Say You Won't Let Go

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~Eddie's POV~

I had four emails saved but never sent to Buck. They all were the same with words I wanted to say to him. Words I wanted him to hear from me but I knew it would hurt. Since it hurt me leaving him alone. Today I started an email for Christopher as I hovered over the send button. I closed my eyes as I hit send. At the woosh sound saying it sent I closed my lap top and got up.

My mom was in living room watching tv as I walked passed her.
"I'm going for a run."
She nodded as I walked out of the house and down the porch. I did quick stretches before running. I had no distance in mind but I let my feet carry me.

~Buck's POV~

I was babysitting Jee Yun with Christopher at school. She was asleep in the living room when my phone buzzed. I looked to see if she moved but she was still asleep. With small smile I picked it up. Seeing it said email from Christopher I looked at it confused. Opening it up I almost dropped my phone.

Hello Christopher it's dad. I just wanted to say I love you. Are you being good for Buck? I hope you are. How's school? I'm sorry I haven't been there but I'll be home soon. I'm helping grandma around the house. The sunflowers we grew are blooming again. I wish I could show you but your computer so old I can't figure it out. I lost my phone so if you need to contact me message me here.
Dad .

I re read it three more times to see if there was any hidden messages like the movies. Nothing stuck out but I screenshot the message and sent it to Athena. Then I clicked reply as I typed faster then my hands could type.

Eddie! We both miss you so much! I wish we could see your face. This is wrong but I'm working with Athena to get it fixed. So you can be home with both of us. Please be safe .. I .. we both love you. I haven't told Christopher you left yet I didn't know what to tell him. But know he is being taken care of. His friend Conor comes over to play and they came out as non binary. Had to explain that one too him with the help of Google. Lol. But we will get you back I promise! Just say you won't let go? We can fight this.
Buck x

Since I was on my phone emailing I had access to my camera roll. I sent two recent photos of Christopher and one of me with Christopher. I hit send just when Jee Yun started crying from her crib. I put my phone on dresser and walked over to her.
"Hey it's okay Uncle Buck is here.. and don't worry I'll bring Uncle Eddie back too."

~Eddie's POV~

I stopped running when I heard waves crashing as I stopped and saw my restaurant in view. I walked over to it and saw it was taped off and the sign said close until further notice. As I walked around the building I stopped seeing Sammy on the stairs with a blonde curly hair guy. They must of heard me and pulled apart fast.
"Oh Eddie? Eddie?"
Sammy stood up from resting his head onto the guy. The blonde guy stood up too as Sammy pulled me into a hug. He's always been a hugger, I hugged him back.
"What are you doing here?"
He asked pulling away I chuckled as I wanted to ask him the same thing.
"Long story.. what about you and .."
"Sebastian... I found my Buck.."
Sammy said blushing as I smiled as the guy did small smile.
"Oh Sammy I'm so happy for you."
"T-thanks.. uh and we are here just enjoying the view. Not lot tourist come here since the police closed us down."
"What? Why?"
"They heard you fled the country and wanted no evidence you were here if it got to America you snuck in."
"But I didn't."
"I know."
"F k."
I saw Sammy's phone buzz as he looked down reading it.
"You have a phone?"
"Can I burrow it?"
"What happen to yours?"
"Border portal officer took mine."
"Oh sh t sorry yes here."

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