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~Eddie's POV~ I paced outside as I felt the nerves of remembering flashbacks I didn't want to remember.

July 7th, 2006

"Edmundo come here!"
I rolled out of bed putting my magazine down. Walking down the stairs into the kitchen I found both my parents Helena and Ramon in the kitchen.
"What's up—..."
I trailed off seeing my dad throw not one but four magazines on the table. My mom had box of tissues by her as she was wiping her tears from her eyes.
"What is this filth? Trash?"
I slowly walked to the table as I did small shrug as I saw them. It was Guy Glaze in other words Playboy if it was for gay men.
"I don't know.."
Three were still burnt from the fire I put them in the day before. One must of been buried and still clearly visible of seeing the backside of the guy. He was dressed up as a cowboy shirtless with his back leaning on barn door as well as his cowboy hat tilted and it was the front cover.
I lied as my dad picked it up and balled it before cursing to quickly to pick up what he was saying.
"You see this? These f gs made your mother cry. Are you one? Why do you have these?"
"They aren't mine!"
"Don't raise your voice at your father."
My mother said as she wiped her tears and I tired not eye rolling.
"I will not have a f king butt f king f g in my house!"
"They aren't mine I promise. I don't even know who they belong too. Besides you know we have homeless come in our yard and steal our trash. Maybe they burnt it in our fireplace."
I lied hoping he didn't think it was me as he looked at me then the magazines.
"This is disgusting I better not see you every do anything like this."
"I won't.. I'm with Shannon."
I said speaking half truth. I mean we have been on and off again since we started dating this year.
"Good. Now burn these I don't want to see them. And make sure there is no evidence of them. I don't want the neighbors to think my son is a f king princess f g."
"Of course sir."
My dad gave me the magazines and his lighter and I walked out to the fireplace in our backyard.

I cried but muffled it with using my hand so they couldn't hear me inside. As the fire came to life I wiped my tears and ripped the magazine up. Throwing it into the fire as I watched them burn. The last picture to burn was two guys who looked like firefighters naked kissing against a fire truck.

Present I sat on the curve and started to cry again as I didn't hear the door opening. Didn't hear footsteps but did feel the hands on me. Even without looking I knew who they belonged to.


"Hey hey what's wrong?"
I got out as I wiped my tears but more fell and then felt Buck sit by me. I moved my face into him as he side hugged me.
"I'm here even if you want to sit in silence."
I nodded as I cuddled into him and closed my eyes.
"Wait how is Christopher?"
I sat up worried and Buck rubbed my back with small circles.
"With his friend Conor and Dan. He said they were going to eat the pizza they provided for tonight."
So he was safe I nodded as I wiped my face again as I looked at the parking lot before slowly turning to Buck.

That's when I told him the story about the magazines, Shannon becoming my beard.. a fake girlfriend so my parents stop asking if I'll ever get married... the accidental pregnancy when we got drunk one night and I wanted to try it with a women.. nine months later we had Christopher.
"I'm so sorry."
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything."
"I did though Eddie I keep pushing you to come out and I see you aren't ready."
I small smiled as I looked down at our hands brushing and our thumbs tracing each other. The yearn to hold his hand again always felt like a magnet.
"Buck it's okay really. I know they say come out when you are ready. But they always forget the part where you don't quit coming out. Like I can say it a hundred times and someone will go huh? And I'll have to explain again yes I like guys."
"Yeah I guess that's true. So many people still don't believe bisexuality is real. Like Elizabeth Swan anddd Will Turner like f k how do you choose? Oh captan make me your prisoner and I'll eye f k them both on that ship."
I laughed as I pushed Buck's shoulder making him laugh and fake like I pushed him to hard and he 'fall over'.
"Eh she's cute but it's Will Turner for me."
I said smiling as Buck sat back up brushing my shoulder. And I got my phone out smiling.
"Here let's make it Instagram official."
I said as Buck looked at me.
"Wait you serious?"
I nodded opening up my camera.
"Yeah serious."
Buck leaned over kissing my cheek as I took the picture and clicked it again when I turned my face connecting our lips.

If sixteen year old Eddie could see him now he would smile and be proud. Sh t thirty year old Eddie right now is proud.

I pulled away from the kiss as I saw Buck follow my lips smiling.
"Maybe if you're good we can continue this in bathtub later?"
"Oh I'll be good."
I laughed.
"I didn't get you earlier for your selfies yesterday."
"Aw come on those were sexy?"
"Yeah but you don't need a hard hat on to paint."
"Mmhm maybe you can show me how to paint then? Or be my hard .. hat?"
I felt my cheeks heat knowing what he really meant as I added the photos to instagram.

It was the two we just got and the third was the selfie we took with Christopher before leaving tonight. With the caption I only used the heart flame emoji.

I put my phone in my suit shirt pocket as Buck got up and held his hand out for me. I smiled taking it as he pulled me up.
"Now let's dance."
I said seeing Buck's eyes widen as he smiled.

With that we walked back in and saw few kids eating pizzas and others still dancing. We did small wave at Christopher as he waved back.

Then I took Buck in my arms and slow danced with him even if the song was a fast one. The music stopped playing as I went to stop but heard the song change. The song was a slower song and I smiled seeing other couples and groups start to slow dance too.

Buck rested his head onto my shoulder as I kept my arms around his waist as we danced to Tiny Dancer by Elton John.

(Also I can't math lol so 2006 we gonna act like Eddie was 16, and Buck was 17... and then now in present they are both 30.. and Buck is about to be 31.. 🤫 we don't need to math right you know? Au has its own rules haha.)

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