Bubbles, Buddie, and Birthday

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~Buck's POV~

After the dance Christopher took his bath first and then Eddie read him a bedtime story. Tonight was last night they would be staying at my place. I warmed the water back up as I waited for Eddie. I smiled when I heard a faint knock before looking over seeing the door open.

"So I heard you wanted few paint lessons?"
I laughed quietly and stood up using my hand towel to dry my hands.
"Yeah I think I do. Clearly I was doing it wrong."
I said walking over to Eddie as I felt him use my tie to pull me closer. Like a dog on leash I let him pull me before he kissed me.

I groaned in the kiss as I kissed him back. His hand loosened from my tie before I felt him pull away chuckle. How I get so lucky to have this man to be mine?

We raced each other to take off our suits the fastest. I locked the door after I took off the last of my clothes. I turned around seeing Eddie get into the tub. I thanked the landlord he made the bathtub big enough for two grown men. He just knew I would need it. Or that all the apartments had the same I'm not sure.

"You coming? Or you just gonna stare?"
I felt my cheeks heat up as I walked over to the tub.
"Jeez and you call me needy."
I teased as Eddie chuckled as I sat across him and saw his pout. I leaned over putting my hands on either side of him.
"It's cute when you pout."
I said as I picked up the bubbles and smeared it on his cheeks. I started laughing seeing the bubbles looked like a beard.

Eddie gasped and picked up his own pink and blue bubbles I had in the tub and put it in my hair.
"Hey I wasn't going to get my hair wet."
"Oops my hand slipped."
Eddie said smiling as I laughed before feeling him use his bubble hand to touch my neck. I let my eyes close as I smiled at his touch. When I opened my eyes he was leaning in and kissed my lips again. I laughed into the kiss feeling the bubbles from his face slowly pop and then I felt his skin. I raised my hand to hold onto his neck as I kissed him back.

Let's just say we got clean but not completely before we got dirty again just to have to clean ourselves again.

After I put on my pajama bottoms on and Eddie put on his pajama top and boxers we left the bathroom. We closed the door quietly and tip tied up the stairs.

I got to the bed first and sat on it before laying in and Eddie got in cuddling into me as the little spoon. We liked taking turns with who would be the big spoon. Eddie slowly turned around to face me as I looked up at him.
"Thanks for night."
Eddie whispered being just down stairs was Christopher. Even if he's deep sleeper we still didn't want to risk waking him.
"For what?"
I whispered back.
I leaned up and kissed his cheek and then his other cheek.
"I love you Diaz."
"I love you too Buckley."

Eddie rolled back over as I cuddled into him as the big spoon again. Closing my eyes I squeezed him tighter sad we won't get to cuddle as much since he moves into his new place tomorrow.

~Eddie's POV~

I rolled over in the bed and didn't feel or hear Buck. He was a snorer most nights as I sat up I rubbed sleep from my eyes.
"Shhh we can't wake your dad."
I heard Buck whisper as I looked over at the stairs that opened down at the kitchen. I chuckled quietly before reaching for my phone.

Nothing new with the green card people. I had less then month to finish remodeling the firehouse into my new restaurant. I opened up Instagram and was flooded with notifications. Confused since I rarely posted I yawned as I clicked it.

It was the photo set from last night with the kiss Buck and I shared.

Chimneygram: Yay! So happy for you two!
Jee-YunMom: Aww yay! So does this mean you'll be my brother in law in now?? -wink emoji- @ Buck118??
MommaHen: This is the cutest photo I ever seen ! #buddie
Chimneygram: @/MammaHen I like that!! #buddie
CarlaGivesAdvice: My boys !! Big hugs!
Ravi: Yay I'm not the only gay guy I know now!
BobbyandAthena: #buddie does have a cute ring to it... you know another ring would look cute ??
BobbyandAthena: Hhaha guys that was Athena but she got a point.
Sammmmmy8: Wait this is the best news all day! I do miss you all but so happy to see you both so happy! Can't wait to find my own Buck. Anyone want to be my Eddie?
MommaKaren: Sooo happy for both of you. And Christopher now with two dads can come carpool with us two mommas ?! -smile emoji- @/mommahen
Buck118: -fire heart emoji- they both make me so happy. Love you Eddie.

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