Lost and Found

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~Buck's POV~

I woke up feeling sore as I lifted my hand to rub the sleep from my eyes. I then felt something like itching my throat as I scratched it. Then felt hands on me pull them down. My mother was staring at me with frown.
"Baby boy why do you always do this?"
I looked at her confused and went to say it's your fault but no words could come out.
"I told you we should have sent him to an all boys school. There he would've gotten better treatment."
I looked to the voice and saw my dad with his arms crossed. I went to laugh but no sound came out and my throat hurt.
"You know I wish I had my other brother. At least then he would've actually been better."
"I know I only have one brother in law but he is the worst."
I saw Chimney and Maddie say as they sat in the window seat. I through my hands up at them and crossed my arms. I blinked my eyes and they all vanished and then felt hands in mine. I looked up at the face and saw Eddie. I smiled as he dropped my hands.
"My life was better before Christopher and I met you. You should have never came to Mexxology."

I opened my eyes when I felt someone shake me as I jumped up and the body held me down from jumping out of the bed.
"Hey buddy it's okay."
I looked and saw a male nurse as I went to speak but nothing came out.
I turned and saw my sister as she squeezed my hand as I went to speak but I felt like Ariel no words were coming out.
"Don't speak it'll make it worse."
I looked at her confused and then there I sat as she began telling me. The nurse handed me a white board with a marker as I wrote what I wanted to say.
"Show me!"
"No Buck it's better if you don't. Plus it's probably been taken down already."
I pointed at the paper again at her as she sighed before getting her phone out.

As I watched the live I frowned at my drunk self and soon as I did in video touched my neck I touched my neck again.
"It'll heal you just need to let it rest and then can slowly with speech therapy help get it back."
I nodded and heard the door open and sighed relief seeing Eddie. He did small smile as he made room for the doctor behind him.

I listened to the doctor explain I was going to a rehab center and I had the final say if I agreed to it. Being the state of California since I was over 21 I had the right to refuse it. I knew my sister was right we had a family history of it. Looking over at Eddie sit in the window seat I knew I had to get better for me, him and Christopher. I erased the white board and wrote.
"Okay I'll go."

That day Maddie signed me into the clinic as I looked over at Eddie. We didn't speak as I wish I could run up to him and hug him. I wanted to say sorry for everything but nothing was said.

After Maddie finished the paper work she hugged me. I hugged her back as I buried my head into her neck. I heard her cry as I pushed mine away to show her I was strong for this, for both of us. She pulled away and kissed my cheek.
"The first month you can't have visitors but soon as you can I'm coming okay? You got this. They also have a vocal therapist who will help you too okay?"
I nodded and she looked over at Eddie and he walked over.
"I'll be in the jeep."
She left us as I looked at Eddie and felt Eddie pull me into a hug. I dropped the pen and white board as I hugged him back.

With that hug I found myself lost and found in seconds apart feeling him embrace me. I squeezed him back not wanting to let go.
"You're a fighter Buck I .. love you."
I squeezed him harder and felt him slowly let go. I saw his eyes started to get wet as I leaned up wiping them.
I moved my hand over his heart as I taped it three times to say I love you too. Eddie must of noticed because he kissed my cheek. As he pulled away he taped my nose three times.
"Mr. Buckley you ready?"
I bent down and picked up my marker and white board. I looked over at the doctor nodding. Eddie took the maker and drew a heart with E and B in the middle. Then gave me the maker back as I sighed before following the doctor. As I turned around again going through the patient only door, Eddie did wave at the other side. I waved back and turned around again. When I looked back again we were to far down the hall with the door closed and I couldn't see Eddie anymore.

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