One Year Later

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~Eddie's POV~

I walked down the path and saw Chimney leading a blindfolded Buck.
"For the love of God Chimney can you tell me where you are dumping my body. I will have to tell Maddie at least or even Eddie."
Chimney shrugged at me and placed Buck's hands in mine as I smiled at Buck.
"I don't think it's good you keep watching true crimes Buck."
I saw Buck jump as he looked up but I couldn't see his eyes.
I saw Buck's eyebrow lift up with his birthmark through the blindfold and smiled. I led him down the path I made few hours ago.
"First they are very educational and second what the f k is this Ed?"
I laughed and kept walking us down the sand path and stopped at the table.
"Don't move."
"What is Freddie Krueger gonna get me next?"
I let go of him and saw his hand reach out to the air to feel for something.
I walked behind him smiling as I untied the blindfolded. I put it on my pocket with my phone and slowly backed up.
"You can open your eyes."
I walked beside Buck to see his face and saw his hand went up to his face as he started smiling.
"What .. is all this?"
I shrugged and saw Buck go to the table with table cloth and sparkling soda with plates covered.
"Sit I made us dinner on the beach."
"Jesus Eddie this is amazing. You're amazing."
I shrugged again and sat across him smiling.
"You like it?"
I leaned over and lifted his plate cover to reveal this favorite Mexican dish, vegan beef tacos with one side of bean and vegan cheese quesadilla.
"Like it? This I love it. It's so romantic?"
I sat back after putting the plate cover on the side table near us. I took mine off and put it on the table too. My dish was halibut fish tacos with rice and beans.
"Thanks. I thought I do something special for you.. for us."
"You are to much Diaz."
I felt my cheeks heat up as I saw him pick up his taco and I smiled more when I heard his satisfied moan.
"Yep my man knows a way to man's heart is his stomach."
I laughed and began eating my food as Buck smiled over at me.

~Buck's POV~

Getting dragged into my sister's husband car is never a bad thing but until he blindfolds you at a red light. That's when you start question who did she marry and how do I get out of this?

Fast forward to now eating with Eddie on the beach at sunset with no one else around. Now that's romantic and sweet. It's been four months since I got my voice back. It still itches and hurts to speak occasionally but the doctor said that's normal. Plus my throat exercises help not the ones I do with Eddie get your head out of the gutter.

After our food was gone Eddie took my hand across the table as I smiled and held his hand back. We watched the sunset go lower and Eddie slowly got up. I looked at him with smile as he moved the plates to the other little table near us.

I looked back at the beach watching the waves crash and then heard Eddie curse. I looked back and saw he was in front of me. I jumped little not noticing he was close to me.
"You okay Eddie?"
"Hmmh I just .. dropped this."
I lifted my eyebrow and looked at him confused and saw he reach in his pocket and open a box.
"Wait .. Eddie.."
I stopped myself and put my hand to my mouth as Eddie opened a small box.
"I know this is a chick flick moment something so cheesy they would come up. Yet with you I want to do all the gooey ooey cheesy with you. You make me the happiest and sometimes annoyed when you leave the toilet seat up."
I chuckled and did small shrug as he continued with smile.
"But I want all of that and more with you. Will you marry me?"
I understood then the movies got it right I couldn't find words as I felt myself nodding and then felt Eddie put the ring on my finger. I leaned down as he leaned up and we kissed.

I jumped apart when I heard fireworks and laughed smiling. Then heard footsteps as I looked over seeing my sister, her husband, their one year old Jee, Christopher, Carla, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, Denny, Conor, Conor's mom, and Ravi walking to us. I looked back at Eddie smiling as he helped me up.
"So I'll take it you said yes?"
Maddie said smiling as I hugged her first and nodded feeling tears in my eyes.
"I mean have you seen him? How could I say no?"
I laughed and pulled away to hug everyone else. When I got to Christopher I got on his level and hugged him as he smiled in the hug.
"So does that mean for real now you'll be my second dad?"
I laughed and pulled away from the hug to wipe my tears.
"I mean if you'll have me."
Christopher put his hand to his chin like he was thinking.
"Okay yeah sure why not."
I laughed as Eddie was behind me and pulled me in for backwards hug. I smiled and turned around to him as he smiled.
"How long you have this planned?"
Eddie shrugged with smile.
"I think I always knew I just didn't know if it was possible."
"God I love you."
"Not God but I'll take it. I love you too."
I pushed his shoulder lightly and leaned close to barley touch his lips.
"Mmhm come here I want to give you a chef kiss."
Eddie laughed as he leaned in and we laughed as we kissed again. Hearing our friends cheers with fireworks made me happy. Happy I took that trip to Mexico. Happy I got to meet the man who will now be my husband. Life works out if you fight for it and I'm happy I kept fighting for it.


(Thanks everyone !! For all the likes, comments, views and everything!! I never thought this story would reach so many. I just thought share it to myself and bam all you showed up! So thank youuu! Hope you have amazing adventure that we call life. Laugh like Christopher, do your passion like Eddie and listen like Buck. Thank you again!!)

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