in Spanish since he was trying to learn but still wasn't fluent like myself and his grandmother. From what he knew he stopped learning since his mom died, during child birth. I never went back to teach him I smiled pulling up to red light and looked at him in the mirror. "Yeah? Well you have fun and tell me if you find Dory." "You think she'll be there?" "I bet so." The school was only five minutes from the house. A teacher was waiting for students to walk them in. "Have fun. Love you." "Love you too dad." I did small wave to her as she waved back. Seeing the time now read 9:04 I had to get to my work. Driving off I made my way to Mexxology.

Pulling into a parking spot at 9:30 I sighed with relief that I had until 10:00 am to open. Seeing few cars I knew others were already inside. Locking up my truck I walked inside. Greeted the few workers I saw and made my way to the back. Putting keys into a locker I walked to the kitchen. "Hello everyone." I heard few hellos back. I picked up his black apron from the hook by the door and put it on. Put my phone in the pocket of the apron. Being head chef and owing Mexxology was what I loved doing. Being a father was my favorite job though. This job just paid for the bills and was fun hobby making different foods.

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