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~Buck's POV~

My schedule on the daily since Eddie left was the new way to live my life to get him back here. If not for me but for his son.

I wake up at 7am, get dressed and run downstairs and get Christopher awake, dressed and fed, then at 8:30 am we pull up to his school, I wave bye as he does too, 9am I make it to the restaurant and help make sure it's everything Eddie would want, 10 am I finally eat breakfast myself as I drive in my car to go to Athena's office, 11-1 I'm in her office as we go over the case, 2-3 I'm at the gym. Then at 4:15 pm I drive over and pick Christopher up and we either order in or I try to make food which ends up burning. 5 pm we are done with dinner and I help him with homework, 6 pm we watch tv mostly the firefighter show he liked back in Mexico but I cover his eyes when the two gay firefighters get naked. Sure he can see them kiss but the kid is 10 don't think his dad would approve if he's watching that.. yet. By 7 I help him get ready for bed, by 8 I read him a book he picked and by 9 he's asleep as I make my way up the stairs to fall into bed. With that I stay awake a hour going over what Athena and I talked about. After that I roll over and see any emails from Eddie. With yawn I close my laptop and fall asleep.

~Eddie's POV~

Being back in my old bedroom is weird feeling being instead of the happy memories I had it's replaced with saddens. Wishing is a thing I've done a lot more. I'd pray but I've lost that faith long time ago when the preacher said homosexuals like me will burn for our sins. Sounds like a party if you think about it now that I'm 30.

Rolling out of bed at 9 am with no Christopher to rush to school feels sad too. I loved watching him tell me he is independent and doesn't need my help.

I take quick run back to my restaurant after I wake up, when I run back I walk inside and take quick shower. Once out I see my mom made breakfast as I sit on the table and eat it in silence. Then see the time is 10 am and she's off to church and each time I say no I don't want to go. From 11-2 I'm by myself watching tv as background noise. I email Buck since our first email exchange we been figuring out how to get me back. By 3 pm my mom is back with groceries to start dinner. I help her since I do miss cooking but know I can't open my business down here again. Don't even know if mine back in LA will stay open. Almost at 5 we sit and eat dinner. By 6 pm she's washing dishes and won't let me help her. At 7 pm I watch tv as background noise and around 8 pm she joins me. Then either at 9 pm she'll leave for book club or go to bed. Once she does either I stay up later and watch the firefighter show on mute with subtitles on. Seeing my clock reads 10 pm I get up and go to my old bedroom. As last minute check I use computer to see any emails from Buck. After replying if he sent anything I fall asleep after putting on my pajamas.

At 9 pm on a Friday my mom said she was leaving for book club. With wave of her book I did small wave back. Once I heard her car leave I ran to my room.

I put my headphones on after plugging them into my computer. The computer loaded and it dinged as Zoom popped up. I smiled as it started up and got myself more comfortable in my bed. Then there was the face I knew and loved.


~Buck's POV~

Christopher was sleeping over at his friends house for the night. I had my place to myself for once in well long time. Last I remembered it was before I left for Mexico.

I got comfortable in my bed as I shook my computer awake. As I typed in the Zoom link I got emailed earlier today. It loaded as I ran my hands thru my hair and then saw the face I missed seeing.

I breathed out slowly like it was a dream as I reached touch his face but was blocked with my computer.
"Hey Buck.."
I small smiled as he ran his hands thru his small facial hair. Since it's been a month he grew he facial hair and all I wanted was to touch it.
"God I missed your voice."
Eddie chuckled as I saw him sit up straighter with his back sitting up leaning on headboard like me.
"Yeah? Just my voice?"
I smiled hearing his chuckle.
"Hmm yeah just your voice."
I teased as that made Eddie throw his head back and laughed harder.
"We'll dang here let me just turn off video.."
He took his beanie off and then his screen went dark.
I laughed and shook my head no.
"No come back!"
I had my laptop on my lap as I crossed my arms to pout.
I lost my pout when Eddie moved the beanie off his camera and I saw his face again.
"Aww sorry."
I small smiled as I watch him put the beanie back on.
"Yeah my mom bought an a/c unit and f k I'm cold."
I chuckled little as I played with my hoodie strings.
"We'll I know a way that can warm us both up..."
I looked up from my hoodie strings seeing Eddie lifted his eyebrow.
"I can dirty talk to you..."

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