Dress Me Like A Ken Doll

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~Buck's POV~

I tried remembering but last I could remember was according to Eddie two months into working for him. Yet everything before I remembered like when Abby left me for her big adventure to Africa. I remembered my sister saying I was going to be an uncle. Then when it came to Eddie all I remembered is working at his bar and him dropping me off at my hotel. Last day I remembered at work was when we went to the grocery store and he taught me the words in Spanish.

I rolled over not comfortable in the hospital bed or even every two hours nurses checking my chart. When I rolled over I looked and saw Eddie asleep in the chair. He didn't look comfortable but he insisted on staying. The window by him was shinning through with the moon. I explored his body as I pictured what it would feel like. My heart beat picked up as I saw Eddie stir before waking up. I looked away quickly as I heard footsteps then Eddie's voice.
"You okay?"
I nodded as I looked back at him as he smiled and it dropped once a nurse walked in looking at my chart.
"Are you okay? We got a ding your heart picked up."
Oh right I'm on a machine and it picked up my heart beat picked up looking at my boss.
"Uh yeah good just tired."
"That's normal but rest is key for your brain to heal."
She smiled before writing something down and then left.
"How bad is it?"
Eddie sat at the edge of my bed and looked at me as I saw he fought a yawn. He spoke again when I did small shrug.
"This all my fault I'm sorry."
"Hey clearly it's mine if we were watching a movie. I am clumsy when drunk."
"But you weren't drunk."
Eddie put his head in his hands and I frowned seeing he looked hurt but I didn't comment on it.
"Is this what you do with all your co workers hang out with them in their hospital bed?"
I teased hoping for a smile and sure enough he lifted his face and I saw a dry tear stain.
"No. But you should rest up. The day after tomorrow I'm taking you home."
"Home? What you mean?"
"I'm taking you back to LA."
"But Eddie you have your life here.. work .. family."
"It's just a road trip for Christopher to see LA and then we'll come home."
Oh right the kid I saw the other day or I don't even know if I saw him again other then that day I messed up my Spanish with Eddie's mom.

Two days later I sat up in the bed groaning feeling like my head was going to explode. I went to get up but sat back down feeling my head throbbing. I heard the door and then it closing as I looked and saw Eddie.
"Hey I brought you over some clothes."
"Aw what? I totally rock this hospital gown."
"Not as much as you did in the robe."
I heard Eddie mumble but looked at him confused not sure I heard him right. A robe I haven't wore that ever.

He put my clothes by me as I looked at them and went to stand up but felt my head hurt again. Eddie walked up to me with worry in his eyes.
"Need help?"
I sighed before nodding.
"Yeah you can get nurse I don't think I can put these on without it."
I hated asking for help but Eddie took my plain grey t shirt off the pile of clothes.
"You going to dress me like a ken doll?"
I teased making Eddie small smile as he put the shirt back down.
"These are yours. I got all your clothes packed from your hotel room." He went to reach for my gown as I gasped.
"Sorry uh can I?"
I was sitting on the bed with my legs dangling as I nodded. I felt his hands reach from behind me before lifting it up.
"Arms up."
I did as told as I felt my body burn like I just ran through a building on fire feeling his soft hands touch my skin. Lifting the hospital gown off I shivered not from the cold but the want for his hands to touch me again. That confused me I knew he was cute I could see that but it felt almost familiar with his hands touching me.

I was only in my boxers as he looked at me a little to long but I didn't mind as I felt my cheeks heat up. He gulped as my eyes fell to his neck seeing he had a mark. See he has girlfriend and f k is she lucky. I'd do anything to taste that neck.
I lifted my arms again and felt him closer as I smelled him. My eyes closed as my nose focused on the smell. It smelled familiar like back at Maddie's when she would always have a cinnamon mint candle on I knew I was at her house. Yet his smell had that same affect like I was home before. He had my shirt on and used his hands to put my down. I didn't say my thoughts out loud but felt them yelling inside my head.

