Brokeback Mountian

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~Buck's POV~

After getting dropped off at my apartment I took an actual shower. Which helped fix my hair since I could use a hair dryer this time to style my hair better.

I shaved off my scruff I had grown in the few months being in the rehab center. As I looked at myself in the mirror I frowned seeing the scar. I put my hand to it and brushed it lightly. My other hand balled into a fist as I flashed back to remembering pieces of that night.

Shaking my head to clear my head I dropped my hand and wrapped towel around my waist. I heard a knock and I didn't have time to get dressed so went to the door. I peaked in peephole seeing familiar face.

Opening the door there stood Eddie with a bag and his hand dropped as I felt his eyes check me out. Eddie whistled as my cheeks heated up as I moved out of way to let him have room. When he passed me inside his arm brushed against to my skin. I felt like I was on fire with his touch as I closed the door.
"Sorry if I'm little early. Hen insisted she'll take over the last two hours of shift." I turned around seeing him put the bag on the counter. I walked over smiling.
Eddie licked his lips and I looked to his bag and saw him take out two ice creams, our favorites and a movie.
"Got the classics. And this movie."
He picks it up to show me as I read it I lifted my eyebrow up in confusion. Why was the Joker dressed up as a cowboy?
"Someone at work recommended it HoraGrace ."

I nodded and looked at the movie as Eddie smiled at me.
"I mean endless you want to do something else .."
I felt my cheeks heat up seeing him check me out again. I put the movie on counter and pushed his shoulder lightly before walking up the stairs to my loft bed.

~Eddie's POV~

As I walked up to Buck's apartment I felt the deja vu again. It felt like all the times I have before as I almost felt like backing out. It wasn't different I reminded myself as I knocked.

When he opened the door my hand dropped as I almost let go of the bag I had in my other hand. There he was in only a towel with his chest bare and slightly damp. His hair was styled and wet showing signs he just showered.

I walked in when he let me and I made sure to brush against him. Sue me I don't care I missed touching him without someone telling us we couldn't. It felt like Mexico all over again but now in the safety of his apartment we were allowed to.

I explained to him why I was two hours earlier then I said but he seemed to not mind.

I licked my lips and put the bag on his kitchen counter and put chocolate vegan ice cream for Buck and snickers ice cream for me and a movie.
"Got the classics. And this movie."
I pick it up to show him as I see him read it I add someone from work recommended it to me.

"I mean endless you want to do something else .."
I teased as I looked Buck up and down again as I crossed my arms.
I saw his cheeks heat up and he pushed my shoulder lightly before walking up the stairs to his loft bed.

I chuckled and took the movie off the counter and went to his living room. I knew my way around his tv and controller. I got comfortable on the sofa and heard him walk back down. Now in casual but not pajamas he walked into living room with the ice creams.

Buck sat next to me as I put my one arm around him as he cuddled into me. It didn't feel awkward or like time has past again. This felt natural as I looked at Buck as trailers played.
"Where is-s Chris?"
"His friends Conor's house."
Buck nodded and took bite of his ice cream and I won't confirm or deny if my eyes went to the spoon and his lips.

I looked back at the tv as the movie loaded to play.
Buck nodded and I hit play as we ate some ice cream as the movie started.

~Buck's POV~

I changed three times before settling for an outfit. I don't know what worried me the most since it was just Eddie. We've done this before even with Christopher.

I missed this and seeing him on my sofa made me smile. I joined him and as he played the movie I watched. Yet my mind was on the guy next to me. I set my chocolate vegan ice cream on the table in front of us. Eddie leaned down and put his by mine.

I saw he had ice cream on his cheek and used the napkin I had and held it out. He took it and kept missing it I chuckled.
I shook my head no and he groaned before handing it back to me.

I glanced at the tv to see if I missed anything and the one cowboy was cold. The other one was offering to share. I looked back at Eddie and cleaned the ice cream off his cheek.

Cuddling into him as I felt his arms go around me as the movie continued. My eyes widen as I saw two cowboys go at it in the tent with the wind blowing around them.
"That's one way to stay warm."
Eddie said as I felt my cheeks go red and I couldn't look away. I've seen only few gay movies being my parents didn't agree with the lifestyle I never watched them growing up.

Moving here to LA I saw few and even did some acts in my own gay movies without a camera. Yet watching it with Eddie felt nice to see a happy couple on screen make love.

I take that back they weren't happy they got separated to be 'straight'. I through my hands up at the scene when they were reunited and pushed each other to the nearest wall and made out.
Eddie asked as I turned to him.
"Love-e tore then apart and they still fought for ea ea ch other."
Eddie smiled and moved piece of my hair out of my face. I closed my eyes feeling his soft touch and felt him kiss my cheek.
"Yeah love does that huh?"
I opened my eyes again and looked back at the tv wanting to see the happy ending.

No happy ending and I took my remote and turned the tv off not even wanting to see the credits.
"So cute and stupid. Why didn't they get the happy story?"
I frowned and crossed my arms as Eddie smiled and I sighed feeling him look at me. I looked at him as I small smiled.
"It didn't show it but I bet after the credits roll they are together again."
"Stupid movie. I see why it's called Brokeback-k mountain .. it broke me."
"Sorry it's sad I had no idea all they said is it was a gay movie."
Eddie got up and put the ice cream in the freezer as I jumped up remembering something.

~Eddie's POV~

After I put ice cream in the freezer and cleaned off the spoons we used I heard a knock. I looked over to the knock and saw Buck knocking on the counter. If I was holding the spoons they would've fell to the floor. Buck was in only his boxers and on top of his head was a white cowboy hat.
"What-t is this?"
I felt my cheeks heat up as he walked over to me.
"Before moving to LA I was in Montana as a ranch hand."
I felt Buck take my hands and his stutter was still there but I heard him clearly. I felt him lead me back to his bed before lightly pushing me to it.
"Oh? Was it fun?"
My mind wasn't working properly as I saw tilt his cowboy hat before bending down to me.

Buck helped me take off my clothes and the moment we were both in boxers I leaned up to kiss him, since I was still on edge of bed and he was between my legs on his knees.

Buck kissed back and took his hat off as I felt him move up and move my back to the bed. The kiss deepened and felt Buck above me as I pulled away still close. I smiled seeing him follow my lips as he blushed now.

I saw him check me out and stop at my hand seeing I was wearing the blue ring he gave me. He picked up my hand and kissed my hand as I smiled.
"We-e make our own happy ending?"
I nodded and he leaned back down and kissed me again.

After we cuddled into the bed as I looked over at the floor seeing the cowboy hat on top of our clothes piles and I chuckled.
"You been hiding out on me. You definitely should bring back the hat."
I said before being little spoon as Buck was cuddling into me as the big spoon.
"Oh-h got a kin-n-n-k?"
I blushed and chuckled before rolling over to face Buck.
"Maybe I never thought about it. I guess so? We did watch that other cowboy movie back in Mexico."
Buck chuckled and smiled as he leaned down and pecked my lips. I turned back around and let him cuddle into me as I yawned.

I can't quit Buck he is my Ennis Del Mar and I'm his Jack Twist.

(Ah!! 1.1k views !! Thank you??? !! I never thought not one person would read this. I just thought I write buddie cuz I love them and wow ! Thank you ! You all are incredible!! ❤️‍🔥 Now let's just hope Oliver and Ryan aren't one of those haha sorry guys ! !)

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