Buck 118

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~Eddie's POV~

As I translated the show I kept seeing Buck as Leon and myself as Anthony. I set my beer on the coffee table as I sat back as the scene cut to another screen. Buck got up and I smiled as I pulled him down onto my lap.

Buck spoke as I groaned feeling my cheeks warm up as he sat on my lap.
"Anthony is hot."
I saw Buck look down the hall worried we would wake Christopher.
"He sleeps thru everything. Doesn't even wake up when I make my morning smoothie."
Buck nodded and then I felt him roll his hips on me and I felt myself groan again, then felt Buck lean down kissing my neck before marking it.
"Leon is more my type."
Buck pulled away and I opened my eyes looked at him when I said that. Seeing he looked almost like Leon.
"And you too."
I slid my hands up his button up as I felt his skin I wanted to mark everything.
"Mmhm especially in this. All night you been looking at me."
"I can't help it if you look at me the same way."
Oh he felt the same way. I squeezed lightly at the skin to tell myself we should stop. Yet I felt the magnet pulling me to Buck.
"Maybe we should take this to the bedroom?"
"I don't have one and I'm not doing you on my mom's."
Buck laughed as I smiled then felt him kiss near my lips.
"Sofa it is but you sure Christopher won't hear us?"
"Not if you stay quiet."
"Me? You were the one loud last night."
I chuckled before leaning up to connected our lips. His hands on my shoulder before I got his shirt off. He helped me with mine and then my hands went to his pants. I moaned when I felt him back on my neck.
I heard Buck say as I gasped before making him make noise. Smirking seeing he moaned when I touched him thru his jeans as I unbuckled them.

Not hearing anyone but the sound of Buck moaning at my touch. I didn't hear the car and the door. Yet I did hear my mother as my brain froze.
"Edmundo what is this?"
Buck froze above me and looked to the door as I sat up some to see this wasn't a dream. Looking back at Buck he panicked and got off my lap quickly before losing balance and fell into the coffee table.
I got up quickly seeing his eyes shut before I looked at my mom.
"Mom call 911."
She shook her before leaving to her room. I got my phone out of my pocket and called the ambulance. As I waited for them I helped Buck get dressed again. I was putting my shirt on when I heard the knock.

I told my mom I was leaving with them and she didn't say anything. Sitting in the ambulance I answered the questions they had.
"Any allergies?"
I shrugged when reality hit I didn't know much about Buck.
"And what happened exactly?"
The paramedic looked at his head by his birthmark seeing the bleeding.
"We were watching tv and he fell off the couch."
I wanted to take Buck's hand but kept my arms crossed.
"Nothing since dinner."

At the hospital I was told to wait in the waiting room as they passed the glass doors. Sitting down wasn't an option as I paced. Two hours later a nurse walked up and said I can go see him.

Walking in the room the doctor was talking to Buck.
"And Mr. Buckley you have a concussion. You'll need to rest, not work, and take the medicine I wrote down."
I saw Buck look at me with small smile before looking back at the doctor.
"Hi are you the friend?"
I nodded at the question.
"He'll need to be watched very closely for the next month with no work."
"What if I need to go back home?"
"I'm sorry Mr. Buckley flying isn't allowed. It can make your brain over react. Right now you need to focus on resting. And we will keep you for the night to watch out if anything happens. And your brain might be little foggy. It's okay if you don't remember everything."
"Thanks Doc."

After he walked out and the door clicked I walked over to Buck.
"Hey .."
Buck small smiled as I took his hand in mine he looked at them before looking confused.
"Why you holding my hand Chef Eddie?"
Wait. No no. I dropped it as I ran my hand through my hair before sitting by him.
"Uh sorry habit."
I lied with telling the truth.
"And thanks for saying we are friends. Like I know we been only working together two months but cool."
It's really been three almost four. I faked smiled hearing where his brain was at.
"So what happen exactly?"
I looked down at my own hand seeing it healed from the key cut. I small smiled remembering that was the next day after our first. Something Buck doesn't remember now.
"Uh you were at my house. We were watching tv and you lost your balance and fell on the coffee table."
"Oh no that sucks. And hey here." He pulled out his phone handing it to me.
"Doc says I can't use my phone. The light is bad for my eyes which means bad for my brain. Can you text my sister Maddie and tell her I'm okay? I don't want to worry her."
"Yeah sure our hands brushed as I saw him look at them with small smile. I knew I felt the spark even if I told myself we can be just friends with benefits. Yet I wanted more but now Buck was at where he didn't remember that.

Maddie: Buck I know you love him. You need to tell him.
Buck118: But how? You said it's not allowed here. And sure we been together so many times but each time feels like the first time.
Maddie: I'm happy for you. But I don't want you getting hurt.
Chimney'sGumTexting: Yeah you should tell him. It's better to tell him and get hurt versus keeping it to yourself and hurting. Without knowing.. that's the worst.

I wiped a tear from my eyes reading the text from yesterday before dinner. I looked over at Buck as he was trying to fix his blanket since the monitors on his finger was plugged in. It was tracking his heart beat. As I got up I helped him as he froze letting me. My eyes fell to his lips as his parted to speak but his phone buzz.
"That Maddie?"
I moved away taking the phone and looked.
"No some guy called Chimney's Gum?"
"Ah her boyfriend."
I faked smile hearing he remembered that.
"Uh he said in less then week baby Han Buckley will be born."
"Oh yeah she's pregnant. Man I'm gonna miss it."
"Hey don't say that."
"You heard the doctor I can't fly for a month."
"Hey don't stress I read that can affect your brain."
"Oh so you aren't only hot chef you hot doctor too?"
I smiled hearing his compliment but he chuckled.
"To be a dude just saying. Anyway yeah I can't fly so there is no use."
I texted Chimney explaining what happen and added.

Buck118:I'll get him there I promise. It only takes three days of driving. If I get the green flag from the doctor I'll get him there for his sister. -Eddie.
Chimney Gum Texting: Hey thanks ! And careful Buck is a big baby when he's sick.
Buck118: Hahah oh yeah? Good to know. Don't worry my son is the same way. -Eddie

I put the phone down and saw Buck looking at me I smiled.
"Uh nothing sorry thought I remembered something."
"It's nothing. Just you taking me to the hotel."
"And ..?"
I looked at Buck bite his bottom lip and he shook his head.
"Nothing. Umm I'm gonna rest."
"Okay I'm gonna go get coffee."
"You don't have to stay."
"I want to."
I smiled before leaving the room. Finding a nurse I asked if I could see Dr. Collins. Few minutes later he walked up to me as I was by the coffee maker.

"So I was wondering if Buck can't fly can he drive?"
"No he can't drive a car —"
"No I mean ride in a car. See before coming here his sister was.. is pregnant and he's suppose to be there. And I was wondering if I can drive him?"
"How long is the drive?"
"Three days."
"He can't be directly in the sun for the first day so that's tomorrow but .. do you know if he gets car sick?"
I thought back of the time driving him to the hotel. As my mind flashed to his hands on me as I drove. I did swerve little but he moved away with smile.
"Then should be fine. But keep him on his medication it'll help his memory come back faster. And when he arrives at the hospital he needs a check up. To make sure he didn't have more damage."
"Thanks Doctor Collins."
He patted me on the shoulder before walking away. I took my coffee cup and drank some as I realized I had to tell my mom I was leaving. With Christopher and the guy she saw above me.

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