Uncle Eddie and Uncle Buck

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~Buck's POV~

It was release day from rehab and I was allowed to live on my alone again. I hugged all my new friends, and TK the nurse who became my friend said I was one of his best patients, off the record of course.

I still had vocal therapy now that I was free from the rehab center. I still had the stutter but the therapist said it can go away in about year or more. Everyone reacts differently and I so far look like I'm on the right track to getting better.

Maddie picked me up with Jee in the backseat as I waved at her and she hid in her car seat. Since they didn't allow little kids inside I haven't seen her in almost 3 months.
"Don't worry uncle Buck won't scare you."
Maddie said to her daughter as I smiled at her. She used her hands to hide her face before I looked back at Maddie.
"So Buck are you sure you want to live on your own again? I can make up a spare room for you—"
"I'm fine-e reall-ly."
I groaned at the stutter and wanted it gone. It felt like a permanent reminder of the stupid thing I did.
"Okay. Just know I'm a text or phone call away."
I nodded as she drove and I finally was allowed my phone again. The whole car ride I hovered over texting Eddie. Haven't seen him two month since Christmas Eve. I guess my sister picked up on it as she looked over at me when the light turned red.
"Hungry? I know a good Mexican restaurant.."
I smiled and put my phone away. I shrugged as she nodded.

I did shower before leaving rehab but I probably still looked like a mess. We aren't allowed hair dryers. So I had to style my hair with a towel. As we sat at our table Jee looked at me. I frowned for split second that she didn't remember me. Yet then I made funny face and she laughed.
"Aww see Uncle Buck isn't scary."
Jee giggled again before I picked up the menu to read it.

~Eddie's POV~

I was cutting up steak for fajitas when I heard the door open. Hen walked in smiling before putting her apron on.
"Sorry I'm late Karen and I had a parent conference for Denny .. and it ran late .. sorry!"
"Hey don't be sorry it's fine.. all that counts is you showed up huh?"
"Yeah yeah I guess you right."
She washed her hands and went over to the stove after drying her hands.
"Oh and umm Chef .."
"I told you and everyone just call me Eddie or Diaz really. I'm not Gordon Ramsey."
I chuckled and put the steak pieces in the bowl to marinate.
"Okay right .. uh Eddie."
I looked up at her before going over to the sink to wash my hands.
"Maddie is here .. with Buck."
I put my hand on the soap dispenser and turned around making the soap fall into the sink not my hands since I turned to her.
"Maddie .. Jee .. and Buck are here."
"Oh? Oh!"
I turned back around and cleaned my hands as my mind went in overthinking.. again.

~Buck's POV~

I pointed at on the menu what I wanted vegetarian enchiladas with green sauce and rice. Maddie ordered herself a taco bowl and Mac with cheese for Jee. The waiter took our menus and left I looked at Maddie frowning.
She asked as I took deep breath before talking.
"You-u could've got your drink it won't bother me."
"Buck I'm fine really."
"Maddie -"
I got cut off hearing the kitchen door open and then footsteps.
"Hi welcome to Chef Kiss how is everything so far?"
I smiled knowing that voice. Blindfolded I could recognize it, I mean I have before.

Eddie was smiling when I stood up and turned to face him.
The double d's I still couldn't pronounce right since my stutter started. I felt Eddie pull me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged back.

I hurried my head into his neck and closing my eyes as I smiled. I heard Jee giggle before saying.
"Uncle Ee!"
I pulled away and wiped my face since I felt tears in my eyes. Eddie slowly let go smiling before walking over to her.
"Hi Jee."
She giggled and reached out and touched his nose since he squatted by her in the high chair. She was soon to be one and she said uncle Eddie. Or something very close to it as he stood back up I watched him.
"She-e calls you .."
I trailed off feeling my voice hurt as I took the water and drank it.
"Yeah .. I don't know it's pretty recent when we started coming a lot."
Maddie said as I did small smile after swallowing my water.

~Eddie's POV~

Feeling Buck close again was like no time stopped between us. He felt like a puzzle piece connected to me. I watched as Buck saw Jee call me uncle Eddie. Or uncle Ee since she couldn't get out my whole name.

The waiter came out and put their food on the table as I watched Buck sit back down.
I wanted to stay but had the restaurant to run.
"Hey Buck can I see you later today? I gotta give you back your jeep.."
"Oh? Yeah.. when-n you close?"
Buck nodded as he picked up his fork as my eyes watched for his reaction. He smiled after swallowing his bite and I chucked seeing him make a face.
"Not good?"
I asked as he shook his head no."
"No I I like it-t just thought trick you-u."
I chuckled and leaned down kissing his cheek and got him to smile.
"I'll see you later?"
He nodded as I went to leave hears Jee giggling.
"Uncle ee and uncle bb!"
Maddie laughed as she held out a spoon bite of Mac and cheese for Jee. Buck looked up at Jee as she giggled again. I smiled before leaving them to finish their lunch.

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