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Warning BLOOOD !!

~Eddie's POV~

The fight shouldn't have happened but Buck should have told me about Taylor. I mean we were apart and not technically boyfriends. I felt like we were but I guess to him we weren't.

As I found a bus stop I hated myself with the way we ended things. Just needed time to cool down as if on cue the rain poured down. Not what I meant I thought as I pulled my suit jacket closer to my body. My rain jacket was in Buck's jeep. Sighing as I got inside the bus. I rubbed my hands on my legs trying to warm up as the bus drove.

After getting home seeing Christopher was asleep I payed the the babysitter and went to bathroom. I took off my suit jacket and looked myself in the mirror. I went to the sink and used the towel to rinse off my face from the rain. When my eyes closed I pictured Buck frowning at me. I opened my eyes and dried my face and hands off. Turning sink off I leaned on counter when I heard my phone buzz. Confused at this hour everyone I knew would be asleep.

The name read Chimney's Gum I rolled my eyes remembering Buck gave everyone nicknames on my phone.
I yawned as I answered.
"Are you on the way to the hospital?"
I moved off the counter and looked at the phone then to my self in mirror.
"What? Why? .. no?"
"Sh t you didn't see Buck's live did you? He's on his way now."
"What.. no what happen?"
I said worried then heard a knock at my door. Walking out of bathroom I saw Carla with soup and walked in.
"Boy get out of here your boy needs you."
"What's going on?"
"Buck hurt himself .. Maddie go I'll wait for Eddie."
I heard Chimney say on the phone.
"What happened?"
I asked back feeling worried as I heard Chimney speak as I made my way to elevator to leave faster.
"Just get to the hospital I'll tell you when you get here."

Seeing Chimney at the entrance door I walked over at him.
"What's going on?"
Chimney frowned and pulled out his phone and headphones.
I put the headphones in as we moved away from the entrance door and he hit play. I held the phone and frowned seeing Buck smash his jeep. I gasped seeing the glass shatter at the front window shield. Then when Buck went to the front and picked his phone up I saw the blood. Buck with his bloody hand did a sign for phone before wobbling and went to hold on his jeep.
"Someone call 9-1-1!" I saw a jogger say as her dog barked and the other person in a car stopped and used their phone. Buck fell over as he dropped his phone and it went dark.

I took headphones out and gave them back with Chimney's phone.
"It's all my fault."
I said frowning.
"Don't you start that. It's no one but the idiot who thought drinking was a good idea."
I sighed as I looked and saw Maddie run over to us with a doctor following behind.
"He okay?"
I asked as she hugged into Chimney and wiped her tears.
The doctor smiled at us.
"Family of Evan Buckley?"
Maddie and I said the same time as he nodded.
"So we removed the glass pieces from Mr. Buckley's throat. But it did hit a vocal cord. So he won't be able to talk for up to six months. Maybe more if he doesn't do the therapy.. but for now we will keep him to sober up.. and from what you've said Mrs. Han.. he should probably go to a rehab center."
"What? Buck isn't a drunk— he drinks and is fine."
I said confused as he smiled. See why do doctors have to smile like everything they said is good news.
"Well he doesn't have to but Mrs. Han said in her family the history of drinking is there so it's best he go now to help him. Tomorrow morning will be his first day. It's only few miles from here."
He picked something up from his pocket.
"Sorry I must go but don't worry he'll be fine here tonight. You all can see him tomorrow. The bus picks them up at 9 am."
I watched him leave before looking at Maddie hug into her husband.
"So he hit his vocal cord and yeah I think it's best he does go.. my dad won't admit it he's an alcoholic.. my mom might be one too and me I did have a small case of it when I was only fourteen Eddie. I know you love him too but I think this is best for him."
I nodded as I rubbed my hand on my neck sighing.
"I understand."
"Thank you. You boys go home I'll stay the night with him. I want to be here when he wakes up."
Maddie said to us as Chimney took her hands and squeezed them.
"You sure? We can take shifts .."
"No really I'm fine. You gotta work in morning and take Jee to take daycare.. and Eddie you got Christopher. I'm okay really. I'm use to this helping my baby brother out of trouble. Plus with it being live I just know my parents are going to track down where he is. So I want him gone before they find him. So come back tomorrow at 8 morning to say bye."

Here it was we just got back together just with another thing blocking our path. Chimney and Maddie shared a kissed and she walked back in the original direction she came. Chimney asked if I needed a ride I shook my head no. He left and I went to break room. I made a coffee and sat on the chair.

Once again hospital waiting room chairs were never comfortable. Yet again too I was waiting for Buck in a waiting room. I drank my coffee as I pulled my phone out and went through the photos I got earlier at dinner of golfing. Maddie sent them to Buck and I in a group chat with Chimney. I smiled at the one of the video playing of me helping Buck swing his club on the white ball.

(Sorry it's short and sorry angst !! Don't worry I'll make it fluffy again I promise ! But hey not all love stories are straight right ? Some get bumpy ! You just gotta trust who you share the car with you want to see the journey with them.)

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