Disneyland Hotel

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~Eddie's POV~

Carrying a sleeping ten year old is different then when he was five but I still did it. Buck carried in Christopher mobility device that helped him walk with his cerebral palsy.

Placing him in one of the beds I covered him as I stood up I saw Buck quietly put the nobility device near the bed if Christopher needed it in the middle of the night.

Buck's room was connected to ours being they didn't have a two bed in same room and with him not remembering I bought him his own room. I put my key in my pocket before following Buck to his room. I closed the door quietly and then felt myself getting spun around.
"Hey yourself Hercules."
I laughed quietly then Buck leaned in closer as he smiled. Seeing his smile it made me smile too as I felt my heart pick up.

~Buck's POV~

Once we were in my room and I heard the door click I wanted to be close to Eddie again. I spun him around and his back was now pressed to the door.
He whispered as I smiled.
"Hey yourself Hercules.."
Hearing his laugh was like music to my ears, I licked my lips steeping closer to him.
"Lift your hands up."
I said as Eddie lifted his eyebrows but did as he was told. I copied him but took step closer and connected our hands. He gasped as I smiled hearing it escape. I missed those sounds that he made. I wanted to hear more of those sounds from him.

I leaned down and kissed his lips as I let my bottom grind against him. I felt him pull at his hands wanting to reach out and touch me. He kissed back when I smirked realizing he couldn't. I loosened my hands as we kissed.

His hands went up under my tank top as I laughed pulling away still close to his lips.
"Miss me?"
I opened my eyes seeing how dark his eyes looked with the curtain had the street light shinning in.
"Yes so much."
His hand went to my face as I moved my face kissing his hands before pulling away.

I heard him make a whine sound as I locked that in my brain to remember later. Now that I can remember I don't want to lose these moments.
"Get on bed I'm gonna close these or they won't like what they see."
Eddie laughed before I saw him move to lay on my bed as I turned on the lamp on dresser as I passed it. Closing the curtains I then turned around and saw Eddie strip.

"Wait do you have any ..?"
"Uh yeah it's in my bag."
"What we're you going to f k someone?"
Eddie sounded hurt as I went to my bag before turning to him.
"What? No I .. use it for myself."
I felt my cheeks heat up before looking back for the supplies.
I found them before going to bed and almost dropped the bottle and box. Eddie was only in his boxers as I looked him up and down I saw his cheeks were red.
"Uh I Googled they said keeping active down there is great for memory. It lets you focus on a task and isn't stressful."
"Wait when did you Google you weren't allowed to use your phone because of the screen?"
"Don't tell Chimney but I used his Alexa when Carla took you guys to the park."
"Wait the same day Chimney and Maddie went to the store for dinner?"
"Uh yeah .. so hearing a robot tell me it's perfectly okay to touch little Buck I did it. It's not same as you but God I missed it.. I missed you."
Eddie laughed as I crossed my arms and then saw him crawl to edge of bed getting on his knees. I tried really hard to not smile.
"I missed you too look I'm not laughing at you promise it's just interesting you named him.."
I jumped when I felt Eddie pulled me by my shorts to be closer to the bed.
"And you didn't?"
"Mmhm no? And you aren't little."
I felt my cheeks heat up and then smiled before I leaned down kissing Eddie.
"Less clothing babe."
I groaned at hearing his accent come out and I knew what he meant as I pulled away.
"Oh I'll give you a show it's no Hades and Hercules bickering on stage today but .."
I put the box and bag by Eddie as I gave him what he wanted a strip show.
"This feels like a Magic Mike show for one.."
I laughed and he laughed back as I went to the bed when I was in my boxers.
"Only for one.. mmh do I get a tip?"
Eddie laughs harder before pulling me down and kissing me. I laughed in kiss before kissing back.

~Eddie's POV~

Laying in the bed Buck was cuddled into me as I moved my one hand down to play in his hair. I fought a yawn I didn't want this moment to end.
I looked down at Buck as he slowly sat up and I moved my hand off of him. He sat up completely as I sat up more too. Now sitting up and leaning onto the headboard.
"When you leave back for Mexico.. is that just the end of us?"
Sh t right I have to go back home.
"What? Why..?"
"I just mean I've never done long distance and all my exes clearly think the same because they always leave and I don't want to lose you and—"
Ah his rant again it's cute but this one with worry I felt upset hearing him.
I turned so I was facing him before taking his hand in mine. That must of calmed him as he looked at our hands and then up to my face.
"I .. I have thought about that and Buck if I'm being honest I want to be more then friends.."
Buck went to speak but nothing came out so I took that as I could keep talking the thoughts I've had recently.
"And I don't want to leave you either. I see how great you are with Christopher.. and how you are with your family. I love you."
"Wait what is that last part?"
I smiled at knowing what he meant but said something I had on my mind.
"I want to move here.. we both do."
"Wait you asked Christopher?"
I nodded as I squeezed his hand as I saw him smile.
"Yeah few days ago I think you were either napping or showering."
"But your mom and his friends are there.."
"Yeah maybe so but first thing he asked was would Buck still hang out with him."
Buck chuckles as I saw him happy he moved our hands apart before using it to go thru his hair.
"God I love that kid.. and I love you.."
I smiled as I kissed his cheek.
"Earlier I said I love you."
"Really? See I thought I knew that one but wasn't sure."
"Oh really?"
I tickled his side as he laughed and I stopped as he smiled looking at me.
"Wait we skipped the whole boyfriend thing. Does this make us boyfriends?"
Buck asked as I pretend to think.
"I mean yeah if you want to be mine.. I'll be yours."
"Yes I'll be your boyfriend.. boyfriend."
I laughed but it got cut of by a yawn as Buck kissed my cheek.
"Okay boyfriend you need sleep and I can drive us back tomorrow."
"If you sure."
"Yeah totally boyfriend."
"Are you gonna say that after the end of everything now?"
I teased it was cute seeing Buck happy as he shrugged before laying down.
Buck yawned as I went to get up but Buck turned.
"Where you going?"
"I don't want Christopher to wake up alone."
"Aww but I will?"
I got up and put on his boxers without realizing it in the dark since apparently the lamp was on a timer.
"Only for one more night and then we can share again.."
"Sh t you'll need to find a permanent apartment or even house. Ooh can we go house hunting?"
I went over to Buck's side as I chuckled.
"Sure boyfriend."
"Aww ha I know that one you said boyfriend."
I nodded even in the dark before using the clock light by him and leaned down to kiss Buck. He kissed back as I fought the urge to go for another around. Pulling away I felt both of us made a sad sound.

I sat up before finding my pants with Buck using his phone as a flashlight.

I got my pants and found the key in the pocket before walking into my Disneyland hotel room. Closing the door quietly and saw Christopher still asleep. I took quick rinse off with sink water as I knew if I showered I'd fall asleep. Definitely didn't want to fall in the shower. Before turning light off after putting on pajama pants I saw I was in Buck's boxers. With smile I went to bed as I heard the room next to us the shower on. Knowing it was Buck I rolled over facing opposite of my son before falling asleep.

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