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~Buck's POV~

I fixed my suit on the car ride to the courthouse. I didn't trust myself to drive so Athena had her husband Bobby drive me. I kept fidgeting with the sleeve as I groaned at it not looking right. Once we parked Bobby turned to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Hey Buck it's going to be okay. Take a deep breath okay?"
I nodded and did as I was told it helped some but then once we walked out the nerves sky rocket again. It's been four months of fighting this and finally they were allowing Eddie to zoom call in to take the stand.

I smiled at that thought of seeing him again even if it was zoom. Last time we talked was last week when Christopher told him the story about Conor kissing him at a slumber party.

"Do you like like him too?"
Eddie asked Christopher as he shrugged and looked down at his lap. We were sitting on the sofa as I smiled at both Diaz boys.
"Come on Chris tell your dad.."
"I mean maybe I don't know."
"Hey it's okay if you have to think about it. I'm not mad Chris.—"
"I'm going to my room."

We moved into the house Eddie bought since Athena said it shows he was moving here with a paycheck in tow. It was even in a safe neighborhood and close to a school for Christopher. I was renting my apartment out as I stayed with Christopher. I wanted him to come today but Athena said not yet could scare him.

~Eddie's POV~

I looked at Sammy and his boyfriend Sebastian as they gave me thumbs up that my suit was good. I was at their apartment they lived in. Being my mom had her book club over at our house. She knew today was the day I was going on trial yet when I woke up seven women her age were in circle.

I fixed my hair one more time as I used the link from Athena. I couldn't afford a lawyer so Athens's ex husband Michael was doing it free but I promised him I pay him back. Yet he said no I'll take tacos when we get you over here.

Last week was the last time Buck, Christopher and I talked. Yet today I would get to see Buck again. Buck said Christopher won't make it and I understood. I didn't want him worried or scared if the judge says I can't come back.

~Third POV~

As the court room in Los Angeles filled in with Buck, Bobby, Athena and the judge with few other people the room was quiet. The judge had Zoom camera facing him while the other two were facing the room. Eddie connected at the time he was scheduled to be there.

As everyone took turns talking the judge listened to everyone. Eddie was the second to last to speak as he made his case.
"I originally yes came to drop of my friend off back home. Since he wasn't allowed to drive with his memory loss. It was planned for a week visit. Yet it slowly led to two weeks. Then I realized I do like it here .. uh there in LA with all the people I met. So with that I went to the office and started my process to get a green card. The correction officer said I just need a job, a place to live, a school for my son, and it'll start my process. So I did just that. I bought a house for my son and I to live in. .. I found an empty building and began to turn it into a restaurant. Found a school that was less then a mile from the house. I hope you understand I did everything was told of me. I would not have broken any rules here or even there."

Eddie knew he was nervous but focusing on fighting for his right to stay in a country where his loved ones were was what got him through it. Even looking at Buck when the camera panned over to his seat was a boost to keep focus.

The judge listened closely as the man on zoom talked about what he did. It all sounded like he obeyed the law. When the next person took the stand Jonah Greenway the judged looked to him to see who had him as a witness.

Athena Grant stood up and walked over to him with smile. She began asking him questions about his life as a correctional officer.
"And have you ever joined a cult?"
He looked at her then the judge like is that allowed.
"Answer the question Greenway."
He looked back at her and did small shrug.
"You are under oath we need words."
Athena said as Greenway sat back in his chair nodding.
"I mean yeah once when I was a teenager.."
"And this said cult didn't you beat up anyone who wasn't white skin like you?"
She crossed her arms as she looked at him waiting for the answer. As an African American women herself she's seen plenty of hate people about her race.
"Once or twice .."
Greenway said the truth as he looked at his clapped hands before looking up.
"And wasn't one of those groups Mexicans who had green cards you beat up?"
"Yes but like I said I was a teenager!"
Greenway said angry that she wasn't listening to him.
"Oh? So then you joined the army and got kicked out for doing the same thing and then your dad let you join the police station near the border? So my question is do you not like people of color?"
"What? Yes I mean no."
"No further questions."
Athena said as she went to the judge table and gave him the papers that showed Greenway signed the paper that revoked Eddie Diaz green card process.

Athena went back to her seat as the judge read over the paper she just gave him. Greenway stood up and pointed at Athena.
"People like you don't deserve to wear blue!"
The judge picked up his gavel and hit the desk and stood up.
"Get this man out of my court room!"
Two police officer an Asian man and an African man pulled him out.
The judge sat back down as he sighed. He read the papers again as he picked up an ink stamp.
"Edmundo Diaz .. you are officially allowed back into America with duo citizenship. When you come back .. come to my office and we will let you sign your portion. I will get this copy emailed to your email."

Eddie and Buck's eyes widen as they heard the words from the judges mouth.
"Thank you sir thank you.."
Eddie said wiping the sweat of his hands as he smiled.
"That is all thank you everyone."
The judge stood up as everyone did the same and he walked out. Buck stayed standing before feeling his legs being weak. He sat back down smiling ear to ear. Athena patted his shoulder with smile.
"We did it."
Buck and Eddie said at the same time as they both wiped away tears that fell from their eyes.

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