Then came my blue, pink, and purple checkered flannel as he helped my arms thru it. I gulped realizing left was my pants and shoes.
"Stand up and you can hold onto my shoulder for support."
I didn't hesitate as I put my hands on both of his shoulders. To be a chef he had strong muscles as I lightly rolled my hand on them to feel them. I stopped when I saw Eddie look at me as I small smiled.

This time he was closer as I balanced one leg at a time to put my pants on. I prayed little Buck didn't react like my mind was racing. I closed my eyes trying to think of anything other then Eddie's hands on me. I shivered again when I felt his hands off me. I wanted them again as a warmth but didn't dare say that.

"Now your socks and shoes."
I didn't trust my voice as I sat back down on the bed as he put on my socks and shoes. After they were tied and he was about to stand up I almost reached out to pull his hair. I stopped myself pulling at the bed sheet to stop myself. Jesus he was my boss not someone I can just f —
"Buck? You hear me?"
"Huh? Sorry what?"
"You okay to stand?"
I didn't notice he was standing as I nodded.
"I.. I think so."
I got off the bed slowly and nodded that I didn't feel off balance. Eddie took his sunglasses off his shirt and held them out.
"The sun will hurt your eyes for the first week. Not as bad as yesterday but enough it'll hurt. Doctor and Google Doctor said it can last longer if you don't take your medication. But it'll help for the first week to wear these."
Our hands brushed and I felt the fire again as I smiled before putting them over my eyes. Eddie led us to door as he explained he already had the car packed and medication picked up.

Walking out of the hospital Eddie let me use him if I needed help down the stairs to the parking lot. I didn't use his help with it being I felt every time we touched I felt like I was on fire. When we got to his car my mind flashed to us kissing in the car at a drive up movies.

The truck bed was down as blankets were all over the truck bed. No one was at the drive in movies. Eddie claimed it was old fashion everyone was at home on Netflix. The movie was an old cowboy movie with characters named Dean and Castiel. Laying in the truck bed I liked it but the movie got boring when the brother to the character Dean intrudes on their bar 'date'. "It's totally a date look at that." Eddie laughed at me shaking head no. "No way it's just friends. No way would the 1940s allow gay men together." "Maybe but look at the way those actors are giving each heart eyes. Wait no eye f king." Eddie laughed before looking at me instead of the movie. I looked at him with smile before leaning over kissing him. Eddie kissed me back pulling me on top of him. The black and white cowboy movie forgotten.

"Buck you okay?"
I felt my cheeks were warm as I nodded. That couldn't of happened. Doctor Collins did say some dreams can mush to thinking it's reality. I nodded again.
"Yeah fine really."
Walking up to the car Eddie unlocked it before opening the passenger side to let me in. I smiled before getting in and saw Christopher reading a book from the backseat.
"Hey Christopher."
I turned facing him and winced but hoped Eddie didn't notice. Luckily he didn't since he was jogging around the car to get to drivers side.
"Hey Buck. Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine really. Just little bump."
Eddie got in with smile before adding more ac pointed towards me.
"Our passports are in here."
He pointed to the cubby between our seats.
"Tomorrow we'll be at the border and then two days until LA."
I turned back around smiling without thinking I put my hand on Eddie's thigh as I moved it quickly realizing what I did.
"Thanks.. for all this really."
"No problem. Now rest up. Doctor's orders."
I rolled my eyes.
"But I just got up—"
"But resting is important. Please Evan."
I gasped that he knew my real first name before sighing.
"Chris can I see the pillow I gave you earlier."
When I looked over at Eddie he reached and took the airport pillow and gave it to me.
"So you don't hurt your neck. Now Christopher Buck is gonna nap so we gotta be quiet oaky?"
"Okay dad. Night Buck."
"Night kiddo.. and thanks."
I said again as I put the pillow around my neck before closing my eyes. With small smile I didn't realize it but I fell asleep just as the car began to drive.

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