My Two Dads

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(Thought change the pov ! I've read few buddie fics and haven't seen his pov so .. ta da! This takes place au ish with 6.8 SPOILER when Christopher goes to dance. .. but au cuz yeah? Haha enjoy ! Also wow almost 300 views !! Thank you all! I didn't think not even one would view. Even if you just view and leave thank you. Even if you read all these thank you! Have amazing day! Hope you have another great day! And if isn't great I hope you have a day! You got this ! One step even if small is a step!!)

~Christopher's POV~

I was sat on the sofa at Buck's house, my dad's friend he met back in Mexico. Yet for now that we were here in California this felt like home. I hope we get to stay, it's better here.

Buck was on one side fighting my character. I started laughing when his character exploded from my character.
"Aw sh .. shoot yeah shoot this game is rigged."
Buck said putting his controller on the table. I laughed more as my dad came in with tray of lemonade for everyone. Mine was lemon flavor, dad liked strawberry flavor and Buck liked mix of both flavors.

"Hey kiddo I got something to tell you.."
I stopped laughing as my dad sat the drinks tray on the table in front of us. I watched him sit on my other side.
"What? Am I trouble? I didn't mean to put my clothes on the floor .. again."
"Oh no no it's not that. But thank you for telling me."
"Do you want me to leave you two?.."
I heard Buck ask and my dad must of shook his head no because I didn't feel Buck get up.

I looked at my dad as he rubbed his hands on his shorts. I haven't seen him this nervous since he told me when mom passed away.
"So uh you know how we been spending a lot of time with .. Buck right?"
"Yeah.. and California."
"Yeah exactly. So uh..I wanted you to know that we aren't just friends."
"Yeah he works for you."
I heard Buck chuckle little as I smiled before seeing my dad nod.
"Yes that too but .. you know how I loved your mom more then a friend way?"
"Yeah like a girlfriend."
"Yeah exactly that. But umm.. but instead of having Buck as a girlfriend.. he's my boyfriend."
"Wait just like on Firefighter Loves Flame with Leon and Anthony!"
I said excited as I looked over at Buck smiling and then looking back to my dad.
"You remind me of Antony dad and Buck you remind me of Leon."
I saw my dad chuckle before wiping something from his cheek.
"How you know about that?"
"They talk about it all the time at school. Even one kid said it be weird to have two dads and then he got bullied for it."

My dad pulled me in a hug as I hugged him back smiling.
"But I thought it be cool."
My dad let go and rubbed his cheeks again as I saw Buck get up and hand him a tissue.
"So Buck that make you my second dad?"
That made both Buck and my dad laugh as I looked at them curious.
"No.. we'll not yet anyway."
Buck joked as my dad chuckled and blew his nose. He balled up the tissue and looked at me.
"So are you okay with this?"
"Yes! I love seeing you happy dad. And I see Buck makes you happy."
"I love you."
My dad hugged me again and then getting up throwing away his tissue.

Now I have two dads! How cool is that??

~Eddie's POV~

We were buying my son a suit for his first dance tomorrow. It was a welcome back students and welcoming in new teachers. Since the only one we had was left back at my moms and it was to small anyway.

Buck was sending me selfies that I couldn't share and definitely not approved by the general public. However I did approve as I looked at them. He only had on a hard hat on and yet he was painting the room where the tables would be. If it was still the firehouse that would be where the trucks go. Buck was there late and no one but him there.

I felt my cheeks heat up seeing he put his hand print on the wall. With text followed next.

Buck118: So you know I'm always a hand away.. -smirk emoji- -hand emoji-
Eddie: -face palm emoji- You making it reallly hard to focus on suit shopping.
Buck118: Aww me sorry chef.
Eddie: I hate you.
Buck118: Love you too!

"Dad what you think about this one?"
I put my phone down on my lap and looking up at my son's question.
"Ooh I like it. What you think?"
I stood up looking at him with the floor to wall mirror looking back at us.
"I like it.. but you don't think it's to short?"
"Nah it's perfect!"
"Okay I'll get this one."
"Cool need help changing or?"
"Okay okay. Once you get changed we will pay for it and then go pick up dinner."
"Where is Buck?"

As if Buck could hear the question my phone vibrates with his text tone with photo ding.
"Painting the restaurant."
"Ooh can I see?"
"Not yet he's not done."

Next day Buck was driving us and Christopher to his new school.
"So can I tell my class about you guys?"
Christopher asked as Buck parked I bite my lip for split second before looking over at my son.
"Uh not yet."
"But you said lying is bad."
"It is .. but for now we will wait to tell them. Tonight is your night."

Buck and I were the chaperones for the dance too. When I told the school Christopher would love to go they asked if I knew anyone who would chaperone.

Walking in the school it felt just like mine back in Mexico. Expect instead of feeling big it felt small now that I was grown. I looked over at Buck chuckling at how excited he looked.

~Buck's POV~

Walking in I smiled looking around at the school just from the entrance. We went to a table and got name tags. Then was directed to the gym where the dance was. Christopher led the way as I looked at all the art on the walls as we passed them.

When we made it inside the gym Christopher left us for two other kids dancing.
"He met them during the school tour."
Eddie said turning to me as I smiled. The music wasn't loud like I was expecting. Some kids had headphones on and were dancing by themselves.

I took step closer so I could whisper in Eddie's ear as my hand went on top of his button up, right by his heart beat.
"Last time I went to a dance I got so drunk and got f ked by the jock on basketball team."
I smiled hearing Eddie cough to cover his groan as I let my hand stay on his chest few seconds later.
"Was he any good?"
I heard him ask as I did small shrug..
"I was seventeen I didn't know what I was doing.. but I'll say it was the most fun getting drunk and teachers not finding us behind the football bleachers."
Eddie chuckled and if he turned his face our lips would touch.

"Excuse me that is to close."
I heard a women say as I moved away and turned to her. She was in a gold sparkly dress with black high heels. Her brown hair was wavy as in a half updo. First glance she was attractive but not my type. Yet looking at Eddie I saw him smile at her. That hurt even if it was a friendly smile.
"Sorry my friend here was telling me a joke I don't think the kids should here."
"Oh good? But please don't do that here. Don't want to give the students bad idea."
"Totally understand. Uh I'm Eddie and this is Buck.. uh I'm Christopher's dad."
Why was he introducing us to this women and I went to read her name tag as she held out her hand for him to shake.
"Ana Flores..I'm the principle of this school."
Even her name sounds pretty as I saw them shake hands I crossed my arms. Then looked over at the kids dancing. I saw Christopher giggling as he danced with the two kids from earlier.
"We'll it was nice meeting you Mr. Diaz."

After she walked away I let out a groan I didn't realize I was holding.
I shook my head no at Eddie before focusing on the dance.
"You know I wish I could dance with you."
Eddie said as I small smiled before turning to him.
"Yeah? Then we should."
Eddie shook his head no.
"We can't Buck this is a kids school."
"So what? At their age I knew I liked girls and guys. If I saw two guys dancing back at this age maybe I would've came out sooner. Instead of after high school."
"But that's the thing Buck. Not everyone can come out that young. Or not even out at all."
I frowned seeing Eddie getting upset as I went to take his hand.
"I'm going to get some air okay? Uhh watch Christopher?"

Before I could speak Eddie walked out of the gym as I sighed. Great I f ked up .. again.

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