Dinner Diaz

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~Eddie's POV~

On my drive over to Buck's I told myself we would be friends again. Yet seeing him made realize I couldn't do that. I couldn't even travel back to when we were just co workers. That day changed everything after our first night together.

It became a habit like if they had an alcohol anonymous meeting trying to get clean of Buck but I'd give in again and and go back to the source. Kissing Buck. Sharing a bed with him. His lips and touch was my addiction that I couldn't get clean from.

Tonight however as I fixed my hair for the millionth time I kept it fixed best I could do. With door bell I heard my mom yell for me to get it.

Running down the hall and she yelled at me to not run in her house. Christopher giggled I got yelled at. I went to the door and there stood Buck with wine glass, and a smile. Oh and he was in a dark grey suit. My eyes fell to the dark blue button up that was little to much buttons for my taste.
I walked out closing the door behind me.
"Wait is dinner can—"
I felt myself look around even if we had no neighbors for miles I found myself kissing him quickly on the lips. He kissed me back as I smiled before pulling away and took the wine bottle when I saw it slip from his hand.
"Sorry had to get that out of the way before we get stuck in there for next hour."
I smiled more seeing Buck's surprised face.

Walking inside we passed living room as Christopher was channeling surfing. He stopped on the Spanish soap opera of Firefighter Loves Flame.
"Hey Christopher want to say hello to our guest tonight?"
I looked over at Buck reading the subtitles as I chuckled.
"Hi Buck."
"Hey kiddo. Good show?"
"It's okay they heroes though fighting fires."
"That's so cool."
"So what's the wine for?"
I asked as we walked to the kitchen seeing my mom putting last two plates of beans and rice on the table. You think with just four of us here she was feeding an army. I told her yesterday Buck was coming over for dinner.

Sitting around the table I felt Buck brush his hands near my lap with the table cloth blocking anyones view. He did it occasionally and each time I felt like I was on fire and he was the match.
"Where is your scar from?"
Christopher asked Buck as he passed me the enchiladas plate.
"Uh actually this one above my eyes is a birthmark."
"Oh? What's a birthmark?"
Christopher asked next and I smiled taking one enchilada for me and put one on my son's plate. Putting the plate back on table I waited to see what Buck would say.
"I don't really know honestly. My sister said she read that it means you lived another life. It's what killed you in the last one."
"You've lived before?"
"Christopher —"
"Tell him don't fill his head with lies. We only live the one and then go see Mary."
My mom said at me as I smiled lightly before taking bite of my food. Buck looked at me as if I would translate but I did small shrug. After swallowing I looked at Christopher.
"Christopher eat up."
"And Buck where are you from? You have silly accent."
Buck chuckled then took bite of his beans. He moaned as I tightened hold of my fork on my plate. The same noise I heard last night when we —
"London. Joking! Joking!"
Buck laughs shaking his head. I looked at him as he smiled at my son.
"Here and there I've been everywhere. But umm currently I live in Los Angeles."
"Wow that's where they make movies!"
"Yeah and it's even where they probably make that fire show you were watching."
"He isn't allowed it's not to adult."
My mom said in English as I sighed at her time getting angry at Buck.
"And why is that?"
"It shows fire which is dangerous and then has gays. Very wrong."
I didn't have to look at Buck to know he made the dry laugh.
"Aw come on it's good to show them that. Nothing wrong with it."
"It is. Love should between a man and a woman."
"Or two men —"
I warned as he I used my hand squeezing his thigh.
My mom looked at him as he trailed off and he smiled before lifting his wine glass and drank it all.

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