Next Morning

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~Eddie's POV~

Waking up next to Buck again was the best feeling I could have. I pulled him closer as I felt myself wake up. I heard him groan in his sleep as I smiled hearing him waking up.
I mumbled and leaned up and kissed the back of his neck. After walking home last night I read to Christopher as Buck showered. Then we went to bed together and just talked.

Now in bed with him safely in a place I knew I wouldn't get kicked out again he rolled over. Buck was on me as I laid on the bed and my hands went to his waist. Buck rolled his hips as I cursed quietly not wanting to wake Christopher.
"He's already at school.. according to the clock.. and after school we can have dinner."
I looked over at the clock on the dresser seeing it was lunch already. Time did fly when I was with Buck as I smiled looking back at him.
"Did he walk?"
"His friend Conor's mom probably picked him up. She's been doing that for me since we been fighting to get you back."
I moved my hands up Buck's sides as I knew even blindfolded I could find his body.
"We'll I'll have to thank her.. but .. I think I should thank you Evan."
Buck leaned down so our lips were barely touching. I leaned in to press them but he sat up quickly and I poured. Hearing a laugh out of Buck I frowned.
"Aww baby you to sweet. I mean I guess we are alone .."
As he was distracted talking I sat up and moved to roll over and pin Buck to the bed. I held his hands above his head as his eyes went wide.
"Son of b —"
I pulled his pajama bottoms down and looked up at him with my eyebrow lifted. He moved his hips up as I took his pajama bottoms up.
"Should I stop?"
"No way. You on Zoom .. just our hands last night wasn't enough."
I nodded in agreement as I cursed seeing Buck was now naked.
"No underwear again?"
I saw Buck lick his lips as mine parted watching him.
"What boxers get to tight down there especially when my back is pressed against you."
I loosened my hands on his as I took my pajama bottoms off. Buck whistled as I felt my cheeks warm up.

~Buck's POV~
The next morning if waking up to Eddie cuddling into me as big spoon was on the list.. I wanted it every morning. With coffee. Yet right now I was having the cream.

After we showered together and got dressed for the day I put on Eddie's shirt. He sat on the stool as I was between his legs.
"If you stop wiggling I'm gonna cut an eye out."
Eddie chuckled as I faked glared.
"Dang we make love and you still sassy."
"Well honey your beard was ticklish down there .. and you wanted this trim."
I said holding the razor away from his face as I saw Eddie smiling.
"Well sorry I didn't know you would start laughing when I was .. you know."
I felt my cheeks heat up remembering just few minutes ago.
"Now we know."
Eddie tilted his head up again as I went back to work. Slowly and carefully to not cut to deep at his face with the razor. I've only ever did mine and that was help with YouTube since my dad was never around to show me. Maddie she had a boyfriend one summer and he tried to show me but gave up when I cut my face with the eclectic razor.

As Eddie was cleaning his face off I felt my phone buzz. I picked it up from my pocket and seeing group chat.

MomBuckley: Hey kiddos ! We gonna be in LA this weekend we love to see you both ! We will be at this golf game with friends ! Please come I haven't seen you both in foreve ! Love mom!

I rolled my eyes as I went to put my phone away but it buzzed again.

Maddie: Sure mom we can make it. But can I bring Chimney? He's off work..
MomBuckley: Sure ! And Buck you can bring that nice girl you had last time we were there?
Buck118: We broke up.. and I have someone .. we'll be there.
MomBuckley: yay! Can't wait to meet her !!

I put my phone away just as Eddie through the towel in basket and walked up to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I looked up in the mirror just as he looked up at me smiling.
He asked as I did small shrug.
"Sooo... you free this weekend?"
"Uh yeah I guess so why?"
"Oh just want to take you to go play some golfing."
Eddie moved and looked at me confused.
"That is the whitest thing you ever said to me."
I laughed as he chuckled and I walked out of the bathroom. I heard him follow me as I went to fridge to look for food.
"But why? What's so fun about golfing.. if you think about it too it's just ugh boring?"
"Also kinda gay too. Has balls .. sticks .. holes.."
I said looking at Eddie as his cheeks turned red as I smiled.
"I mean .. yeah.. sure."
Eddie cleared his throat as I used the fridge to lean on.
"And uh my parents are coming and I said you were my plus one."
"But don't you hate your parents?"
"I mean yes .. but hey after the game they have this free dinner with cheap wine. So what's a little game of golf? With free dinner afterwards?"
Eddie walked up to me and put his hands on either side of me. I wanted to be on my knees at that moment with him close to me.
"You had me at being with you. But if they say or do anything to hurt you.. we leave even if that means we skip a free dinner?"
I nodded and saw Eddie smile before kissing my lips.

Lunch was forgotten as my lunch consisted of a brown eyed man named Eddie was served in front of me.

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