Meet Cute

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~Buck's POV~

A week being in Mexico City I did exactly what the commercial showed minus the two girls in bathing suits. Sitting in a beach chair with beer in hand and looking out at the ocean. Smiling I watched the waves crash as the sun started to set. I got up from my chair when I realized I was hungry. Throwing the beer into the trash I went to the tiki bar and waved to the bartender.
I smiled at him and was curious what a local would say instead of google.
"So I was wondering what place has the best tacos?"
He laughed and then looked at me humming. I was in swim trunks, Hawaiian shirt open and flip flops.
"There is Mexxology right over there near the pier but I warn you they more ... what you Americans call it dressed up."
I looked to where he pointed and then down at my outfit ah so no beach bum.
"But it's literally on a beach."
He laughed again shrugging before walking to another customer. I went to bathroom and buttoned up my Hawaiian shirt and went to the mirror. Fixed my hair and saw I did look little more tan then I got back in Los Angles. "I'm not going back to my hotel just for tacos."
Walking out I made my way to Mexxology. Walking in sure enough it looked like an old fire house with exposed bricks and pop of bright colors. A Mexican flag was behind the host desk and she was wearing a suit. Sure I was beach bum look but they literally were on a beach. Walking up when no other customers were there I waved. I knew Spanish from high school took it all four years.. with C-. "Hi table for one." She looked up to me speaking and didn't comment on my clothes. "Just one?" "Yes." She nodded as she wrote something down and then picked up a menu. "Right this way."  Following her I smiled and looked around and saw at other tables people were dressed like they were at a wedding or funereal.. both I didn't do.
"Here you go. Sever will be right with you."
She spoke in English I guess I looked American I smiled and thanked her before sitting down. A bus boy dropped off chips and salsa before leaving. At a table where the other person would sit across from me would be Abby. Shaking my head no I promised myself and Maddie I wouldn't think about her this trip. Looking to my left was view from the window of the ocean still sun setting. I took picture with it and sent Maddie a thumbs up emoji with it. Putting phone down I looked at  the menu. Not a word of English was in it. Yet same phone I googled best I could to translate. Since even with my C- from school I didn't remember much of it. 'Pigs foot' 'Cactus' 'Burrito with cow balls' .. Definitely don't have these in California for the Mexican restaurants. Or least the ones I went to anyway. The waiter came over smiling. "Hello sir sorry for the wait. Are you ready to order?" "Hey don't sweat it it's cool. Hmm I'll have one vegetarian taco and the special taco of the day." He smiled as he wrote it down. "Anything to drink besides water? And  are bar is closed." "What? Aw that's so sad." "Yeah our bartender quit just out of the blue." Does small shrug waiting to see if I'd order anything. "We'll I'll have .. just water then. Thanks." He smiles taking the menu and walks away. Huh bartender I did that when I was in Peru instead of doing college.

~Eddie's POV~

When Sammy walked in with a ticket I read it over. 'Vegetarian taco and the special taco of the day.' Perfect for last meal for today, the special was shrimp with green salsa and onions. "And Chef Eddie sorry to bother but when will be hiring another bartender?" I shrugged before shaking the pan making the vegetables toss. "Honestly I hope soon I feel bad we can't serve it. No one else's is trained to do it." Sammy nods and walks out taking a cleaning rag with him.

~Buck's POV~

As I ate the chips and salsa I looked around seeing only one other table have a group of four sitting. Sammy the waiter his name tag said came back with chip refill. "Hey where is everyone at?" My phone only said it was 9 pm and the sign on door said closes at 11. Sammy smiled politely. "Since the bartender quit not many have came back. They all go gone." "Oh that's sad looks so cool here." Sammy nods looking at the view and then to me. "It's very special here Chef Eddie treats everyone like family."

~Eddie's POV~

Once the soft shells were grilled on the stove to show grill marks I stuffed each with what the customer ordered. After they were placed in the shell I turned off the oven. Turning around to other counter I added cheese, lettuce, tomato and a spicy ranch I make homemade. Putting the plate on the counter for the waiters to take I dinged the bell. Few seconds and no one came. I pulled my phone out taking picture of the plate. Posting it on Instagram even if I wasn't good with technology still. Yet it would help to bring good business my host Ana said. Rest of the staff went home earlier since we been closing early since the bartender quit out of the blue. Dinging the bell again no one came sighing. I put my apron on the hook by the door and picked up the plate. Walking out of kitchen I went to where the ticket said customer was sitting.

"And then fully clothed my sister pushed me into the pool..." The man sitting at the table said. Sammy laughed and I cleared my throat. Sammy got up from across the guy in Hawaiian shirt. "Oh chef Eddie sorry I..I.." "Don't be sorry Sammy." I walked around standing in front of the window getting view of the guy.

The guy with blue eyes looked into my brown eyes. I looked at him in the face seeing a pink ish blob over his eyebrow. Then I almost went to his lips but he spoke. "Ooh tacos." Clearing my throat I put them in front of him. "Thanks. These look chef's kiss." He did a gesture with his hands I didn't understand. I raised my eyebrow in confusion as I noticed he had an American accent.

"Sammy can you go clean the table that the Lopez family was at." "Yes chef Eddie." He walked away leaving me alone with the American.

~Buck's POV~
Sammy sat across me when we realized only one other family was left and standing up to leave.
So I thought I tell him a story about the time my sister was mad at me for talking okay flirting with her best friend in high school. I did dramatic pause waiting to see how he reacted to me explain how I called it being friendly and my sister said it was flirting.
"And then fully clothed my sister pushed me into the pool..." Sammy laughed and then I heard someone clear their throat. Sammy got up from across me. "Oh chef Eddie sorry I..I.." "Don't be sorry Sammy." I heard the voice before I saw it and I'll tell you I let out a quiet gasp when they stood in front of the window.

The guy with brown eyes looked into my blue eyes. I looked away from his eyes hearing my belly growl and I spoke hoping it masked my stomach "Ooh tacos." With them in front of me I smiled picking up my hand. "Thanks. These look chef's kiss." I did the gesture with my hands as I said it. I looked at him to show him but he looked confused. Brushing it off I took a picture of my plate. "Thanks."  I said setting my phone down and picking up the vegetable taco.  The chef walked away with small smiled and I took bite of the taco.
Moaning into it I felt like this is better then s x.

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