Buck Wants To See You

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~Eddie's POV~

We had opening day for the new restaurant and I settled for the name Chef Kiss. It was the one Buck picked and once I explained it to the company who made signs they chuckled. She even called it cute as I smiled happy with it.

I went live on Instagram for all my followers back home could see it open. It was different without Buck here but I knew he would be back soon. I wanted to wait for him to open but Athena suggested it's good to start and could be distraction she added.

Bobby and Hen were my chefs under me as I didn't cook much anymore. My mind was on other things or a certain someone as I ran the restaurant.

Most days turned into nights when I stayed after hours to work on the paper work. We had a bar but it was nothing like Buck running it. Chimney's brother Albert was good don't get me wrong but he wasn't the guy I wanted to see. Maddie said when Buck comes back he can't work at the bar anymore. I understood and it's only been a month and I haven't been back.

Christopher ask about Buck all the time and I tell him he took a vacation. I didn't know where Buck and I stood since we had our fight. He wasn't allowed phones or access to computer.

Carla came over and watched Christopher and his friend Conor as I went for a run on the beach. If I wasn't working I was running to clear my head. As I ran back home one day my phone buzzed I stopped. As I pulled it out I saw it say on this day. Confused I opened the camera app and looked at the photo. It was the photo I got of a random taco. I stopped as I saw it was the day I met Buck.

I sat on my steps to my house as I stared at the taco not hearing the door open.
I didn't hear my name but heard footsteps as I looked up seeing my son sit by me.
"Hey kiddo."
"What you doing? It's cold."
I put my phone away chuckling as I pulled him into a hug.
"Clearing my head. Conor settled?"
"Yeah they are picking a movie but Carla finished dishes and said you were home."
"Oh yeah sorry I was about to come in."
"Is it Buck? Do you miss him?"
Christopher asked pulling away to look at me as I smiled and wiped my tear fast before he could it.
"Yeah I do."
"Well you should tell him. At school they said you shouldn't bottle up your emotions and tell someone how you feel. If they don't like you back then don't keep asking. Move on."
I smiled as I nodded at the advice.
"Man I should've went to that school they so wise."
The door opened and Carla walked out smiling seeing us.
"Well you to old you can't."
"Hey I am not!"
Christopher got up with Carla's help as I stood up smiling.
"Are too."
I chuckled and watched him walk inside.
"Remember one movie and then bed."
"Yeah yeah."
After he left I smiled at Carla.
"Thanks again and I promise soon as I get the bills squared away I'll pay you."
"You're fine okay. I love that boy like my own kid okay? You need to worry about resting. You look like you haven't slept in a month."
"I'm fine really. Thank you."
Was a lie but she didn't need to know that as we hugged I smiled before letting go.
"Good night."
She said as she walked down the stairs and left as I sighed before walking in. I saw the living room turned into a sleep over paradise. Smiling I walked to my room before falling backwards on to the bed. Looking up at the ceiling I yawned and before I knew fell asleep.

After dropping Christopher at school I got text from Maddie with a selfie of her and Buck. He was smiling and was wearing a sweater. It was Christmas week and I had no plans on celebrating. Yet when you have a eleven year old you have to. Yet seeing Buck smiling felt like a gift. Chimney texted in the group chat.

Chimney's Gum: Buckaroo !! Aw my two favorite Buckley's!
Maddie: Haha he says hi.

My phone dinged again as I went to drive but stopped to read it first. It was a text from just Maddie to me only.

Maddie: Buck wants to see you.

I put my phone down and drove to the closest grocery store to get last minute Christmas dinner food.

Buck wants to see you.

My mind kept saying as I couldn't focus on shopping. As I put the bread in my cart.

Buck. Bucky. Buckaroo. Buckley. Evan.

I put the potatoes with the butter and a gravy packet inside the cart since didn't have time to make my own gravy.

Wants to see you. You Eddie not some random person at the grocery store. But you.

I almost dropped the egg carton as I heard my mind yell at me. I put them in the cart as I saw an older man look at me confused. I did small wave before pushing my cart to self check out.

I picked my phone up again and saw the message again before I texted back.

Eddie: I'll be there tomorrow.
Maddie -smile emoji-

Sighing I drove home and put the food into the fridge. I sat on the sofa as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I crossed my arms.

Buck wants to see you.

My mind said again as I smiled little with the thought of seeing him again.

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