Hole In One

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Warning BLOOOOD !

~Eddie's POV~

Wearing a suit as you golf was a rule according to Buck. Yet I remember watching movies or even at bars back home if they showed games no one was. Sure a button up shirt but never a full suit but here I was dressed up in one.

Christopher was sleeping over at his friends house, Conor. As Buck drove us to his sister's house to pick her and Chimney up we held hands with his free hand.

On the car ride to the golf club I had no clue what the rules were. As Buck and Maddie talked I Googled my answers. Buck wasn't wrong it did sound gay? Even one of the biggest goals was to have a hole in one to hit inside the target.

When Buck pulled up to the resort a couple was waiting outside.
"Aw sh t they are waiting."
"Yeah yeah I know Maddie be on my best behavior."

Buck turned his jeep off and we all got out of the jeep. Maddie hugged their parents who did look a lot like Maddie and I did see small detail of Buck in his dad. Their mother looked like an old picture of Maddie she showed me one day on Zoom.
Buck got out last and closed his jeep door little louder then he needed to.
"Evan careful you can break your glass that way."
Mr. Buckley said as Buck did fake smile and shrug.
"Oh who is this? I thought .."
Mrs. Buckley started as I held out my hand to shake hers. She shook it and Mr. Buckley just looked at me and did small smile.
"Dad .. mom .. this is Eddie. My boyfriend."
Oh he went there.
"Eddie.. this is Phillip and Margaret."
"Hi.. nice to meet you... both."

~Buck's POV~

If Maddie didn't agree to this I wouldn't have come. Even for the free dinner and cheap wine. I'd rather be cuddling Eddie on couch watching soapy horror movies. Yet now I could push this in their face so sign me up. They never liked that I was with guys but I didn't care. Chimney did small wave to them after I introduced Eddie was my boyfriend. Yes I should've asked first but in all honesty it came out before I could stop it.

We walked up the steps to the club house. Don't you love it when your parents visit out of town just to see their rich friends .. instead of their kids who actually live here? Oh just me I'm use to it from day one no day before even I was born.

After we picked our balls, clubs and each of us got a cart we drove to the first hole. Maddie, Chimney and Margaret in one cart. Which led Phillip, Eddie and I in the second cart. Eddie sat in the back of ours as I put my hand on his lap. He smiled over at me as Phillip drove us to the first hole.

When we stopped I saw Margaret see where my hand was placed as I tighten it lightly to prove a point before she looked away. We got out and let the ladies go first. Then Phillip went next as he went Chimney, Eddie and I did rock paper scissors with who was next. Which made me go last after Chimney being Eddie beat us.

Few holes later I was already bored no scratch that I was bored the moment I pulled into the parking lot. Maddie and Chimney were being whispering and being coupley. It was cute but annoying that my parents saw nothing wrong with it. Yet the moment I took picture of Eddie like a supportive boyfriend I was my dad rolled his eyes.

Finally I bent down putting my ball down and did practice swing before walking over to my actual ball. I looked over at Eddie as he was watching me as I smirked.
"Hey Ed's can you help me?"
"Help me .. I can't get this one right. Has a lake near by and I'll lose points if it falls in.."
Eddie gave his club to Chimney as he walked over.
"Then why are we surrounded by water?"
"Rich people like fake sh t."
I whispered as Eddie chuckled and I smiled hearing him actually laughing for the first time this evening.
"Uh so help with what..?"
"Walk behind me and put your arms around me and help me .. swing."
I saw Eddie's cheeks heat up as I smiled and then saw him get behind me.
"Closer I can't feel you or I'll miss."
I heard Eddie mumble something in Spanish behind me before moving closer. Now feeling his body pressed into mine I smiled. His breathe tickled my neck as he leaned over to see my club.
"So on count of three you swing up and the ball will hit."
"Oh look at you Tiger Woods knowing his stuff."
I teased as Eddie moved his hands over mine. I felt my stomach flip with butterflies flutter inside me.
My focus was out the window or more like the ball since it went flying in the right direction. Eddie helped me place the club back down.
"You smell and look delicious tonight."
I heard Eddie whisper Spanish in my ear before slowly letting go and slapped my butt. I jumped startled and heard Phillip groan before getting in his cart. I didn't know what Eddie said but wanted to find out but didn't have time when I had to get in the cart so we could drive for everyone to hit again.

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