Thougths OF You

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~Buck's POV~

"You what?"
I heard yelling from my sister as I sat in my now empty hotel room.
"Look Maddie I tried really. It's just we got carried away and one thing led to the next."
My eyes flashed back to his hands pushing me down onto the bed as I smiled. We shared a deeper kiss before we pulled away. We drank more from my mini fridge. Laughter turned into making out again. Making out led to clothes coming off.
"Buck! Evan!"
I snapped out my thoughts as I heard my sister yell my name to get my attention.
Maddie sighed as she looked upset at me and I knew what I did was wrong but it felt so right. He felt right.
"I said so does that answer your question? He's clearly not straight."
"Or he is and realized we f—"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence and make yourself small Buck. Look it's different down there okay? Remember how I told you my friend Gabby and her wife Selena went to Egypt for vacation? Gabby got beat just for holding Selena's hand. Not everyone is like they are here in the states. Okay sure we have the hate too but other countries don't have the freedom like we do."
Then it clicked she was right this wasn't like California.
"And maybe he was just scared? Maybe he's figuring himself out where he knows a place won't accept him for being himself."
I picked up my pillow before smiling smelling Eddie on it still. I used it to cover my face as my other hand held my phone.
"Okay Buck?"
Sighing I moved the pillow off my face looking at my sister nodding.
"Okay I get it. But I'm not going on in today or never. I made this awkward."
"Hey one step at a time. Besides what's the Buckley way?"
I rolled my eyes and smiled holding out my pinky finger as she did the same.
"We help others?"
"Exactly. Even if that help is to be there as a friend. .. oh Chimney's home I gotta run? But love you."
"Love you too."
With click the screen went dark as I sighed before standing up and started cleaning the mess from last night.

~Eddie's POV~

I went straight to work being my mom already took Christopher to school. Walking into the kitchen I went to put my apron on but Hen stopped me.
"Chef Eddie you are bleeding."
She had a towel over her shoulder before taking it off to hand to me. I looked down at the cut as I took it and pressed on it.
"What happen?"
"Nothing it's fine."
She looked me up and down like she was reading my thoughts. My thoughts of last night with Buck.
The drinking with laughing and kissing. The way he looked under me as I kissed his neck. The moment he groaned my name. The way he smiled looking up at me as we ..
I winched at the pain but hummed as I heard Hen calling my name.
"You sure you okay? You look pale as a ghost."
"Yeah I'm good. Uh get back to work I'm going to my office to work on paperwork."
"Okay holler if you need anything."

As I sat in my desk chair I opened my laptop and searched on Facebook and found Buck. Looking up not seeing anyone like a spy seeing I was searching him.

His profile picture was him in a car with a camera blocking his face. As I went to next profile picture I gasped seeing he was shirtless on the beach. The same chest I saw and felt last night. I gripped the towel to remind myself of what we did was wrong. Yet it felt so nice in the moment.

The door opened as I slammed my computer shut and saw the model himself looking at me. I blinked and it was Sammy.
"Chef Eddie umm Buck hasn't came in today and I was wondering have you seen him?"
"What? Why?"
"I.. you .. last night before leaving he said you were giving him a ride to hotel.."
I put my hand under the desk to block the towel as I looked at Sammy.
"We'll I'm not his keeper. He probably snoozing or drunk somewhere?"
Sammy nodded.
"But do you have his number? We have a full bar of people sitting around waiting for drinks."
"Okay I'll go."
"To make drinks?"
I paused before standing up.
"No I'll go get him."

I pushed my chair in before walking out of my office as Sammy followed.
"Tell the others I'll be back. And tell the customers we will open the bar in a hour."
"Okay Chef Eddie."

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