Friends With Benefits

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~Buck's POV~

After cleaning up the room from throwing all the bottles in trash. Straightening the bed I paused at where we laid. It was blurry but felt like a Polaroid camera. Have to shake the camera to see the picture more clearly. I patted the bed and fixed it as I sighed. Still in my robe I sat on the edge of the bed. I went to lay back until I heard knock at the door. Perfect cleaning service can take the trash bag full of bottles.

I jumped up and ran to the door as I went to say hi my mouth stopped.

Eddie stood there as he put his hand down from knocking.
"Can I come in?"
I wanted to say a sarcastic remark about why you left this morning without saying goodbye. Yet remembered Maddie's words saying I must help him even if it's as a friend.
I moved to side and holding door open as he walked in. Even in the morning he smelled nice. Shaking my head I closed the door once he was inside.
"Look I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry."
We said the same time as I smiled little before he sat on the bed but stood back up.
"Look Buck I.. I'm sorry really. I shouldn't have ran out of here like that and f k I f ked up."
"No please let me get this out. I don't know why I did it? But I liked it .. us .. that but it scares me."
I walked over to him as he started to pace but I hesitated before taking his hand to stop him. He looked down at our hands before looking up at my face. I smiled when he laughed quietly as I looked down realizing I was still in the robe.
"What it's very comfortable."
I blushed seeing he took step closer as I didn't let go of his hand.
"It suits you.."
"Oh yeah? Maybe I should wear this to work."
I gulped feeling Eddie check me out again but this time slower.
"Nah I don't want others seeing you in that. Wouldn't be fair."
"Fair? What?"
Eddie was now step closer to me as I let myself check him out before my hand squeezed his and he groaned. Not a sexy do it again groan but like pain groan.
"Ed what happen?"
I dropped his hand as he looked down seeing his hand as I saw it a small cut on his palm.
"Oh no sorry."
I went to take it again but he shook his hand away.
"No okay we can't say that word again."
"Oh? Why?"
"It's used to much. But I want you to know I did like last night or what I can remember.."
I smiled as he ran his hands thru his hair the same hair I tugged when he was—
"And I can't do it again."
This time I took step up to him as I leaned in to kiss him as he pulled away. Yet not enough our noses brushed.
I whispered as he stayed in our bubble. A bubble I would stay in if the world around us wouldn't pop it.
"I can't it's not safe. I can .. we could go to jail.. and .."
I moved both my hands and cupped his face making him look in my eyes.
"Hey we don't have to if you don't want to .. but if it means anything I liked it too.."
Eddie's lips parted but no words came out as I felt my eyes drawn to them again.
"But I want to. Okay I lied earlier I really did like it but the danger —"
"We won't get caught. Back home in Pennsylvania I was with a guy who was in the closet."
"But why?"
"I loved him and accepted he wasn't ready to come out. But hey we can keep this a secret and it's not like we are going out. We can just .. do it and see where this goes?"
"Isn't that what you Americans call friends with benefits?"
"I only got friends in that sentence but I'm guessing you said with benefits?"
Eddie nodded as I smiled slowly letting go of his face as one hand went to his lips. I lightly touched them as I felt his hands went to my waist pulling me closer by the robe strings.
I groaned this time and it was definitely the sexy kind.
"You keep talking Spanish I'm going to have to strip right here."
"Do it.."
I smiled and shook my head no.
"But you said —"
"Yes I want this with you .. but only us know and yes friends with benefits.. we can't be anything more."
"I'm good with that."
"You sure?"
I bite my bottom lip as I felt his one hand went inside the robe and went down. I gasped feeling his cool hand on my cheeks and it wasn't on my face.
"Mmhm yeah..but first let me close these curtains."
Eddie moved his hand as I went to the curtain and saw no one else as I closed it with smile. Turning back around I saw Eddie had his shirt off.

Okay so I won't tell Maddie this but this definitely would work. Sure I found him attractive and clearly he said he finds me attractive. Yet that's all it would be right?

I took my robe off as I saw Eddie crawl to the bed. I smiled before following him as I got on top of him I leaned down and kissed him. He pulled me down and kissed me back.

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