Road Trip

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~Eddie's POV~

I knew I was tired from not sleeping but I had to make sure Buck was safe. It was my fault the last four months of being here he couldn't remember.

As I helped him get dressed I only wanted to kiss him again. Yet the nurse when I picked up his medicine said can't rush his memory. He has to find it on his own with the medicine helping. Sure music can help him but you can't lay it all out there and thinking he'll remember it.

In the car as we drove to our first hotel for the night before the border tomorrow. With the two beds I shared with Chris as I laid in bed looking up before slowly rolling over to face Buck's bed. He was asleep as I smiled watching him at peace.

On the road again before pulling into the line at the border to cross into North America. Buck was awake eating from chips. Christopher was on his iPad playing a game. I felt nervous with not being back here until all those years ago when I went to Disneyland.
"Hey Buck can you get the passports?"

They let us through as the lady practically flirted with Buck and I felt jealous. Why was I jealous as she had his window down and looked at him little to long for my taste. He was just a friend with benefits so why was I getting jealous when he flirted back. Pushing that way I focused on driving.

Bathroom breaks were made, getting food to eat in the car was ordered, music was played, laughter was heard from everyone in the the car, pictures being taken, glances at Buck when he didn't notice were done, and hands were brushed each time one of my hands went to get my drink from the drink holder.

Another hotel visit and again I longed for sharing with Buck again. I wanted to be close with him again but shook those thoughts away knowing it was my fault he was hurt in the first place. If we didn't make out shirtless in a place someone could see us.

"GPS says twenty minutes and we are in LA. Buck do you remember your sisters address? I'll add it as we pull into the gas station?"
"Oh yeah it's 13 Blueberry Ave."
I faked smiled his memory remembered everything it felt like but us.
"Cool. Thanks."
He still didn't use his phone being the phone light hurt his head. Pulling into the gas station Christopher had to use bathroom but car needed the gas.
"I can take him."
"You sure?"
"Yeah you get the gas and we'll head in."
I watched them leave as I put in his sister's house before it buzzed with text.

Maddie: Thanks again for doing this Eddie.
Buck118: No problem. It's the least I can do for what I did. -Eddie
Maddie: Hey don't say that this isn't your fault. It's not like you pushed him.

I smiled at how nice she was to me and wish I had a sister in that moment it be nice to talk to someone about my feelings. Since the guy I had feelings for doesn't remember we ever more then friends but less then a couple.

As I put the gas pump back I saw two guys holding hands as they were walking back to their car. One was a taller darker guy and the other was more Asian decent. I gasped seeing the Asian man kiss the darker man before getting in the car. I smiled seeing how free they felt as I realized this was California after all. Freedom to be anyone and do anyone you like. "Dad we got everyone a piece of candy."
I turned around seeing Christopher show off his candy and Buck smiling holding two pieces himself guess one for him and the other was mine.
"How fun. Now let's head out before it gets dark."

On the road again as we found traffic I saw Buck groan.
"Did not miss this. Why can't I forget this?"
I chuckled seeing him point at the slow traffic turning are thirty minute arrival to a hour and thirty minutes. Christopher was asleep in the backseat as I looked at Buck again.
"Brains are interesting."
"You telling me it's like a sponge and I feel like it got rinsed out and I can't remember anything. I must of been terrible bartender."
"No Buck you weren't .. you were great."
Buck smiled looking at me as he chuckled.
"You're just being a nice boss."
I shook my head as I looked at his face seeing the scar that would heal, then my eyes went down to his eyes before slowly to his lips. The scar was a small line near his hairline almost near his birthmark.
"No never. I mean it you are probably the best one I ever had."
Buck smiled and I saw his cheeks turn pink as I heard honk making me jump looking away. I saw I had room to move so drove forward again.

Pulling into the house I saw Christopher and Buck were asleep now. I got my phone out taking a picture of them both. Putting my phone away I used Buck's to text his sister that we made it. I put phone away before shaking Buck lightly.
"Hey we are here."
I was leaning over to lightly shake him as I stopped when I felt him stir. I went to sit back but saw his eyes open. They closed again because of the light and then opened again. His eyes fell to my lips as I smiled and almost went to lean but heard voices. I backed away and turned car off after unbuckling my seatbelt.
"Buck! Welcome home!"
I saw a women with shot brown hair who looked alike to Buck. He got out and they hugged as an Asian man stood next to her as he smiled.
"Maddie and Chim I missed you guys."
Chimney hugged making it a group hug as I took that picture off Buck's phone. They pulled apart smiling.
"Come you can stay here too Eddie."
"Oh I can get a hotel—"
"No I insist you brought my brother back you don't need to stay at a hotel. Please."
I nodded as I looked in backseat seeing Christopher stir awake.

A road trip with the both guys I loved and now I knew it was crazy to say but I did love Buck. Yet how could I tell him now when he didn't realize he wasn't just my bartender.. he was the man who laid in bed with me. The man who laughed with me and the man I did love more then a friend.

With small smile we took our things and went inside the house. Buck sat on the dining room chair and took his medicine as his sister gave him a glass of water.

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